You don't know if they are cut out and only time will tell. My dd is a level 10 and it has never been easy, but she has always been focused. She did L4 when she was 8. No idea what she was doing. She did 1 invitational, 1 sectional and then States - nothing to show for it. She L5 when she was 9. She did better, she improved and I think she was in the top 10 on floor at States. She was one of the last kids to get her kip on bars. Tiny little thing too, so vault was nothing special and she was/is so mental that beam has always been a challenge. Never invited to do Tops, killed her... she wanted so bad to do it. At the time her best friend was training Tops and she wanted to do it too, but nope never invited.
L6 at age 10. OMG, her bars were just God awful. Never got to 9 on floor. Vault was just ok. Beam still just mentally iffy! She pulled it together somewhat at States and finished in the top 10 AA. I know she placed on some events, but I don't even remember which ones. I do remember that 8.95 on floor, still couldn't get to that 9, but so darn close!
L7 at 11. Giants, at dd's gym if you didn't have giants, you didn't compete L7! For as scary as dd's bars had always been, giants came and giants came good. Bars really shaped up and it actually became her event. She finally got that HS vault really good. she was still small though, so she wasn't really able to compete with the girls who were bigger and just had that monster punch off of the spring board, but she could keep herself in the game with what she was able to bring. Still mental on beam, but starting to handle herself much better. I think the entire season, she finished in the top 3 AA at every inviational she went to. Ended up being the AA State champ that year. After this season, she started to work twisting on floor and it was a disaster, I mean complete and total disaster. She started to lose any air awareness she had and just doing simple passes like BHS-BT, she was practically killing herself because she wasn't trying to twist, but she was in the air still and I was sick to my stomach thinking she was going to kill herself.
L8 at 12. No twisting on floor, she only survived because she did 2 double salto passes in her routine, but I do feel they still killed her score-wise at States because she didn't twist. Still learning Yurchenko vault. Scary ugly. She was still very small and although Yurchenko is a technique vault, she really didn't have any power. She crashed and burned more than she ever made it. Bars was still the highlight and she looked amazing on bars. Beam was still beam. She fell on bars States and crashed and burned on vault. She was the only one on her team who did not make it to Regionals that year and still fighting the twisting issue as well. Coach said another year of 8...
L8 at 13. This was to be her year, she was going to be amazing. She was blowing out the competition, she had confidence. She had her pike Yurchenko, pretty solid. Bars were beyond amazing at this point. Beam was better, more confidence and she hit more often. Floor, very solid, only doing a half, but hey she was starting to twist. 3rd meet into the season.... broke her 5th metatarsal - Jones' fracture. Done for the season. Heartbroken, couldn't even go watch her teammates compete. This was supposed to be her season, she was going to Regionals. Ugh, nope... her foot took 4 months to heal, out from January to May.
L9 at 14. 1st year of 9. If this wasn't the most frustrating of seasons. Complete roller coaster. Skills here, skills gone. It was hard as a parent. You could see the potential and then you would go to a meet and she would completely fall apart. Mental side of sport killing her. Still only doing half on floor, but at least front pike out of it, so she was getting bonus for it. She always seemed to fall apart at the big meets, so frustrating. At States when she was waiting to salute to compete on bars, she threw up on the mats!!!! I kid you not. Then she ran toward the garbage can and tried to throw up again but didn't make it and threw up all over the floor. She ended up competing last in her rotation. Her bars were amazing and ended up coming in 2nd place. the very last girl to go at the meet took 1st. She did make Regionals and I had her doing one-on-one's with Doc Ali on a weekly basis. She ended up finishing 2nd at Regionals and made it Easterns. A week before Easterns, her she starts to really complain about her elbow hurting. She kept chugging along and then her elbow started locking, sporatically. I gave her the choice, I think at 14 she is old enough to make this decision. I told her I could take her to the doctor, but he will probably shut her down or she could push through and go to Easterns and we can go to the doctor after the meet. She chose Easterns and Dr after the meet. She competed Easterns, she did fine considering her elbow. She fell on floor, but survived beam and had a very good bar routine.
L9 at 15. 2nd yr of 9. It was determined by coach that she would do a 2nd yr of 9. Probably the biggest mistake of this whole gymnastics career, looking back, but hey it is what it is. She ended up having elbow surgery 1 month after Easterns. She had multiple bone chips removed from her elbow and stage 4 traumatic arthritis. she started to be released in August. The last thing back was vault, which she didn't even start to work until November. She pretty much won every meet she entered into, except 1. she was State Bar and AA champion, breaking the State record on bars. She went to Regionals and came in 3rd place AA because she fell on bars (go figure) but made it back to Easterns. At Easterns she placed on Bars, Floor and AA.
Started training L10. Broke finger over the Summer, no biggie, started healing.
L10 at 16. Ready to go, she was looking good. Had her single rail release on bars, Double pike on floor, beam was maxed out at 10.0. Vault she was doing her half, but never competed it. Her foot started to hurt. Nothing major happened, just started to hurt. After 2 meets, we went and got it checked out. Turned out that she had been competing on a foot that had a stress fracture to her 1st metatarsal (no biggie) and a stress fracture to her navicular bone (big deal, high risk fracture like her Jones' fracture), casted immediately. Tons of tears!! She was a Junior in HS, how much more vital can you get. Sport Med dr said navicular fracture is a season ending injury and basically told us to write off the season. It was devistating. Dd fault hard and did not give up. Thankfully since she was able to compete those 1st couple of meets, she was able to use 1 of those scores to petition into Regionals, but would she be ready. that was the $64k question. She ended up being release from the Dr 3 weeks before Regionals. Amazing as it sounds, she was able to compete AA at Regionals. She placed 6th on bars at Regionals, that was it. She just ran out of time, but still an amazing feat she accomplished.
Now she is training for a 2nd yr of 10. Go figure, the foot is starting to hurt her again. I don't think that you can determine if you child is good enough to last through the upper levels, but do they have the determination to work through injuries, because it's not if it's going to happen, but when is it going to happen. Do they want to fight the pain, the mental blocks, the failures they will face. Do they want to give up the Proms (cause they always seem to happen right around Regionals) or the Senior Class Trip (that's dd this year, Senior Class Trip includes the same weekend as Regionals)? I think actually doing the sport of gymnastics is the easy part, it's all of the adversity that they will encounter through the journey that is the hardest part. through everything my dd has been through, she has never muttered the word quit. It's just not a part of her vocabulary.