Important Questions..To Me Anyway

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I am a 60 yr old gymnastic coach who has been around the sport since before time began.
I have asked this question of Coach Rick ( because we have known each other since before time began and i respect his opinion very much.
I would like to get some other opinions from parents,coaches,gymnasts,gym owners, etc.

**Is it important/imperitive that if i should happen to apply for a coaching postition in the future that i inform prospective employers that i am ADULT ADHD ( professionally diagnosed in 2002) ; & a slight stutter ?**

**Is it important/important that parents know this ?**

Coach Rick suggested that maybe on the 2nd or 3rd correspondence but my feeling is to be up front from the beginning so there are no suprises and the employer knows what they are getting.

Thank you in advance to all who respond with their answers/opinions

IMO as a parent, it's up to you if you want to reveal this information. If neither negatively affect your coaching (i.e. put someone's safety at risk), then it should not matter.
I agree with vmom. If your ADHD and slight stutter do not interfere with being able to communicate and coach effectively then it should not matter. There are many international coaches that come to the US that speak little english and still are able to work as coaches so I really don't see a difference. I would think that your many many years of experience and knowledge would surely be of more importance, IMHO. Good luck to you!
I would think about how it affects you and your relationships and your coaching.
Does it help explain your 'eccentricities' (if you have any LOL)
Do you form better relationships with other staff if they know and you can explain about your condition and how it affects you.

Someone who knows you might be able to answer better than you.

If you would coach better and form better relationships with other staff and parents if they knew and you had a chance to explain how your condition affects you then.......

it would be silly to change jobs and put yourself in a position to be less happy and do less well than your best because you couldnt be yourself.

but...if you need to share the information make it part of your application. Make it a positive driving force of your personality and strength of character. Show how it enhances your understanding of young people striving to grow and succeed in an unforgiving world. etc etc.

And good luck - it's horrible applying for jobs anyway!
For the record, Coach and Sp. Ed. Teacher -

If you feel that some of your behaviors may seem odd while working with the gymnasts, and people might not understand unless they understood your problem, then yes - be up front.

Even if there is no hindrance to your ability to communicate ideas, method, etc... but you feel people should know because it makes you feel better that they know, let them know.

Were it me, I certainly would not hide it, but I also wouldnt make a big deal out of it. You may get asked what it means, or how it will effect your ability as a coach, so you may want to be up front with that, and put a positive spin on it as to how it makes you the unique coach that you are.

As another poster had put it, if it does not interfere with your coaching ability, and your communication ability, then dont dwell on it. However, employers do need to be aware of anything that may come up. Do NOT use it as a crutch, or as a reason for any past personal failures. If anything, learning to overcome difficulties and be an effective coach is something to be very proud of.

Best of luck to you!

I don't think you should have to reveal it during the application process. I think once you're offered a position, you could let the gym know. When you start working with a new gym, you might write a letter of introduction to the gymnasts and parents detailing your experience, philosophy, and could include this information.

If you do feel you should disclose it early in the hiring process, I would try to make into a positive. Like in a cover letter, you could talk about how you've overcome these issues to become an effective coach, or maybe being ADHD helps you understand that kids have different learning an interacting styles.
Coach Rick suggested that maybe on the 2nd or 3rd correspondence

I think I would go with Coach Rick on this. Unless, of course, a question appears on the application form which you would then be unable to answer truthfully.

Prospective employers all come with their own blinkers/prejudices and I feel that it would be good to let them know about the ADHD further down the line when they have got to know you a bit better. If they have already shortlisted you for the position, interviewed you a couple of times, had you in to do a trial coaching session, checked your references, then this is a good time to enlighten them by specifically mentioning the symptoms that you have which would affect your ability to perform in this job only.

If I was you, I would not mention ADHD in the initial interview. After all, which other candidates are going to be highlighting their potential weaknesses (and we all have them - believe me!) in their CV or at the first interview.

As far as a stutter goes, if it is worse when you are nervous, then I would mention that at the interview as the employer would be interested in this information, otherwise, leave them to draw their own conclusions.

It is hard to imagine from a parents position how much information it is necessary for us to know about the people coaching our children. I would imagine that it would be good to know any information which could adversely affect our child or your relationship with our child but would hesitate to think that ADHD is something which would need a general broadcast to the parent base upon employment of a new coach. Perhaps as the parents get to know you better, you could "leak" the particular symptoms which affect you (eg hard time remembering names) to certain parents (particularly avoiding the one mentioned by Blackie6 in the Drama in the Viewing area thread!)

Anyway, bit of a long response... hope it helps.

Dwell on your strengths - you sound fab!
I think it is none of the parents' business so long as you can safely and effectively coach their children. It's between you and the head coach and owner.
NO disability need be disclosed unless it has direct impact to the duties of the position. Nor should you feel you need to make any apologies to anyone before or after your employed. ADHD? As a parent, I would have zero concerns, but then I know a little about ADHD too, where some parents may not. I'd be more excited that my DD was getting a coach that was so "experienced", he helped invent the sport!

On the other hand, If you had a disability that could have a direct impact to the safety or quality of training, then as a parent, I would want to know beforehand. For example: If you are BLIND, then NO, I don't want you spotting my child!! Sorry.
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Thanks to all for your responses. I am and always have been a very positive person. I have never let anything hold me back. I have no intention of applying for any other jobs at the present time, but thought i would get the opinion of some of you younger people.

As far as my stutter i have always handled that with humor and have been of the opinion that i do not stutter but others have a hearing i have not offended anyone.

They can't legally ask. If they do they're violating all sorts of federal laws, and NO employer wants to get nailed for that.

In coaching ADHD can be a feature not a bug anyway. I'd "feel it out" before dropping any labels, unless reasonable accomodations (per the ADA) were needed. And I'd just NOT tell parents for a long time, if at all. It can go well, but also not so well depending on the atmosphere.
I think it would be best to not offer that information on an interview or to parents at first. Let them get to know you as a person, not a condition. Then, if YOU want them to know, you can discuss it with them. Naturally it would be a different story if this condition greatly affected your coaching ability, but I doubt it does, since you have been doing it for so long:).

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