I want your IGC Info

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Feb 26, 2007
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Hey all,

My daughters really want to go to an English gym camp next year, as opposed to their usual Gymrep, Fench camp.

We looked at Woodward, but I feel it is too free flow for her and her younger sis.

They like the look of IGC in PA, so what can any of you tell me about it? How do they handle levels, especially kids who are not under the USAG system. How would my girls do in bunk rooms when they will be alone basically, girls are 3 years apart in age therefore cannot share a room.

We also saw the us training camp in NY, but it doesn't seem as "campy" if you know what I mean.

I have read all the old posts here, but there is not a lot about it, I know some of your kids go, so share the knowledge, please!
My daughter went two years ago. I just quizzed her because I didn't remember details.

She said that the first evening, the girls were tested on some skills. Based on that they were put into groups. Levels were not used--they have their own system--Groups A, B, C, and so on. Within each group, there are sub groups--by child's age and size.

My daughter said that almost everything is done with your training group. She said that her cabin mates and the counselors were great as well.

The campsite itself, was beautiful! The cabins were great with dresser drawers for each child. There were no outlets for the girls, though--so leave your clip-on fan at home. My daughter said the pool was way too cold, though! However, Texans have very thin blood! Canadians might find it just the right temperature!

I hope this helps. If you have any more questions, I'll be happy to ask my daughter.

Good luck!
I don't know anything about the two camps you mentioned, but have you considered Canadian Adventure Camp in Ontario? Two coaches from my gym went up there last summer and really liked it. If you want I can ask them about it.
My daughter and I will be there next week. This is our 2nd year, she as a gymnast and me as a visiting coach.

Woodward is very free flowing, not much structure. IGC, very tightly structured to ensure each gymnast can work their best while there. I watched the staff go into a panic because a girl was missing...found out she had gone with the wrong group. They keep a close eye on everything but without the students knowing it.

Hours are 9-3 for practice, then free time until supper, free time after supper until 8 when they have an evening program each night, after that they go to their cabins to get ready for bed.

Kids eat in shifts, called by their cabin numbers every 10 minutes or so...works very well. Food is superb with lots of great healthy choices at every meal.

Pool is heated by the great sun above so if the weather doesn't cooperate, the water is chilly...like mine in my backyard. :p

Kids are tested and then placed in group, then subdivided. Rotation is every 45 minutes with 6 stations. Boys gymnastics have 6 elements so the girls have 6 rotations like boys with dance and conditioning making up the 2 missing ones.

Visiting celebrity coachs make it even more fun. The setting is gorgeous with Camelback Mountain as the backdrop for the camp. Beautiful flowers and floiage everywhere. You won't be disappointed.
I don't know anything about the two camps you mentioned, but have you considered Canadian Adventure Camp in Ontario? Two coaches from my gym went up there last summer and really liked it. If you want I can ask them about it.

I did look at their site, but their gym facilities seem a little sad after Gymrep and compared to IGC. I have heard good things about it,but I rreally think they want an all gym big camp experience.

I'd love to hear what they think though, so if you get a chance to ask, that would be great.
My daughter and I will be there next week. This is our 2nd year, she as a gymnast and me as a visiting coach.

Woodward is very free flowing, not much structure. IGC, very tightly structured to ensure each gymnast can work their best while there. I watched the staff go into a panic because a girl was missing...found out she had gone with the wrong group. They keep a close eye on everything but without the students knowing it.

Hours are 9-3 for practice, then free time until supper, free time after supper until 8 when they have an evening program each night, after that they go to their cabins to get ready for bed.

Kids eat in shifts, called by their cabin numbers every 10 minutes or so...works very well. Food is superb with lots of great healthy choices at every meal.

Pool is heated by the great sun above so if the weather doesn't cooperate, the water is chilly...like mine in my backyard. :p

Kids are tested and then placed in group, then subdivided. Rotation is every 45 minutes with 6 stations. Boys gymnastics have 6 elements so the girls have 6 rotations like boys with dance and conditioning making up the 2 missing ones.

Visiting celebrity coachs make it even more fun. The setting is gorgeous with Camelback Mountain as the backdrop for the camp. Beautiful flowers and floiage everywhere. You won't be disappointed.

That was just what I wanted to hear. Nice that they are placed by skill not by level. Do many girls go alone? How does that work? AT the camp they go to now my girls share a room, but at IGC age is an issue for the dorms.

I think otherwise it would be a great fit and hubby and I could drop them off on our way to some romantic week without them!!!
My oldest went to IGC for the past 2 summers. THis yr she is opting to stay home to attend camp locally with her school friends. She loves IGC. The first year she went with 2 other girls from her team (all same age) so they bunked together but even though they were all Level 6s they were split into different training groups because of their size and skills (determined during testing on Sunday). She liked the gymnastics as well as the non-gym activities, and even the food, LOL.
My coach has an internship at IGC this summer. Good for her; sucks for me cause I don't have a coach that has worked at my level... she is coaching the first half of the summer and she is the trainer for the second half. I'm totally jealous.
This summer will be my DD's second at IGC as well. We had also looked at Woodward, but b/c of the lack of structure, decided to stick with IGC. As everyone has mentioned already, the facilities are top notice, the food excellent, the coaching is great as are all of the extra activities AFTER workouts/classes. I "organized" a group of 10 girls to go... all in ages ranging from 8 to 13. Half are from her current gym, the other half from her old gym, so we qualified for the largest discount. They definitely place the girls according to ability, not level, and you can request roommates as long as there's only a difference of 1 year in age. I'll let you know what happens b/c I THINK last year there was actually a range of 2 years in age in her actual cabin. I'll have to ask her when she comes home.

I highly recommend the camp... not only do they work on their skills, but they have a true summer camp experience as well.

Thanks Lynn, I'd love to hear how your week goes. Reviews from people we know and trust are the best!:)

Love to know how strict they are on the cabin thing, my girls do make friends easily, but it would be nice for them to have each other, they get along so well despite their 2.5 yr age difference.

They are off to Gymrep on Sunday, they cannot wait.
I can't add anything, but just want to say - I WISH I COULD GO!!!!!!! It looks like so much fun :D
igc camp feedback

My daughter and her teammate just came back from IGC. The grounds were beautiful the the establishment very professional. They only allow cabin mates with 1 year difference between them. The cabins had counselors with them at all times. The first day was skills testing and then they were placed in groups. They enjoyed all the "camp"type activities as well. My daughter loved her bar coach, said the food was good, and hopes to go back. Hope this feedback helps.
I highly recommend IGC. My dd went to Woodward for her first year of camp (age 10), and she'll never go back there. Woodward has no clue where your kids are or what they're doing other than the 2.5 or so hours they're in the gym. I went to visit and found kids hanging out in a ranch hand's truck near the horse stables. Kids walk by themselves to the ropes course and it's a long path along the woods. And, no one ever tells you that Woodward's action sports camp is actually on the SAME premises at the same time, so there's plenty of teenaged boys all over the place. The kids can hang out in their cabins, be at an activity or whatever, but no one knows where they are or what they're doing other than the required gym time (which is very short). Dd got way more instruction in her regular 4 hour gym workout than she did at WW; they didn't even get on all 4 olympic events in a given workout.

IGC is much, much better and trust me, they know where your kid is. I called my dd during the phone time, and they knew exactly where she was (and they were right, she was on the ropes course). Counselors move with the cabins and the required gym time IS much longer and way more structured.

While they did ask about levels (USAG or whatever), it didn't matter so much as what they could do at the testing. Once at the testing, the girls were broken down into groups according to their skill level.

Dd thought her cabin counselors were great and everyone got along well. Many kids did come with a friend or two, but everyone got along well.

I highly recommend IGC. The only reason we haven't been back is because dd's coach will only let them go during their one (of two) weeks off from gym because she feels that her summer program is where they should be (and not take time off from that to go to a gymnastic camp). Dd wants her week off to do other things (it was last week).
My DD missed going with others from her gym to Gymrep and plans to go next year, but other WAG camps in Ontario include Muskoka Woods and Olympia. I don't know much about MW - have heard it's nice but also pricey. Olympia is a multi-sport camp and does 1 week of WAG. It is very `campy` but because all of the equipment is brought up for the week, equip and facilities are limited. That said I have never seen so much spirit as I saw there and the girls had a great time despite less than perfect weather. Good luck!
My DD missed going with others from her gym to Gymrep and plans to go next year, but other WAG camps in Ontario include Muskoka Woods and Olympia. I don't know much about MW - have heard it's nice but also pricey. Olympia is a multi-sport camp and does 1 week of WAG. It is very `campy` but because all of the equipment is brought up for the week, equip and facilities are limited. That said I have never seen so much spirit as I saw there and the girls had a great time despite less than perfect weather. Good luck!

What week were her team at Gymrep, my oldest was in a group with some girls from Kingston who she thought were just awesome. She was there week 2.

My girls are going back for their 2nd week on Sunday.

I think we will be trying IGC next year, unless I hear negatives, as then Hubby and I can go to Philly for the week, we have always wanted to visit the city.
Summer Camp

Have you looked at MUSKOKA WOODS SUMMER CAMP, located in ROSSEAU, ONTARIO.

Have you looked at MUSKOKA WOODS SUMMER CAMP, located in ROSSEAU, ONTARIO.


I have it looks lovely, somewhat like Woodward, but the girls really don't want to go to a multisport camp, too many other kids (as in skaters etc) and programmes. Oldest is not into boys yet, I am sure her choices would change in a year or so, but I tend to agree with her.:)

IGC is somewhat like Gymrep, only gymnastics with other things thrown in.
I have it looks lovely, somewhat like Woodward, but the girls really don't want to go to a multisport camp, too many other kids (as in skaters etc) and programmes. Oldest is not into boys yet, I am sure her choices would change in a year or so, but I tend to agree with her.:)

IGC is somewhat like Gymrep, only gymnastics with other things thrown in.
HI Bog... just wanted to let you know that it looks like Katy is having a wonderful time (again). I've been viewing the daily photo postings on their secure website. We leave here tomorrow to pick her up Saturday a.m. As someone else mentioned they DO only allow 1 year in age difference between cabin mates. BUT the first day they do all kinds of "team" building activities so no one feels like a "stranger" after that. I've seen a few pics of DD w/her workout group, but I don't recognize anyone from either her current or old gym in her workout group. I'll have to ask her about that when I see her.

I don't think you'd be making a mistake at all by sending her to IGC. Even the shyest girl will make friends quickly, and they're moving about so much with their cabin counsellors, or their workout groups. And yes, the staff knows where your child is at all times!

HI Bog... just wanted to let you know that it looks like Katy is having a wonderful time (again). I've been viewing the daily photo postings on their secure website. We leave here tomorrow to pick her up Saturday a.m. As someone else mentioned they DO only allow 1 year in age difference between cabin mates. BUT the first day they do all kinds of "team" building activities so no one feels like a "stranger" after that. I've seen a few pics of DD w/her workout group, but I don't recognize anyone from either her current or old gym in her workout group. I'll have to ask her about that when I see her.

I don't think you'd be making a mistake at all by sending her to IGC. Even the shyest girl will make friends quickly, and they're moving about so much with their cabin counsellors, or their workout groups. And yes, the staff knows where your child is at all times!


Lynn, I can't wait to hear about your DD's week, I love that you can occasionally "see" her without making a phone call. We really like the gym only approach of IGC.

My girls only worry is that the skills testing can be wierd in the US as our Quebec system doesn't require the same skills. Like little Bog is trying very hard to get her flyaway, but she doesn't need her kip, though is close. On floor a front tuck is not needed or a back extension roll.

I know when team mates went to Woodward they got stuck in level 5 on bars as they didn't have their clear hips, here it is never a required skills, we can get to level 8 ish without it! The USAG compulsory system is very constraining, especially when your kids don't use it.:D

I guess I'll have to email to check.
Hi Bog... well, DD came home today VERY excited (once again) about her week at IGC. She talked for 2 hours nonstop and then fell asleep in the van on the ride home! Also, I wanted to let you know that we saw about 4 license plates from Ontario!!! Many from Massachusettes as well.

Regarding the evaluations.... I asked Katy about that specifically since I saw that she wasn't in a workout group w/her other teammates (gotta love the online photo gallery!). She said that they DO ask what your last competitive level was. But I'm sure since they get girls from all over the place, they're familiar with out systems. One girl in Katy's cabin was even from Mexico!

Anyway, then they ask you to perform certain skills. Because DD already has her RO BHS BackTuck and is working on the layout, that separated her from her old teammates. She was fine w/it b/c she got to work on her "front fulls" into the pit. And she was able to do her BHS on the low beam w/no mats! Who knows if that will translate to her own workouts at her gym this week, but it is exciting for them to be able to work on something way above what they've been able to do at home.

Sorry, back to the evaluations... they did ask the girls to demonstrate a cast handstand (Katy can't get up there yet), show how high they can cast, and I can't remember what else. She was then placed in a workout group of 6 girls to one coach. Great ratio! They work out w/this same group all week, but have a different coach for different events.

Then DD went on and on about all of her activities, the skits (her cabin won that one), the strength, handstand and flexibility contests. 3 girls from each cabin are chosen to participate in the contests. DD was chosen to do the strength one, but she didn't win it. She had a great time doing it though!

Let's see... oh, this year she got to do "scary aerie"... it's a 40 foot rock wall that the girls climb up, then cross a "balance beam" (same heigh off the ground), and then ride a zip wire across the lake to land on the other side. Of course they're safely harnessed in the whole time. She didn't get to do it last year b/c it rained every single day at camp.

She also got to do the "trapeze". I can only say check out the catalogue to see what I'm talking about. She said it was kind of scary at first but soooo much fun, and then she did a flyaway off the trapeze bar! Good for her.

They had the camp dance, and staff skits, I can't even remember what else. Oh and DD also said the food was great again. They had 3 or 4 types of pastas every night in addition to the "main" entree and all the fruits and veggies as well. Katy said she made sure to have a fruit in the a.m. and something green w/dinner every night.

O.K. I think I've rambled on enough about this now. As you can guess, I highly recommend it!


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