WAG How many years- what level

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DD started gymnastics in rec at 7th birthday, got pulled into Xcel Bronze a few months later and competed Xcel regionals right after her 8th birthday. She immediately moved over to the JO team, and competed L3 and is currently training for L4 turning 9 in two weeks. So two years total.
6.5 - started rec
7/8 - 1 yr preteam
8 /9 - old level 5, TOPS
9/10 - level 7, TOPS
10/11 - level 7/8
11/12 - level 9, injured most of the season
12/13 - level 9/10
13/14 - level 10
D1 started at age 4, making it to L6 then HS gym till we moved to a district without gym. She continues participating in the sport as a Jr Pro member (allows them to start coaching and judge)

D2 (2 yrs younger) started one year later, at age 3. By age 5, she caught up with her sister and passed her the next year. She's now 14, just competed in her 2nd Level 10 State meet.
Age 4.5 Preschool gym
Age 5 Preteam
Age 6 Level 4 (old)
Age 7 Level 4 (old)
Age 8 Level 5 (old)
Age 9 Level 5 (old)
Age 10 Level 6 (old) in fall/Level 7 in spring
Age 11 Level 7
Age 12 Level 8

She'll do level 8 again next year.
7.5 Started Rec
8.5 Started Preteam
9 Started Level 3
At almost 10 now she will be repeating Level 3 this year to solidify her L3 skills and gain confidence.
DD started in a mom and me class at 2. Then did rec classes until 5. Pre-team for 6. Level 3 at 7-8 Level 4 at 8, level 5 at 9, level 6 at 10 and level 7 at 11 and 12. So 10 years total 5 years on team. Should be L8 next season if she can get bars together.
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My gymmie is what you might call a "plugger." On her first day of rec, she decided that she wanted to be on team. Nearly four years later, her dream looks like it may finally come true.

Kindergarten, age 4.5: Rec.
Grade 1, age 5.5: "L1" preteam
Grade 2, age 6.5: "L2" preteam
Grade 3, age 7.5: Switched gyms; L2 preteam again

We are waiting for move-up letters, due out any day now. At this point I don't see any reason why she wouldn't move to L3 for next season, but my fingers are crossed anyway!
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10 years old, 5th year of team, competing Level 6 this year.
Started in a kinder class at age 4
Moved to hotshots at age 5
Developmental team age 6
Level 3 age 7
Not sure if she'll move to Level 4 next year or repeat 3.
Started preschool gym at 3. Acted too crazy at class. I pulled her for 6 months then started again. So 3.5 to 4.5 preschool gym. Advanced pre school 4.5-5.5 Moved to L3, two years at L3. Quit for 6 months. Skipped L 4 probably not a great idea in retrospect. L5 @ 8 years old. Then what feels like an eternity at L6. Old level 6 at 9. Optional 6 at 10 and 11. Will finally compete 7 in the fall. She just turned 12.
She has been doing it four years, competed level 2 her 3rd year. Did one meet this season at level 3 and then moved to 4 for the rest of the season.
She is 7. And I am becoming 70 watching the harder tricks that she is learning...:eek:
Started in "wrigglers" (3.5 - 5 year olds) at 3.5 years. Got invited to try out for development (pre-team) at 4 but couldn't start until her 5th birthday. On her 5th birthday, started her first development class. It's now 3 terms later (she is now 5.5 years) and is working on level 4 of her 10-level development program (equivalent to levels 1-2 of the new Australian levels program).
Everyone's journey is unique. It's interesting to read about them. Our DD started at age 2.5.

Age 6, level 4
Age 7, level 5, scored out of 6
Age 8, new level 6 (optionals)
Age 9, level 7
My DD started gym 3 yrs ago.

Year 1 - rec/pre-team
Year 2 - competed Level 2
Year 3- competed Level 3, scored out of level 4.
Year 4 - who knows???
Age 3: Mommy and Me
Age 4: Pre-team
Age 5: old level 3
Age 6: new level 3
Age 7: new level 3

The plan is for her to score out of 4 and 5 this summer and compete level 6 next year.
I agree with you mylittlemiss...every child's journey is interesting and unique. My gymmie went from rec classes at 5 years old to an invite to pre-team at 6. Dd was invited to team in December which will start this summer, level 4.
DD started preschool gym when she was around 3 1/2. Advanced preschool until 5. She joined a training group/preteam at just turned 6. Competed level 2 at 6 1/2. She just turned 7 and is training for level 3 and finds out in May whether she will be on the level 3 team or not.
Very random numbers and time-lines for me to really understand a progress trend. I will like to know the hours per week of training in each level to properly see if there is any correlation between the athletes that stay in one level 3+ yrs versus the ones that moved-up faster. Nonetheless very interesting information. Thanks all!

"Strive for perfection, Achieve excellence"
Don't hold me to this , but it is my best guess as I suddenly feel quite old doing this.
Age 2-Mom and Me, once a week
Age 3-little Hot Shots, twice a week, 3 hours total
Age 6- competed old L3- three times weekly- 6 hours
Age 7- competed old L4- three times weekly - 8 hours
Age 8- older Hot Shots program, new gym,did not compete -9 hours
Age 9- competed old L 5- 12 hours
Age 10- skipped L6, gym did not compete this level
Age 10- competed L 7- 15 hours
Age 11- competed L8. -25 hours
Age 12- competed L 8- 20-28 hours -28 in summer only
Age 13- competed L9- same hours
Age 14- who knows? We still have regionals for L 9 and just turned 14 recently.

So, going on 12 years into this little activity we started because DD was flipping and flopping all of the time and needed upper body strength.
14 years. She was a level 10 before she quit club to do high school gymnastics (too many injuries and coaches who were less than supportive)

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