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Aug 8, 2007
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Whats the worst injury who have gotten from gymnastics? And does anyone have any funny injuries?

I've never been really injured, like broken any bones, but both of my knees hurt almost every time i tumble.
My weirdest injury was yesterday. We we doing handstand things on the floor bar, and there was no room to kick up, because im the tallest in my class. There was a set of cones in front of the uneven bars, and i tried to kick up to a handstand, but didn't make it up because i was too close to the bar, and came back down on the top of one of the cones. The jagged edge of the top of the cone cut between my toes and it was bleeding. It was really embarrassing.
Um trying to do a rollipolli on the blance
beam and I rolled right off the beam!
Not really from gymnastics-a hyperextended elbow here and there but that gets shaken off. I pulled my hip flexor doing a straddle glide kip as a demo for another class before I was warmed up. That hurt so bad!!!! And for a long time since I couldn't just stop and let it heal because it was just 5 days before sectionals. By the day after the meet, it was painful just walking. Two days after was the only day I have ever decided to skip practice because it hurt so bad. Cheerleading, I got dropped and wasn't allowed to bend my back, run, jump, or land for almost 2 months. i recovered from that though-the first meet, only two weeks after I could come back, I took second on beam, second AA, first on bars, and fourth on floor.
I sprained my ankle doing a one and a half punch front on floor--when I punched at the end of the one and a half my ankle rolled. I have a fractured back (L5--lower back) that is never going to heal--over use injury. A piece of bone in my wrist chipped and shredded my joint to pieces; surgery fixed that one (also over use). My neck is way out of alignment because of landing on it a few too many times.

Funny injuries:
-My coach told me to do a yurchanko half on then do a full twist off (like a handspring full vault), and I ended up flipping and landing on my head.
-I did a dismount off bars onto a resi mat, bounced off the resi mat and landed on concrete.
-I had a teammate who broke her ankle when she walked off the side of the floor.
I was having pain right below one side of my butt cheek for half the season and we all thought that it was a pulled hip flexor because it started out at my hip flexor first. Well it turns out that it was a stress fracture in my lower back (L5) and so I'm not allowed to go back to gym untill sept 15th. (18 days yay!!) Iv'e been out since July 3rd and I havent been allowed to run, jump, do any gymnastics, or bend my back at all. Oh and of course I've been having to wear a dumb back brace too lol.

My other injuries that Iv'e had:
A sprained anke ( landed short on a full on tumble track)
A broken toe ( deciced that I could stretch just a little more on giants when the bars were set closer than normal)
I popped my thumb out (landed with it funky on a vault)
I've sprined 3 different toes 3 different times

Funny injuries:
I was doing a drill for blind changes on bars where a bar is attached to the end of the tumble track and you bounce on your back up to handstand and then do blind change (or pirroutte or anything else). It was my first time trying a blind on this drill and i got up to the top and went crooked and fell over hitting the bottom of my foot on the metal side of the bar (where it attaches to the pole on bars). I ended up spraining the muscle that runs from your bif toe down your foot and bruising two of the bones right below my big toe. =]
Hm.. I have a pretty long list of injuries from gymnastics, sadly. But I still think it was worth it... i hope i do in a few years!

I have broken both my feet at different times. And a stress frature in the left one at the end of last year. Broken foot was from a level 9 meet... I broke it on my 1 and half punch front on floor in the middle of competition but finished the routine!

In 2005 I was tumbling and landed with hyper extended knee on the rod floor and tore my ACL, MCL, and meniscus in my knee getting surgery on that a month later.

In 2005, just 5 months after my knee surgery I was swinging bars and I heard a pop in my shoulder and it turned out I had torn my Labrum in my shoulder. This put mee out 12+ weeks so I missed the whole season.

I came back from both injuries and by summer had all my skills back and then I was doing sheep jumps on beam and I felt a pop in my back. I tore a ligament in my lower back in L5 and had 8 pinched nerves (5 in back 3 in neck). So I was out yet again 8 more weeks.

By 2007 I decided I wanted to give it another go and I competed a level 10 meet and that finished off my career as a gymnast.

Since then I've been diving still and now I have a really messed up back and I have to get a MRI, CT scan, and a bone scan next week. :( wish me luck!

*Funny injuries would probably be tripping and falling and knocking my front teeth out.... and i've had more but I've typed too much!
TDiver--wow, you have had a run in with the injured reserves. the Injured Reserves was the title given to those that were injured at my gym--it was just a funny little thing that made us all feel special.

Upsidedwn4evr---I know how you feel when it comes to back braces and stress fractures to L5---they're not fun at all. Just make sure that you take care of it and do some physical therapy to strengthen the muscles and what not--that'll help prevent it from happening again (something I didn't do). I know you've heard this one a thousand times, but I've still got to say it---make sure you don't come back too fast! You do however have to watch L5, because it can always fracture again; that's what happened to me.
Upsidedwn4evr- When you went to the doctor did they tell you that you had a fracture to L5 or something called Spondylosis? Because they are thinking I have Spondylosis or Spondylolithesis, but aren't sure yet. How long have you been in the back brace? Sorry, just trying to get an idea from it. Because they think I have that at L5 also. But I guess i will find out more next week, was just curious! And i'm worried about missing my high school diving season, because I'm expected to win state and I really want to help my team out and stuff! :(

TDiver---when I was out with L5, I was in a back brace for 10 weeks, and they told me in the beginning that it would probably be 10-12 weeks. I hope you get to compete this diving season!
it was really funny. At our gym, one of the girls broke her arm. everyone who was in the gym had to go to this counselling session because supposedly we were supposed to be traumatised and the counsellor asked if anyone had ever broke a bone and not one person raised there hands. it was really surprising cause most people expect gymnasts to get injured heaps.
I have never had any really bad injuries but hav really weak ankles so i sprained my ankles 6 times last year. very annoying.
This is the first time I have gotten hurt in ten years, so that is pretty good. I was doing a round-off 3 BHS back-tuck and I had really long back-handsprings and my back-tuck was really but I went too far and landed on the cement next to the floor. Figures when I do really well I get hurt. There was padding on the ground but when you have all that momentum it's kinda hard NOT to get hurt. I ended up fracturing all my toes (right and left feet) and fractured my left ankle, my right heel, and I had bond bruising in both heels. That was June 12th. My heels still hurt a little bit but my toes don't hurt anymore and my ankle hasn't hurt in a while. For the first three weeks of school I had to use crutches.

This isn't an injury but it's funny: I was doing a private-lesson and I was running towards the vault and jumped in the wrong spot on the spring-board and I penguin-slid across the vault table. My coach and I were laughing really hard. At least there was a pit mat so I didn't face plant into the ground!! HEHE!
Luckily I've never got badly hurt (touch wood) but I could write a book on funny accidents!

I was at an important competition when I tripped over my own feet and forward rolled down the stairs (the floor level was raised) right into one of the judges.

I knocked over the chalk bucket at another competition because I was so eager to go hug my coach after sticking my landing and ran into it, covering the mats in chalk.

Tripped getting onto the podium and fell off it during another competition

My team also have bets on how many times I fall off the trampoline, trip over the paralettes, low beam, mats, my own feet etc each session. I fall over at least 3 things per session on a good night :eek:.
:eek:whoops missed one. Not me though, my normally completely healthy friend. She broke her leg doing split jumps on the tramp!
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How does one manage to break a leg while doing slip jumps on the tramp? There have been numerous occasions where gymnasts at my gym have flown off the trampoline (we have a big net made of used tramp beds behind one tramp), and some of the funnier ones were when we got stuck in the net.
How does one manage to break a leg while doing slip jumps on the tramp? There have been numerous occasions where gymnasts at my gym have flown off the trampoline (we have a big net made of used tramp beds behind one tramp), and some of the funnier ones were when we got stuck in the net.
i have no idea. She was practising and then we just heard this almighty CRACK and she collapsed. It was pretty scary, luckily that's the only broken bone in the gym so far! (fingers crossed)
at my gym, we arent allowed to step on the pad covering the springs, because supposedly someone stepped on it and shattered their leg. I totally even believe its possible.
at my gym, we arent allowed to step on the pad covering the springs, because supposedly someone stepped on it and shattered their leg. I totally even believe its possible.
oops, i mean:

I don't even believe its possible.
I have a funny injury. So we were on vault and I did a really good round-off, stuck it and everything too! I go to walk off the mat and ended up rolling and spraining my ankle and I was out for two weeks! Not just gymnastics either, my high school soccer coach yelled at me for getting hurt becuase I couldn't play the next day! (I was a freshman starting varsity). But I have done a few faceplants!
Luckily I've never got badly hurt (touch wood) but I could write a book on funny accidents!

I was at an important competition when I tripped over my own feet and forward rolled down the stairs (the floor level was raised) right into one of the judges.

I knocked over the chalk bucket at another competition because I was so eager to go hug my coach after sticking my landing and ran into it, covering the mats in chalk.

Tripped getting onto the podium and fell off it during another competition

My team also have bets on how many times I fall off the trampoline, trip over the paralettes, low beam, mats, my own feet etc each session. I fall over at least 3 things per session on a good night :eek:.

Isn't it funny how gymnasts can be so clumsy?
Oh! I have a funny one but it isn't an injury! At practice one night (demonstration team) one of the kids was tumbling and then kicked the chalk bucket an got chalk all over the ground..we called him the weather man because it looked like it was snowing. He also broke one of the boards in the floor because he tumbled so hard! Needless to say he was strong!

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