We usually measure every time we visit the dr, which is sometimes only the once/year well child visit, sometimes more. Gymmie asks me to measure her more often because she is eager to get out of her booster seat.... She is one of the shortest on her team but far from the youngest.
I'm not sure what to anticipate with this one. Her older sister (who generally takes after me physically) was always very petite. Her growth spurt hit right around age 11.5, and she grew 9" over the next two year, most of it during the first 18mo. She is now a "towering" 5'2"..! Gymmie is 4'7" and will be 12 in June... I'm tall, DH is tall-ish, my Mom very tall, DHs mom extremely petite. It will be very interesting to see where my girls end up. I believe DD1 is pretty much done growing, perhaps another inch or so but I doubt it. DD2 will surely hit some sort of growth spurt soon, she hasnt grown much more than half an inch here or an inch there for the past few years. DHs mom is 4'10", and I'm hoping for DD2 to reach a bit above that..!