I need help!!

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I have 2 coaches, Coach Q and Coach A.
I've been with Coach Q for a long time but A only recently.
Last week, Coach A made a floor routine for me. It's really horrible.
I hate it but I don't have the guts to tell her so cuz she gets mean about these things.
I want to ask Coach Q to help me make a routine, cuz the ones she makes are nice.
But i don't know when she'll actually get around to make one cuz I'm not a really good gymnast and she focuses more on the good ones.
I have no idea what to do!!!
Please help!!!
:confused: :(
piggie, perhaps you can look around a little on the web (you tube would be a great source) and find a few things to change in your current routine on your own, then talk to coach A about integrating your ideas into the routine that she designed... then you don't rock the boat or hurt anyones feelings AND it will be a great accomplishment for you as well :D Good luck with your competition!
Every girl deserves the equitable attention of the coaches to whom they are paying tuition. Every optional girl deserves a floor routine that she can feel good about (assuming it meets all judging requirements, can be performed safely, etc, etc). Anything less and I'd reevaluate why I'm there with those coaches.

What level and age are you? Are the routines choreographed as part of class, or at a separate time for a separate fee?
It sounds to me like there are two possible issues here, and I'd have to know you or your coaches to say which one it is.

1) Perhaps you're right. Your routine isn't good, your coaches aren't giving you enough attention, and your current coach is too mean. If this is truly the case, I'd consider switching gyms BUT NOT BEFORE CONSIDERING THE OTHER POSSIBILITY:

2) A lot of kids, when they switch to working with a new coach, will dislike them by default, without really giving them a chance. Perhaps your coaches aren't giving you enough respect and attention, but it is equally possible that the problem is on your end; give the new coach and the new routine an honest chance before writing them both off.

I'd talk to the coaches. Or if you don't want to do it directly, ask your parents to talk to them.
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As a parent, if you were my daughter I would be concerned on 2 issues. You have been with one coach for awhile and like him/her, but say you aren't given the time that the "better" girls get. That to me is more troubling than having a bad floor routine. Your parents I assume are paying for your training and if there is a problem with getting adequate time with a coach then they need to know. Write down some examples, but be specific! Something like "last week she walked away while I was practicing to watch 3 others do vault" isn't enough.

As for the floor routine, make a list of its good/bad points. You may find they are about equal. Is it the music you don't like, the dance, is the tumbling too hard/easy etc. While one mom had a nice idea about watching other routines and changing yours, I don't think that is the best 1st step. Sounds like you and your parents need to open up some communication with the new coach and see if you can sit down and discuss your good and bad of the routine with her. You said you've only had the routine for week, so it may be that you need more time to get used to it.

If after talking with both coaches, you feel neither will change the way they do things, then you may want to think about another gym.
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Wow, it went from adding your own ideas to a routine that you are not happy with, to changing coaches to bringing in your parents, to changing gyms, to I can't believe you pay for these kinds of services -without even knowing the entire situation.... I simply got the impression that piggie was a teenager ( I could be wrong) that competes high school gymnastics, level 7-10 usag or just wanted to enter a competition to showcase her skills ( I could be completely wrong) - which are all great - but that she was just not completely happy with the routine that was created for her - this was what her problem was...

She was mature enough to look into it herself & perhaps she just felt mature enough to handle it on her own... I threw out an idea it was that simple - it was not THE idea, just one option - options are always great IMO...

& Actually I did not suggest changing the entire routine... I just thought that her - knowing herself better than anyone else - had some elements that she may want to suggest to her coaches that she could add or change that would give her more confidence when she performed & give her the ability to have a say in what she performs... I know many gymnasts that pay for coaches and still choreograph there own routines... in fact we have a USAG level 9 gymnast in our gym that pays for her gymnastic coaching, but creates her own floor routines and places very well, actually she recently competed in the Eastern nationals and placed 1st in floor for her division with a 9.575 & helped win the team title.
As a parent, if you were my daughter I would be concerned on 2 issues. You have been with one coach for awhile and like him/her, but say you aren't given the time that the "better" girls get. That to me is more troubling than having a bad floor routine. Your parents I assume are paying for your training and if there is a problem with getting adequate time with a coach then they need to know. Write down some examples, but be specific! Something like "last week she walked away while I was practicing to watch 3 others do vault" isn't enough.

This is another thing I'd like to hear clarification on; when you say she only works with the better girls, what do you mean? Do you mean she works with a different group of girls, or do you mean she works with your group, but only with the most talented girls in your group? The former is completely acceptable and normal, the latter is, in my opinion, utterly inexcusable.
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But i don't know when she'll actually get around to make one cuz I'm not a really good gymnast and she focuses more on the good ones.

Be proud of yourself and what you CAN do. Stick up for yourself in a polite and positive manner. You will probably not do your best on a routine that you think is horrible.

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LGCM--you're right we don't know much about the original poster. Don't know if she's just doing high school, prep-opt, or USAG club gymnastics. We do know she doesn't feel comfortable asking her long time coach to choreograph her routine since she feels this coach tends to play favorites(as least in her perception). She doesn't like the routine the new coach has done, but certainly sounds afraid to approach her.

I don't think its in anyway inappropriate for her to sit down with her parents and discuss the situation. They may be thinking everything is just fine. I know coaches usually charge for choreography, so if she is that unhappy then maybe the person that wrote the check needs to have a brief chat with the coach. Just seems in this situation everyone needs to work together on getting the type of gymnastics experience this young lady wants.
i am not american, i'm chinese.
here, we don't go by levels.
we have beginners, pre intermediate, intermediate and advanced.
I'm in the 4th group.
I'm really thankful for all the suggestions and I will certainly follow your (good) advice about the routine.
Thank you for all your help
i am not american, i'm chinese.
here, we don't go by levels.
we have beginners, pre intermediate, intermediate and advanced.
I'm in the 4th group.
I'm really thankful for all the suggestions and I will certainly follow your (good) advice about the routine.
Thank you for all your help

i would just be honest, if not, neither of you will be happy with the results

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