Parents I LOVE TOPS!!!!

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She will adjust! And it will be back to bouncy, bouncy! Lol
I second GYMOM :) Although mine never stopped bouncing, even after starting the extra conditioning. Then again she was 4 and I don't think 4 year olds ever stop moving.
She will adjust! And it will be back to bouncy, bouncy! Lol
I know she will be back to bouncing but I'm enjoying the quiet while it lasts lol
Yes, I do love the red face and sweating my DD has after TOPS but she's still bouncing around once we get home. They get used to the hard work pretty quick! Enjoy while you can. On the TOPS topic, how long and how many days do your gymnasts do TOPS?
5 days a week, an extra hour each day, but TOPS skills and abilities are worked into their event rotations. How old is your gymnast? Mine is 8 so she has abilities and skills testing in a month. She doesn't work JO routines anymore. She strictly works on TOPS skills and routines.
My DD is 6 & will be 7 in December. They used to work it into event rotations but then started having it as a separate class an hour a week. She has most of the skills HS on bar, pike up rope, 5 pressed HS and the toe touches but not the flexibility. I think if she was working it every day, or at least the 3 days she has practice, she would be ready to test at this point but that's not my decision to make, I guess. Sounds like your gym does it right. Do they have everyone do the TOPS conditioning (on team) or do they pick certain girls? At this gym, they have to be invited to participate. This is the only gym we have experience with so I wasn't sure what normal is.
TOPS is very selective at our gym. Out of 60 girls on team, we only have 5 girls that will test this year and 4 others that are younger that have been invited to start. Our TOPS girls that will be testing work out in a rotation by themselves so they get more one on one coaching. DD tested as a 7 year old last year. She maxed out on the reps, but never maxed out the score. BUT it doesn't take a max score to make the diamond team.

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