WAG How long did it take you or your DD to get from rec to the pre team?

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DD1 started gym at 4, preteam at 7, first L4 meet on 8th birthday.
DD2 did preschool class at 3, rec at 4, preteam at 5, L4 at 5.5 first meet just after 6th birthday.
My daughter started rec classes when she was 3, was asked to join "team gym" at 4 and competed at 5 did that for 6 months then at 5 1/2 switched gyms and switched from team gym to artistic. When switching to the new gym she did her free evaluation lesson and was placed into pre-team, this was in July, by September she was moved to the advanced "fast tract team, aka TOPS group and was training 4 days a week. She continued to train through that years compulsory season where at the end she turned 6 years old. After the new year she competed in 6 spring meets at the old level 4 then continued training TOPS and and cleaning up their routines. She then competed a full season of level 4, after state she turned 7 and had been working hard on her level 5 skills, so she competed 4 meets of level 5, and 3 of level 6. She was recruited by a well known coach to join their club, we spoke to our current coach and she agreed that the level at which she was advancing she would at some time probably have to switch gyms, so they advised me to switch.
We are now at our new gym and training the new level 7 and she's 7 years old, she's also been doing a lot of up training. It's been a crazy couple of years and I also understand about never seeing my checkbook.
I do want to say to all the parents.. Hats off to all of you, for making it work at times when it seemed impossible, for being that shoulder to cry on and that voice of reason, for packing loads of healthy snacks and sneaking in that 1 rice crispy treat because you know it will bring a smile to her chalk filled face. You should all give yourselves a pat on the back!! Anyone writing on here truly has amazing children!!

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I first started when I was 8 years old. Went into a once a week rec class in September and stayed until around June the following year. We got an invite to a try-out for the pre-competitive team, and was in pre-comp for 4 weeks, took the rest of the summer off, and went immediately to team at age 9 in September. So it was nearly exactly 1 year from rec to team.
My dd started rec classes right after she turned 3. Right after she turned 4 her gym merged with another gym and the owner put her on pre-team. When she turned 5 she was recommended to train level 4, but be the only child to not compete(because of her age). She was not happy with this, so we opted for the 'advanced preteam' program. She started this, but was bored and hated it. We looked around at other gyms and moved to a much more structured program where she was placed in the level 3. She is excited that she will soon 'FINALLY be old enough to compete'. Next year she will compete new level 3.
DD started a preteam class at 5. Did that for 2 years competed L3 at 7, L4 at 8, L5 at 9 and just finished L6 at 10 an will most likely do new L7 this year at 11.
My older DD had a long path to team - took a mom and tot class at age 2, a preschool class at age 3, a developmental preschool class at age 4, and a kinder developmental class at age 5. We switched gyms at age 6, and she joined the preteam. She then competed L4 at age 7.

My middle DD got there much more quickly. Did a few months of mom and tot at age 3.5 (was really shy and timid at the time) and then did a preschool class at age 4. Then they recommended her for preteam at age 4.5. I thought they were crazy - she had no skills. Well, they must have seen something in her, because by age 5.5 she was ready to compete L4. She competed her first L4 meet right after her 6th birthday. She is now 6.5 and uptraining for new L4 and new L5.

I think it took my older one so much longer because of the different styles of the gyms she attended. Gym #1 had a long path to team - 3 developmental levels then compete L3. Gym #2 does one to two years of preteam then competes L4.
We don't really have the came system here as you. Pink and fluffy started gym around her 6th birthday in December going once a week. She moved to twice a week the following september and had her first Competition in the November.

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Oldest DD started at gym when she was 2 (mommy and me) and was a level 1 before she was 5 (which is early for our gym, they usually make you wait till you are 5) She moved to level 2 by the time she was a little over 5, and then was pulled for pre-team developmental when she was 5 and a half. So it took from Level 1 about a year.
My youngest DD started at 2 as well. She was moved to pre-school class before she was 3, and then moved from pre-school class to developmental team when she was 3 and a half. So it took her like 8 months.
Dd did tap and tumble at 4yo old and caught the gym bug when, at the dance recital, the team girls did handstands and tumbling passes across the stage. We did nothing at 5 to see how committed she was and enrolled her again at 6yo in a developmental rec program/pre team with intramural competitions. At 7, we moved down south and she was invited to join the level 3 team. Now, at 8 yrs old she's up training for new level 4. All that's missing is the kip.
6 months. DD started at 5.5yrs old and was invited to pre-team at a different gym right after she turned 6.
This is from brand new, never done anything gymnastic-related. Her pre team is a level 3/4. They've got most of the (old) level 4 skills, they're just learning the routines, conditioning a lot, and working on their form.
As you can see, there are as many answers here as there are girls. :) In our gym and at States, pre-team is L2 and they compete at L3 (old L3). My daughter did zero rec and literally walked on to the L3 team. She never took a class. But the head coach saw her on the playground and asked me to bring her in. I explained that she had been flipping all over my house for years (this was one month before her 8th birthday). Just based on what the coach saw during regular play, she put in her L2. That lasted for an hour. They moved her to L3 on the first day. Not saying this to brag (I know it sounds that way...I don't mean it to), just that it is completely different from girl to girl. My best friend's daughter started 3 weeks after mine and did it the traditional way...rec for one year, L2 for one year, then L3 at the beginning of her 3rd year.

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