A formal "job" might not be doable, but there's always work to be done somewhere that somebody will pay for! Lawn mowing, dog walking, weed wacking, arts and crafts, babysitting, etc.
A bit of advice: do some research into local businesses that offer the same services you do, and undercut them by 50 cents/hour; refuse to go any lower than this. For example, if the cheapest local landscaping service charges $20/hour for lawn mowing, offer to do it for $19.50.
If you have no minimum price, you have no negotiating power. Young people tend to underestimate the value of their time; don't fall into this trap. You decide what your time and labor are worth, and you should never be afraid to walk away from somebody who won't meet your minimum needs (this is good practice for adult life as well -- all jobs will underpay you if you let them).