How many hours a week do you go to class?

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Dec 21, 2008
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Since in the other forum, they have a poll of how many hours a week everyone goes, I was wondering how many hours a week the adults go. Right now I train about 5 hours a week, but could SO go for more.
I only get to train a little over an hour a week. I take a private lesson and that's all I have money for :(, but I would love to train more if I could.
I usually train anywhere from 10-18 hours a week. The gym I go to is open 4 hours a day M-F and 5 hours on Saturday. So I can train up to 25 hours a week. I don't quite have the endurance to do so yet but I'm working on it!
Generally only about an hour and a half :( That's how long our adult class is, and it's only once a week. I try and make it to the once a month 3 hour tumbling clinic, but sometimes it's just not feasible. I wish we had class 2 nights a week!

i go once a weekend to a three hour open gym. and i try to get two to five ours in during the week. i coach once a week, so i get to stretch and condition once a week with my girls. every morning i do the four of the yoga sun salutations. that way i am much more limber through out the week. i also try to do conditioning at home. i took the bed out of the spare bedroom and turned it into my workout room right after christmas!

man, if i had time like catya, i would be in the gym everyday. i read her post and i was very jealous that i couldn't spend that much time at the gym :)
I've been trying to do the same thing. Even though I can't take more than one one hour private lesson a week, I've been trying to stretch and workout extra hard at the gym, trying to increase my power for tumbling passes with squat jumps onto a step, doing press handstands against a wall, pull-ups, leg lifts (I think people there think I'm a little nuts). I also take an hour of yoga once a week. I think these little things make a huge difference.

I know of a gym about 45 minutes away from me that has open gym time so I may try to start going there too to practice actual skills a little more too. Maybe this will help me be ready to compete or go to camp or whatever I decide to do.
yeah I can't wait until I get on team, because then that will up my work out time by four hours a week. Little things though at a time.....
After hearing how much the rest of you are training and now that I'm training for the aau junior olympics ladies division competition, I talked to my coach and he said it was ok for me to come Thursday evenings and work out on my own in addition to my hour private on Saturday mornings. He also helps coach me for the last 1/2 hour on Thursday before the gym closes when his class is over. I think this will really help me progress. I went last night and it went really well I hope I can keep this up :).
Glad to hear it is going well for you kylie. Did you say you were looking to compete this year? What events? I sadly had to cut back gym time due to financial reasons, but still get a half hour semi private lesson after our hour long class, and there is still open gym for an hour and ahalf. at least when I make team, I will be back up to 5.5, 7 if I go to open gym.

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