I have come to the conclusion...

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I think I am obsessed with this site. And ebay. Its actually kind of detrimental, b/c I should be spending this time studying, but I am on spring break, and have no desire to study at all. Instead, I am surfing on chalk bucket, and looking at ebay. Hmph:p
Hey, chalkbucket is awesome! Where else are you going to get training tips and support from fellow gymnasts. This site is better than myspace, facebook, and regular e-mail! :p
I've never felt so at home like coming to The Chalk Bucket! I can't help but check it out many, many times a day. The interaction amongst adult gymnasts is priceless! We get to encourage each other, share our dreams and experiences whether good or bad. I've made some friends here and I really appreciate that. I felt so all alone as an adult gymnast, until I found this website. It rocks! :)
i'm exactly the same-i'm meant to be doing something productive here at Uni and instead i'm thinking of ways to spend my student loan and trying to practise for my next gym class in my room-girl next door wonders why i'm thumping around all the time! Once i'm on Easter holidays though i might have to prioritse revision for my end of year exams over chalky bucket :(
I was on facebook for like, EVER last night, talking with Danielle :p But facebook obsession goes in spurts for me
chalkbucket obsession can effectively replace myspace and facebook obsession! :p
I love The Chalk Bucket! I am determined to do my best to help other gymnasts in any way I can, to succeed. I don't want anyone going through what I went through, if I can help it. If you're curious about my background, check out the newspaper article that's listed in Google titled "Off the mats On to the page". It's hard to not post if I feel a need to help someone out. Yesterday I introduced an adult gymnast from Malaysia (who found me on another gymnastics board), to The Chalk Bucket. You should be seeing her post on here soon. You'll like her a lot. We stay in touch by email. She's on fire for gymnastics like we are! Look for hmwong. She has a lot of enthusiasm to offer us all.
You know I saw your article on NadiaComaneci.com once. That's awesome, LittleLady! You go girl! I feel like gymnatics has been in a rut too long too! It's sad to see this wonderful sport get degraded the way it has been. We used to see beauties like Aurelia Dobre, Daniela Silivas, and Elena Mukhina. After the 80's, it just totally went downhill. All the artistry, originality, and perfect execution just disappeared. :(
Now we have to put up with watching poor performances that all look alike! Hurray for gymnasts like Anna Pavlova and Sandra Izbasa who managed to not get infected by the new standards too much.
And the new COP makes room for cheating, imo. You could get a high score from throwing a quad twist even if your execution is horrible. The tumbling elements really haven't changed from the terrific 80's so saying that gymnastics is more difficult now is just ridiculous. Poorly executed triple after triple...difficulty my butt!!! Proper execution is what makes any exercise difficult! And without the cumpulsories, low caliber gymnasts can triumph over better ones who actually deserve victories.
From the new ridiculous COP to Rhythmic FAKEnastics, FIG just churns out more and more crap. It's infuriating!
I'm with you all the way, LittleLady. There are quite a few people who feel the same way so I'm sure you'll get tons of supporters in your Gymnastics Revolution! ;)

p.s. Don't get me wrong all. I'm not a harsh RG hater or anything. I'm just going by what I see when I look with my eyes. And contemporary dance + handheld props IS NOT gymnastics.

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