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I got rotator cuff tendonitis this spring while learning back handspring, put me out of commision for about 3 weeks.

I also sprained my big toe last year on a beam dance move; supposed to jump from knees to feet, my foot caught under me. Needless to say, I didn't quite do it that time!:rolleyes:

I have the typical aches and pains of gymnasts; wrists, shoulders, back more arched than average person.

My weirdest injury was actually not at the gym: I was trying out(I think) a full turn with leg bent behind you(it's one of those wierd code of points things that nobody really does but I wanted to try), and the top of my foot smashed into the corner of the wall behind me. I was amazed there was no stress fracture, but my chiropractor said I had merely jammed and bruised the bones:eek:.
never had many injuries but here's my list:

- had tendentious in my right foot a year and a half ago
- had shinsplints about 2 years ago
- i have weak and inflexible wrists so i tumble and stuff with them facing out
- not from gym but on picture day at the gym a few years ago i slammed my finger into the car door after driving up to the gym ( so happy it wasn't broken cuz then i would have had to miss provincials!)

Funny injuries:
- today at gym i was doing my floor routine and this girl was moving a sting mat to bars so she thought she had enough time to get across so i accidentaly steped on it and fell on my back
- i was at a meet and i was doing a 1/2 punch front but i want loose so i landed on my butt and bounced into the corner (really funny)
- was doing a switch ring on the fast track and i missed my front foot so i bounced on my stomach down to the end
- just the other trips and falls
I forgot to add that I've had off and on Achilles Tendon problems in my left foot that have never been solved, as well as a pulled extensor muscle in my right foot. And my rotator cuff tendonitis just decided to rear it's ugly head again this weekend. :( Guess I'm not working out again this week. :(
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I have broken my ankle from doing a full twist on a trampoline...( I was out of the gym for 6 and a half months PLUS 8 weeks of physical therapy)

I have shin's getting better though!

this doesnt have to do with gymnastics but when i was 3, i put my fingers in the hinge of a door and by accident someone closed the door,my fingers were literally hanging(according to what my parents say)....I had to go through various surgeries in order for my fingers to heal, and yea they were reattached....i know gross but yea those are my injuries...

Just a tip for parents who have young children...teach them to not put there hands in doors...;)
this isn't really an injury but it's funny:D

In this show my gym puts on every summer i was in a team routine and i was doing an arial for my tumbling pass and when i was running i tripped and ended up just running across the floor for my pass.

I've also broken both ankles multiple times and sprained my ankles, wrists, hands, and back.:eek:
My long list if injuries have normally not ended very nicely!

for example atm i am in plaster with my wrist from doing a backhandspring!!!

Anyway my funniest injury was disslocating my knee whilst skippping

then my Best Mate leaning over me laughing!!!

It was soo embarrassing!!


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