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Aug 11, 2007
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Hi, My Name is Joye and I have a 2 year old daughter name Katey, she will be 3 next month! We are both VERY NEW to Gymnastics and cant wait to see how far it will go!! We have been in a "Mommy and Me Gymnastics class" at the Local YMCA for a 3 weeks now! It is pretty neat, we go twice a week for an hour and Katey LOVES it! I should have known because Katey starting walking at 7 months and doing flips and cartwheels since she was 18 months! We watched the movie "Stick It" when it first came out on DVD, Katey was 19 months old and she was trying to imitate the moves the girls were doing, including throwing thier arms up
when they are finished (what ever that is called)! At Katey's third Class, her teacher spoke to me about starting Katey in a more structured Class because she sees that Katey has the natural ability to be a gymnast! She also said that I need to start her early as possible... I am not exactly sure what that is going to be like! We are moving to CT at the first of Oct.! So hopefully she will start classes as soon as possible and we will see how that goes! I am so excited to have found this place I have a lot to learn as a "New Gymnast Mom" along with my little Tumblebug and cant wait to get started!!

Hope all is well with everyone and Good Luck with any and every upcoming event!!
Hi there. glad your daughter is having fun. As a side note, the end of a routine where the gymnast finishes arms up is called a salute.
Hi Joye,
Welcome to the CB! My daughter started gymnastics at about 3 yrs old as well. We signed her up because she was running full length of our Living room and flipping over her hands. She went onto pre-team at age 5 and started Level 4 by age 6. We are now getting ready to compete at age 6 1/2. She spends 11 hours in the gym now and wishes she could be in there longer some days. Good luck to you & your daughter, this has been a great place for learning about gymnastics, meeting other moms, and having a place to share those brags that most of your regular non-gym friends won't understand, LOL
Hi there. glad your daughter is having fun. As a side note, the end of a routine where the gymnast finishes arms up is called a salute.

Thank You....(A salute...I will remember that from now on! Thanks!!)

Hi Joye,
Welcome to the CB! My daughter started gymnastics at about 3 yrs old as well. We signed her up because she was running full length of our Living room and flipping over her hands. She went onto pre-team at age 5 and started Level 4 by age 6. We are now getting ready to compete at age 6 1/2. She spends 11 hours in the gym now and wishes she could be in there longer some days. Good luck to you & your daughter, this has been a great place for learning about gymnastics, meeting other moms, and having a place to share those brags that most of your regular non-gym friends won't understand, LOL

Hi There I am so glad that your Daughter is Loving Gymnastics and is doing very well at a young age!!! That is AWESOME!! I hope she keeps up the good work!!

Kt is now standing on her hands (for a few seconds) and flipping over (among other scary things)! It scares me to death so I figured need to go ahead and put her in Gymnastics to let her learn the Propper way to do it!! Because she is not going to stop and that way I can stop fearing all the stuff she does!! LOL!! Everyday she ask to wear her "nastics" (gymnastics) and go to the gym! Its helping Potty training big time also!!

Thanks for the Good Luck wishes.....I hope to learn a lot from this place for me and my daughter and I LOVE hearing about all the AWESOME stuff thats going on with everyone!!

Again....Good Luck to you and your Daughter!!
Good Luck

Congratulations! Gymnastics is an awesome sport. I am going to be a bit pretentious and parental in what I have to say, but I wish someone had told me what I am going to tell you 14 years ago. My daughter also started the sport at 3 over 14 years ago and exhibited many of the same things your daughter is showing. She is now on her way to a top gymnastics University on a full gymnastics scholarship. It never would have happened if she didn't continue to love the sport through the tough times, of which there are many. That's the good news. Now the bad news. You will find out that these tendencies exhibited by your daughter will have little or no bearing on her long term success in this sport. Of the 200+ girls who started competing with my daughter at level 5 in her age group, many of whom were much more athletiically gifted than our daughter at the time, there are less than 10 still in the sport. Most drop out by level 6. Level 8 takes care of most of the rest. Of those remaining, only a small handful will be successful level 10s, and less than 200 nationally each year will get a chance to compete in college. Don't even think about the Olympics. You have a better chance of getting struck by lightning than having your daughter complete the unbelievable ordeal to reach that level. Be prepared to deal with coaches. Many will tell you your daughter is the next Shannon Miller. Maybe she is, but probably she is not. Coaches can also be very controlling and in some cases abusive. You as a parent need to know where to draw the line. Please remeber these words - ANY COACH OR GYM CAN BE REPLACED! Do not get overly involved. It is easy to do in this sport and you will see plenty of the crazy gym moms and dads, though mostly moms. Every gym has them. Do not make friends with them! Over the years we have seen such parents and very few children of these parents remain in the sport very long. These parents are usually placing unrealistic expectations on their kids and the kids learn to hate the sport and quit. This is a fantastic sport and beautiful to watch. It teaches so many great life lessons and can prepare your daughter for success in life. Be you daughter's number one fan and let her find her own love for what she is doing. Best of luck to your daughter.:D
So well put AZ! And best wishes to your dd in her college career---you need to keep us updated.

Ktsmom---its great your little one has found an activity she enjoys, but remember she is only 2 yrs old. That is just a toddler and in the world of gymnastics, still a baby. Her physical development will only let her learn certain skills at certain ages. Have fun with her in the Mommy and Me class because after that, most gyms have the 3yo and older kids in classes without mom or dad on the gym floor. These classes are designed to work on some very basic neuromuscular skills(not gymnastics primarily), socialization and things like learning colors etc. Don't be reluctant to let her try other sports or activities. If that love for gymnastics is there, it will still be there if she takes a few months off to practice for a dance recital or whatever. This is the time of exploration---for her and for you.

I would take issue with any coach who after 3 classes told the parent of a 2yo that she needed more "structured classes"---in anything! At the age of 2 nobody knows what the future is for a child in any sport. When you move, look for gyms with nice progression based on age/ability. AZgymparent had it so right that the drop out rate from gymnastics is huge. Take it one step at a time and enjoy the experience with her.

BTW--Welcome to CB and thanks for reminding many of us, how we all got started in this sport! And yes, it solved the potty training issue for us as well:)
Thank you

Thank you GLM! She will be competing for the University of Arizona in 08-09 so we have one more club season left! It went by so fast. Best of luck to your dd as well. It sounds like she has a great support system at home. :D
Congratulations! Gymnastics is an awesome sport. I am going to be a bit pretentious and parental in what I have to say, but I wish someone had told me what I am going to tell you 14 years ago. My daughter also started the sport at 3 over 14 years ago and exhibited many of the same things your daughter is showing. She is now on her way to a top gymnastics University on a full gymnastics scholarship. It never would have happened if she didn't continue to love the sport through the tough times, of which there are many. That's the good news. Now the bad news. You will find out that these tendencies exhibited by your daughter will have little or no bearing on her long term success in this sport. Of the 200+ girls who started competing with my daughter at level 5 in her age group, many of whom were much more athletiically gifted than our daughter at the time, there are less than 10 still in the sport. Most drop out by level 6. Level 8 takes care of most of the rest. Of those remaining, only a small handful will be successful level 10s, and less than 200 nationally each year will get a chance to compete in college. Don't even think about the Olympics. You have a better chance of getting struck by lightning than having your daughter complete the unbelievable ordeal to reach that level. Be prepared to deal with coaches. Many will tell you your daughter is the next Shannon Miller. Maybe she is, but probably she is not. Coaches can also be very controlling and in some cases abusive. You as a parent need to know where to draw the line. Please remeber these words - ANY COACH OR GYM CAN BE REPLACED! Do not get overly involved. It is easy to do in this sport and you will see plenty of the crazy gym moms and dads, though mostly moms. Every gym has them. Do not make friends with them! Over the years we have seen such parents and very few children of these parents remain in the sport very long. These parents are usually placing unrealistic expectations on their kids and the kids learn to hate the sport and quit. This is a fantastic sport and beautiful to watch. It teaches so many great life lessons and can prepare your daughter for success in life. Be you daughter's number one fan and let her find her own love for what she is doing. Best of luck to your daughter.:D

Hi,I am so glad that your daughter stuck with it and is doing very well!!

I appreciate everything you posted....

Believe me I watched friends be pushed and parents push thier kids to do sports, pageants and music and it was horrible! I was never pushed to do anything if I didnt want too! Nor will I do it to my Daughter!! If that is what she wants the you best believe that Me and Her Dad will be her Number One Fans!!!!

Oh and about the Olympics.....I cant even tell you when is the last time I watched them (Gasp-Horrible, I know) much less thinking about watching my 2 year compete in them when she is older!! LOL!!

That is why I said in my "Intro" that we are new, its what she is loving to do NOW and we will see how it goes!!

But I hope that I didnt come off as a Mom that is not going to look out for the BEST Interest in My Daughter or trying to live through her?! This is not the case here!! I am only signed my Daughter up because I am a stay at home Mom and figured it would be FUN to do and keep her active!!

Gosh I hope everyone doesnt think Im that type of Mom!!

IM NOT!!!!

No Way

No way did you come off like that and I hope you didn't think I thought you were. You sound like you have the right attitude to help your dd last a long time in this sport if that is what she wants to do. There is nothing wrong with being excited about what your dd can do and about the progress she will make. I just wanted to give you the heads up I wish I had when my daughter started in the sport. You will hear so much stuff around the gym from other parents and the coaches and its easy to get wrapped up in it when you are new to the sport. It gets worse when your dd starts to compete. Truth be told, there is not one meet your daughter will compete in or score she will receive before level 10 that matters regarding her potential college chances, so enjoy! Gymnastics starts and ends at level 10 or elite for kids who want to take it beyond club level, and believe me then it gets stressfull!. The cheerleading squads of America are full of level 4, 5, 6, 7 8 and 9 state gymnastics champs. The point is that some detachment is necessary and it doesn't sound like you will have any problems with that. Funny story re: the Olympics, we actually took our daughter to the Olympics in 2004. At this time she was 13, a second year level 10 and considering the elite testing. After she saw the gymnastics in Athens, her impression was that it was just another gym meet and she had no further interest pursuing the elite path when we got back. Unfortunately, the Olympics are becoming less and less relevant in our society and after going to one I can see why. It's not nearly as exciting when you are there as the hype the networks give it on TV. During the first week, there was hardly anyone at any of the events and tickets were literally being given away, even for the gymnastics. But every young gymnast and seemingly their parents believe they are going some day. Until you are in this sport for many years do you realize what an incredibly grouling path these girls must take and one that I do not even believe is healthy. Anyway, thank you for your best wishes for our daughter and best of luck. It truly is a great sport!
So well put AZ! And best wishes to your dd in her college career---you need to keep us updated.

Ktsmom---its great your little one has found an activity she enjoys, but remember she is only 2 yrs old. That is just a toddler and in the world of gymnastics, still a baby. Her physical development will only let her learn certain skills at certain ages. Have fun with her in the Mommy and Me class because after that, most gyms have the 3yo and older kids in classes without mom or dad on the gym floor. These classes are designed to work on some very basic neuromuscular skills(not gymnastics primarily), socialization and things like learning colors etc. Don't be reluctant to let her try other sports or activities. If that love for gymnastics is there, it will still be there if she takes a few months off to practice for a dance recital or whatever. This is the time of exploration---for her and for you.

I would take issue with any coach who after 3 classes told the parent of a 2yo that she needed more "structured classes"---in anything! At the age of 2 nobody knows what the future is for a child in any sport. When you move, look for gyms with nice progression based on age/ability. AZgymparent had it so right that the drop out rate from gymnastics is huge. Take it one step at a time and enjoy the experience with her.

BTW--Welcome to CB and thanks for reminding many of us, how we all got started in this sport! And yes, it solved the potty training issue for us as well:)

Hi Thanks so much for the Welcome!!

Believe daughter reminds everyday me that she is 2 and that
she does have a mind of her own (potty trainging, terrible two's, etc.)lol!
Im not going to limit her to what she wants to do! As long as it is what she wants to we will be there!! Right now this is the Only Sport that she is old enough to do and she is interested in it! So When she becomes old enough we are going to try everything that she can! I went to the first class (and still do) thinking if she doesnt like it we wont go back... at least we tried...Maybe when she gets a little older we will try it again!I thought it would be good to get her into something active, meet other little ones, and get out of the house!!

About having an issue with the teacher.....
The teacher just noticed that Katey was really the only one (out of 15 kids, same kids every class) that really wanted to participate (listens) and try out all the equipment...since it is just a "Mommy and Me" type class! While others
wanted their Mommy to be right beside them, holding their hand and/or doing their own thing...(dont get me wrong there is NOTHING wrong with that)!!When I went to help Katey (on the low beam) she told me "No Mommy, I do it myself" so I just stayed close,lol!! She is one of the youngest in the class!

Im sure that the teacher wasnt thinking oh she will be a Olympic Gold Medalist or anything! She just sees that Katey might would do better in more structured classes (such as what you described in your post)than the "Mommy and Me" classes!! She just wants me to let Katey try it out incase she can/wants to go far with Gymnasts!! Doesnt hurt to try, Right?

But like you wrote...Two year olds are still a baby (like with most things) and I know that!! I also know that if next week, month or even year she does not want to do Gymnastics then that will be fine by me, as long as she is Healthy and Happy!!!

Im just enjoying all the things we do together and all the time that I get to spend with her!!
Hey Joye,

just wanted to say a great big welcome!!! Bet your little one is as cute as a bug... my daughter started fun mommy & me classes when she was just under 2, then (thank goodness) they started this 3 all me class at gym, and I actually got to sit it out :D LOVED the mommy & me time, but also LOVED the 3 all me time .... now, well, I kinda miss the mommy & me classes :p- my dd is almost 6 & really enjoys gymnastics as well, the next few years get even funner when they start to develop their new skills! If she is already showing signs of being great at gymnastics chances are she is naturally athletic and will be great at (& LOVE) lots of different things. Good luck then cuz then they never know what to choose.... Gymnastics is truly a beautiful sport that through my dd I have really come to appreciate as well, hope you learn to enjoy it as much. talk to ya soon - nic

ps - I have no idea how the olympics got brought into your intro, you said hello & a welcome would have been more appropriate IMO... why the word gymnastics seems to mean "Olympics Dreams" to some people is way beyond me:rotfl:, I hear many parents mention it, but I have never heard a coach utter the words... it sounds to me that you are a new gym mom, and just want to learn more about this really great sport so welcome & hope you enjoy the CB:D.
I love what was said about not making friends with the crazy gym parents-my parents can't even stand to sit next to most of the other parents because they are so harsh and ask me every weekend if they're putting too much pressure on me.
Hey Joye,

just wanted to say a great big welcome!!! Bet your little one is as cute as a bug... my daughter started fun mommy & me classes when she was just under 2, then (thank goodness) they started this 3 all me class at gym, and I actually got to sit it out :D LOVED the mommy & me time, but also LOVED the 3 all me time .... now, well, I kinda miss the mommy & me classes :p- my dd is almost 6 & really enjoys gymnastics as well, the next few years get even funner when they start to develop their new skills! If she is already showing signs of being great at gymnastics chances are she is naturally athletic and will be great at (& LOVE) lots of different things. Good luck then cuz then they never know what to choose.... Gymnastics is truly a beautiful sport that through my dd I have really come to appreciate as well, hope you learn to enjoy it as much. talk to ya soon - nic

ps - I have no idea how the olympics got brought into your intro, you said hello & a welcome would have been more appropriate IMO... why the word gymnastics seems to mean "Olympics Dreams" to some people is way beyond me:rotfl:, I hear many parents mention it, but I have never heard a coach utter the words... it sounds to me that you are a new gym mom, and just want to learn more about this really great sport so welcome & hope you enjoy the CB:D.

Hi Thanks so much for the big Welcome!! I am so glad to be a part of this forum!

I am loving the "Mommy and Me Class" except Katey does everything on her own or with her teacher! LOL! But I am enjoying watching all that she is doing/learning while I can! Well, Katey just Loves to Run, Tumble and Jump!
She is very active and loves "showing off" LOL!! So We will see how all this goes! I am sure that she will want to try every sport possible when she gets older!!
She is a little "Thrill Seeker" and I hope (like all parents towards their kids)
she has fun with whatever she does!!

Oh, about the "Olympics" Someone posted "Don't even think about the Olympics." to a reply to My "Intro"! I never even posted ANYTHING about Oylmpics!!LOL!! I posted back that I cant even remember when the last time I watched the Olypics, much less have it in my head that Katey will compete in them!! LOL!! She was just trying to be helpful, but I didnt want people to think that I was that type of parent she was describing in her post/reply to me!

I am just here to learn the basics and talk/chat with other Mom's and hear about the exciting things going on with their little ones (and older kids too)!!!!

Well I hope your little oe enjoys Gymnastics and with whatever she wants to do!
Good Luck!!

I am just here to learn the basics and talk/chat with other Mom's and hear about the exciting things going on with their little ones (and older kids too)!!!!:)

I totally got that from your original post, absolutely nothing more :p... apparently gym parents - even though most posters on this board ARE gym parents LOL, have a pretty bad rap... good luck to your little one as well & can't wait to hear more about her progress - nic
ROTFLMAO about the rule not making friends with the other gym moms. I figured this rule out right away. When we were making that crucial decision if we should allow our daughter to move up last year, I tried talking to some of the other pre-team moms & also ones that had daughters on the team already. I honestly wanted to know if the pre-teamer moms had the same concerns as I did (hours, age, maturity tuition, ect...) and if the L4 moms were happy & their daughters happy being on the team & being in the gym for such LONG hours. I found that several moms told me one thing but did another. One told me that she wasn't moving her dd and gave some excuse, but by the following week had indeed moved her up. A couple others also did not anguish over the move like I was and also moved their DD's up. Then they couldn't even talk to us (pre-team moms) was really just so silly & high-schoolish. Some of the L4 moms on the other hand tried to talk me out of it I think. They didn't want any new kids on their team I think. I found that non of them could have an honest discussion about gymnastics, like it was some secret thing, LOL I made my DD wait another 6 months til she was 6 to make the move. I'm still laughing to myself that I had a tuition "break" for at least 6 months & my dd is doing the same stuff as their DD's are. Some of them have even been on for over a year and it only took 6 months to catch up to them too. I don't think my DD is gifted or talented. She is not graceful or poised. We do not see the Olympics (don't know anyone in L4 that does yet) in the future for her either, not even sure she will make it out of L4, but she is very physical and just loves being in the gym so we decided to try to give her that opportunity. If/when she decided on a career change, that's ok too....she does do other sports & they are less expensive too, LOL! Dive team this summer only cost me $25, what a bargin!

Didn't mean to get into a long tale but yup, watch out for some of those moms!
Absolutely! My parents made an attempt to sit with one of the moms b/c she really is a nice person(to go out for coffee or something with) but is awful in the gym! My parents were recording my routines, and when I watched the tape, she was the loudest voice on there, and I'm not even her kid-and some of it wasn't neccessary. Just not things I need to hear.
Hi everyone!

To AZGymParent... first off, congratulations to your daughter for her successful gymnastics career and scholarship to AZ! Whoo Hoo!!

I'd also like to thank you for your words of advice and your experience with the years of training and dedication. You've really given us "food for thought"... especially those of us just beginning this trek. My daughter is 12 and a Level 5 gymnast. She competed last year at L4 and so many moms (like you said, it's more the moms than dads) were so caught up in scores (oh, not to mention my DD's "age" ... so old already) who's "better than who", etc. It was just such a big turn off. I just love knowing that these "scores" really mean nothing until a girl is L10 or above. So interesting. . .

I would love for my DD to remain in gymnastics until she graduates from high school. I think it's a beautiful sport, so far she loves it, and it's a great way to keep her busy and out of trouble!

Anyway, thanks for all your words of wisdom... keep them coming and please do keep us advised on your daughter's successes!

Now I see what JBS means about staying ON TOPIC:eek:... geez, the mom just wanted to introduce herself in the INTRODUCTION forum... I think its great that exp gym parents share their wisdom as well (although according to them we should be leary of what they say & pretty much avoid them at all costs, afterall they are GYM PARENTS)... I was determined to stay on topic here, but I am kinda appalled that people could not just say a simple hello, welcome type message & then post their opinions in another forum..., heck you could start 3 or 4 blogs from this intro alone.... No need to force the wisdom on an unsuspecting new gym mom, that just wants to learn things like TA DA & say hello & there was certainly no need for even more GYM PARENTS to encourage it. Just my 2 cents!
Thanks Lynn. I'm just trying to add a dose of reality about the issues and misconceptions that permeate this sport, especially at the pre-team and compulsory levels. Its not parents like myself who have been through the wars that need this advice (though we can always learn something new), but those just getting involved like our new friend Ktsmom. I guess some are "appalled" by this discussion (Wow!) and prefer we limit our comments to Hi, how are you, and there is nothing wrong with a warm welcome, but I don't believe that is why people come to this or any other board. I presume people come to this board to discuss substantive issues on this sport and learn what they can by sharing experiences. My comments were made in that spirit and reflect my own experiences and thoughts on issues that we encountered starting in our own mommy-daughter classes so many years ago up through where my dd is today (Maybe I did go a bit overboard on the Olympic issue, but my point was really about our experience of seeing many parents placing unrealistic expectations on their kids, even at 3 and 4 years old, and the Olympic example was the most prevelant when my daughter was young!). I really want anyone who reads my posts to understand what a great sport gymnastics is and that it can have a tremendous positive impact on your dds' lives, whether they do the sport for a year or through high school and into college, but also to make folks aware that there is some "noise" that surrounds the sport that needs to be filtered out. As for your dd Lynn, emphasize to her that this sport is like a marathon and not a sprint. It's not always the most talented kids that make it to the end and get the scholarships, but the most persistent and dedicated. Good luck.

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