I have 2 coaches, Coach Q and Coach A.
I've been with Coach Q for a long time but A only recently.
Last week, Coach A made a floor routine for me. It's really horrible.
I hate it but I don't have the guts to tell her so cuz she gets mean about these things.
I want to ask Coach Q to help me make a routine, cuz the ones she makes are nice.
But i don't know when she'll actually get around to make one cuz I'm not a really good gymnast and she focuses more on the good ones.
I have no idea what to do!!!
Please help!!!
I've been with Coach Q for a long time but A only recently.
Last week, Coach A made a floor routine for me. It's really horrible.
I hate it but I don't have the guts to tell her so cuz she gets mean about these things.
I want to ask Coach Q to help me make a routine, cuz the ones she makes are nice.
But i don't know when she'll actually get around to make one cuz I'm not a really good gymnast and she focuses more on the good ones.
I have no idea what to do!!!
Please help!!!