Parents How would you handle this?

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As an aside, it drives me crazy when parents don't follow through. Whether you're "strict" or "relaxed" about parenting, follow through!

Totally agree! That is my first piece of advice to new teachers every school year. Don't threaten with an action that you aren't willing to see to the end because the first time you don't follow through, those kids have your number!
I would ask him if he knew how Mother Bears protect their young, and then let him know who your daughter is and that you are her Mother Bear :jekyll-hyde: I am a meany like that.

I'd also remove the sword from him, and tell him why. Speak to his Mother when you can.
In an ideal world, I would agree with the advice to address the kid directly. This is what I hope other parents would do if my child were going around hitting people. However, I once had a very bad experience with a similar situation. I was standing in line at a cash register when a small boy belonging to the woman in front of me turned around, looked me in the eye, punched me, and then laughed. Startled, I said "Excuse me!" The woman turned around and started yelling at me: "Mind your own business! He didn't hurt you! If you had any kids you would know better!" (Ironically, I was at this time the parent of a child exactly the same age as the one in the store, but my daughter wasn't with me so the woman couldn't know that.) Since this incident, I have tried to avoid speaking to other people's children for any reason unless I know the parents or it is absolutely necessary to prevent serious harm. On the rare occasion when I do have to speak to a child, I always say something like, "Uh-oh! I don't think your mother would like to see you hitting people," rather than just ordering the kid to stop. So I would advise going to the owner rather than dealing directly with the child or the parent, unless you are certain that the parent won't react negatively.
I was standing in line at a cash register when a small boy belonging to the woman in front of me turned around, looked me in the eye, punched me, and then laughed. Startled, I said "Excuse me!" The woman turned around and started yelling at me: "Mind your own business! He didn't hurt you! If you had any kids you would know better!"
"People making unwanted physical contact with me is my business, lady."
My future daughters will one day avoid such a sword cut, disarm the attacker and hold him at bay with the sword or whack him then hold him at swordpoint until he cries.

But in the meantime, take away his sword, and approach the mother and owner that such actions will not be tolerated.
Things like this bother me so much! I'm going to agree with the advice you've already been giving, if it happens again, say something to the boy, mom or both.

I was recently at the mall with my 4 year old daughter, and we were walking through a store to leave, and two girls were ahead of us with their moms, probably 8 or 9 years old. One of them as we passed quickly walked up beside us and was staring at my daughter in a rather odd manner, and then, I kid you not, slapped my daughter across the face! I was in shock, looked at my DD who about burst into tears, and took off. The mom was totally embarrassed, and I left it to her to take care of it, because I probably would have flipped if I'd said anything. It was a very odd/awkward situation and I feel your pain!
My future daughters will one day avoid such a sword cut, disarm the attacker and hold him at bay with the sword or whack him then hold him at swordpoint until he cries.

I love your future daughters!!!!!
I try to use language that conveys my rules for my family without judging.

Hand on sword, neutral but firm voice w eye contact, "I dont allow people to hit my daughter".

If there's any question from mom, its very easy to say "Families have different rules. I dont know you very well or what your rules for your family are, but my rule is that other people are not allowed to hit my children."

There's really no way to argue with that as long as you are calm and not unkind to her child.

Good luck!
We're talking about a 3 year old?

Take the sword away and hand it to his Mom. Tell her you had to take it away because he was "hitting" with it.

or tell her to take the sword and swat him in the shin...just kidding...but i had to say it. lol.:)

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