How long on average did you spend in each level?

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Nov 29, 2008
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I'm just wondering how long you spent on average in each level that you competed.
i did one year level4, one year level 5, one year level 6, two years level 7, and now im level 8. so i just put one year because that is my average :P
DD did 1 at L4
1/2 a year as a L4 - 5 (she competed at 2 meets as 4 to qualify for sectionals and states then once qualified she competed as a 5 to see if she could qualify. During the 2nd season (jan - dec instead of sep - dec she competed as a straight L5)

She did a year and a 1/2 as a L5 the 1/2 year listed above with the whole season sep and jan. She dis one year as a L6 and is now training as a L7 the goal is to be a L7 in Sept but they have to have the skills and routines done to do that then if they don't then they will compete as a L6 to qualify for sectionals and States. once qualified they will then compete as a 7 for a few meets. When Jan comes they will be a L7. I'm hoping that DD will have what she needs for Sept as a straight L7

Most in our gym do 2 years at L 7 and 1 1/2 at L8 then at L9 most go on their HS gym teams in our area (alot of the HS have them)

the L9 and L10's that do stay usually will do 1 - 2 years at each level.
I spent 2 years level four, 2 level 5, and so far one on prep-op intermediate. Nobody has changed levels for next season though, so it could be 2 years or i could go advance, but my average is 2:D
1/2 year L4, 1 year L5, 2 years L6, 1 year L7, 3 years L8 (injured for 2 seasons straight), 1 year L9, 4 years NAIGC (essentially L9).
2 years level 4, 1 year level 5, 2 years level 6, 1 year level 7. Now i do hs during the winter season for school, so 3 more years of that.
Lets see 1/2 year level 3, I skipped level 4, 1 1/2 years level 5, 4 months level 6 and now I am a level 7. So my averege is less then 1 year.
DD did one year of level 2, skipped L3, 6 mos of L4, 6 mos of L5 and is now training L6/7.
Beth's spent one year in each level so far--level 4, 5, 6 & 7.
Her sister Sami spent just over a year in level 4, one year level 5 & 6 and 2 yrs at level 7.
DD did one year of level 2, skipped L3, 6 mos of L4, 6 mos of L5 and is now training L6/7.

Hey Shawn - OT but tell us about the new gym and good luck! Boo looks amazing on her latest video.:)
Hey i did 1 1/2 years level 4, 1 year of level 5, (technically) 2 years of level 6... but i was injured the second year and only competed half. now hopefully i will be a seven
Dd did 6 months level 4, 2 years level 5, one season level 6 (about 6 months), and so far has done a season (or really half a season) level 7. She's gunning for level 8 for next year, but will probably stay at 7.

Ds just finished his second year of level 4 and will do 5 next year.
I have spent 2 years in level 4, 3 1/2 years in level 5, and i am currently on my 1st year as a level 6. (level 5 was 4 years because i competed one year and didn't level out, was injured the next year, lost a skill so i couldn't compete that year, and the 4th year i just competed 1 meet and leveled out and just went ahead and moved up a level cause i was already ready to compete level 6).
I started gymnastics last December. I started @ lvl 2. Then, after 5 weeks of training, he pushed me up to lvl 3. Went 2 lvl 5 after a month. Skipped lvl 4. Next week, he's gonna test me and see if I can go up to lvl 6. Hope I do. I really have a lot of catching up to do...

On average, I spend less than a year in each lvl...
1 year of level 4, 2 years of level 5, 1/2 a year of level 6, and 1 1/2 years of prep-op, where I will probably remain the next two years. :)

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