WAG How long have you been at your current gym?

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My oldest was almost 4 when she started and is 7 now. We did look into rec programs at a couple other gyms when her progress seemed to stall with no clear reason, but ultimately decided to stay-and I'm glad. All three kids are participating and improving now.
Until DD became D1 NCAA gymnast last year, she was at the same gym with same HC/owner for 14 years.

I am so jealous! My daughter had I think a dozen coaches in her 5 years on team (although she had 4 different primary coaches during that time.) We just switched to a gym where she will have one coach/owner who we hope she will have until she retires or goes to college.
Our daughter has been at her current gym for a little over three years now.
We started at our gym when older DD was 5 (gym fun rec class) and younger DD was 3 and a half (pre-school rec class). Younger DD is still there now at 10 and a half, in competitive step 5. So about 7 years total.
We have been at our gym for about 11 months. Barring anything unforeseen we will be there for a while!!
Same gym since dd started 4 years ago. No plans to move. I have worked there for three years as admin and team ballet coach, and my oldest son is a coach there now. Three kids in gym. Ds competitive, dd competitive ( she started it...it's all her fault, lol) and youngest ds on devo team. No plans to go anywhere else.

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I haven't
Went to one gym from the age of 4-6 then another to 6-9 now the one I'm currently at 9-13.
It's coming up on 3 years for the current gym. Previous gym capped out at (old) L4, so the move was necessary.
We're just over a year at the current gym. We were at the last gym for more than 7 years including preschool classes, preteam and team. DD just out grew the program and it was a very difficult (but correct) decision to leave.
About a year and a half. My friend/teammate has been at our gym since it first opened.
We've been at the same gym since DD started gymnastics at age 4, and she is 10 now. We have no plans or thoughts about changing gyms, and will most likely be there until she either decides she is done or graduates from high school.
DD has been at same gym since 5 so for 12 years. Same coach for 7 years. we are by far nnot at the best gym in the sate but for DD it is a great fit and without being here she would have quit. DD is a senior this year!!
One gym, three ownerships and multiple coaches! She started at age 4, got a team invite just before ownership #2 and is training 6 right now. My philosophy with gymnastics and all of the changes are we are just "riding the wave."
Rec classes for 2 years (4/5yrs) at a less than stellar gym. Moved to current gym at 6 and did 2 more years of rec before joining the team.

She's 14 now, training Level 9, so it's been 8 years. Can't imagine leaving...good gym, good coaching, good friends. All good!

(though I admit, the grass sometimes seems greener somewhere else, but only to me. And I get that it's not really that green anywhere else, lol!!)
Younger gymmie was 17 months when we began the gymnastics experience - same gym ever since... and she is now 106 months (lol - 8 yrs, 10 months)... so we have been there for 6 yrs, 5 months with no plans of leaving.
2 1/2 years. started old lvl 4 @ age 5. currently new lvl 5 @ age 7. moved here from pre-team position @ old gym & haven't looked back!
We have been at our same gym since day one. We were very lucky and picked a great gym from the start. My daughter has done gym for 3 years and is traning level 8. We have elites so she can stay here as long as she likes and we have no plans to leave. We love our coaches :)

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