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Oct 12, 2009
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So, I created an account... after more than a year reading posts here.

I have a DD 9 years old level 6 and we are in Texas. We are getting ready for all the "Championship" meets right now. District next week, South State at the end of October and State in November. I guess it is time to come out of the shadows...:p
Welcome to your newest addiction, lol. I can't say enough good things about this board, but I know you'll find out for yourself.

I'm looking forward to hearing about your Championship meets, our season starts Dec 4th weekend, so I'm jealous of all the girls who are competing right now!
Nice to have you out of lurkdom! Our meet season starts in December too.
Welcome. I have a DD who is level 4. I posted my first introduction post today as well. Looks like it is a fun and supportive group.
welcome i am sorta new to and i am on the same boat as you
-level 8-
Welcome. My DD is a Level 5. Her gym does not start competing until January.
Welcome. I just joint recently as well. My gymnast is 9yr old and she is level 6.
Hi, we are in Texas also....North that is...my DD is 10 and a level 8 this year.
There are so many nice people here! WELCOME
Something must be up, I have tried to reply to a number of other threads and it won't let me nor will it let me start a new thread for her last meet results.

So I'll try to post the video here.


Still needs lots of little help in the details and a major overhaul on vault. I have no idea what happened there - it is the worst she has ever done. This week she looked so much better so I hope we are getting past that hurdle.
Something must be up, I have tried to reply to a number of other threads and it won't let me nor will it let me start a new thread for her last meet results.

So I'll try to post the video here.


Still needs lots of little help in the details and a major overhaul on vault. I have no idea what happened there - it is the worst she has ever done. This week she looked so much better so I hope we are getting past that hurdle.

Thanks for sharing her meet with us! We commented there and subscribed as well. What a fine little gymmie she is!

Mariposa is right. In order to post in the Parent's Forum, you need to join the parent group. That should solve your problems and will also make sure that the right group see your posts!
Welcome to the CB! I enjoyed watching her meet what a graceful little gymmie you have there!
Thanks to everyone for the positive comments both here and at you tube. I shared them with her last night and she was thrilled. She has another meet in 2 weeks and I hope that we have our vault issues worked out by then. I can tell things are starting to come together for her, but it is hard to tell by her practices as she does SOOO much better in the meets. I mean she almost looks like a different child. I am not sure why she has such trouble trying hard consistently in practice, perhaps that is developmental and she is just not there yet. Does anyone else notice this? For those of you that have this same issue, how have you encouraged your gymmies to put forth a little better effort in practice?
Hi, I also have only posted once even though I'm on here all the time :) We are also in South Texas. My daughter is a 9 year old level 5. Welcome!
Thanks to everyone for the positive comments both here and at you tube. I shared them with her last night and she was thrilled. She has another meet in 2 weeks and I hope that we have our vault issues worked out by then. I can tell things are starting to come together for her, but it is hard to tell by her practices as she does SOOO much better in the meets. I mean she almost looks like a different child. I am not sure why she has such trouble trying hard consistently in practice, perhaps that is developmental and she is just not there yet. Does anyone else notice this? For those of you that have this same issue, how have you encouraged your gymmies to put forth a little better effort in practice?

I see it in all of the younger girls at DDs gym. I was just commenting about it yesterday. My DD is a young 7 and she only really seems to try super hard (form, etc together WITH the skill, LOL) when the coach is watching her. It is all of them though, the 2 9 year olds on her team seem less likely to do it though, so maybe it is an age thing. :)

Vault will just click eventually. My DD was in the 8s last year every meet. At her new gym, she had one weird vault at a meet (just didn't do her normal vault) and then the next 2 meets they were great and she got 9s.
Thanks to everyone for the positive comments both here and at you tube. I shared them with her last night and she was thrilled. She has another meet in 2 weeks and I hope that we have our vault issues worked out by then. I can tell things are starting to come together for her, but it is hard to tell by her practices as she does SOOO much better in the meets. I mean she almost looks like a different child. I am not sure why she has such trouble trying hard consistently in practice, perhaps that is developmental and she is just not there yet. Does anyone else notice this? For those of you that have this same issue, how have you encouraged your gymmies to put forth a little better effort in practice?

I see it in all of the younger girls at DDs gym. I was just commenting about it yesterday. My DD is a young 7 and she only really seems to try super hard (form, etc together WITH the skill, LOL) when the coach is watching her. It is all of them though, the 2 9 year olds on her team seem less likely to do it though, so maybe it is an age thing. :)

Vault will just click eventually. My DD was in the 8s last year every meet. She finally started putting together her run and jump on the board and it is much improved over last year, having a great vault coach is helping as well. :)
Thanks Mariposa. I am glad to know my DD is not the only one who is not really trying hard all the time. She had one phenomenal practice where she worked hard the whole time and I thought we had turned a corner, but unfortunately we have not had another like that.

The weird thing about her vault is that last year, first meet aside (in which she still got an 8.6), she scored in the 9's everytime. I think the coach is having her fix somethings (perhaps arm circles and consistent accellerated run) and because of her focus on those item, the rest of the vault is suffering. I know she said she did a little better this week. We have a meet on 10/24 so I hope she clears up her issues by then ;-)
Welcome to the CB! You'll find great advice here and a ton of support! I have a dd that's 8 and doing Level 6.

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