WAG Injury Question

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Jan 29, 2017
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I'm not sure what's wrong with my heel so if you guys know what it could be, that would be great. So I was doing a toe pointing exercise with a partner and she's not very strong so she sat on top of my feet and I heard a little pop. Now I can't bearly walk without pain and I cant tumble without pain either.

( I have an appointment with an orthopedic doctor on presidents day)
I'm sorry about your injury. The mods on Chalkbucket usually shut down threads asking for medical advice as a warning, but I would see what the ortho says.
If you can't walk without pain, I'd try to get in to see a doctor ASAP. That isn't something that should wait 3 weeks.

Beyond that, nobody here can give you medical advice over the internet. I agree with pp that this thread will be locked shortly.
I'm sorry about your injury. The mods on Chalkbucket usually shut down threads asking for medical advice as a warning, but I would see what the ortho says.
For some reason it doesn't give me the option to delete the thread
I would definitely call to get the appointment moved up to this week. Any ortho issue that is due to an acute injury needs to be seen in about the first week, really the first days if you suspect actual injury. By waiting 3 weeks you could do more damage.
Please don't ask for medical advice on the chalkbucket, nobody here can diagnose you over the internet. Listen to your doctor.

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