Parents Intense kindergarten+level 2 gymnastics. Help!

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My view on homework is they should have none. If teachers can't teach the kids simple math and language in 7 hrs each day. then why would I as a parent be able to teach it in 1/2-hour a nite?

I get projects. But homework is absurd.
When my DS was in kinder and competing his first year, I chatted with his teacher and we came to the conclusion that homework would be done on non-gym days and weekends. It worked well for all of us. Good luck.
Could you maybe find a school with a different approach to Kindergarten? My first two only did half days and for my last it switched to full day. But they had 3 recesses spaced throughout the day laced with academic desk work, learning and play stations, lots of music and dancing and a full 30 min of rest time. And of course no homework other than reading to or being read to at home. This is a Catholic private school with very good educational outcomes. The principal caved to parental pressure for full day, but she made sure it was developmentally appropriate once they switched. You could do a year at a private Kindergarten and then switch back for first grade. My brother who is now a radiologist and I (law degree) have managed to get by without an intense year of Kindergarten. We started in 1st grade. I would keep an eye on the gym program too. Sounds pretty harsh.
Could you maybe find a school with a different approach to Kindergarten? My first two only did half days and for my last it switched to full day. But they had 3 recesses spaced throughout the day laced with academic desk work, learning and play stations, lots of music and dancing and a full 30 min of rest time. And of course no homework other than reading to or being read to at home. This is a Catholic private school with very good educational outcomes. The principal caved to parental pressure for full day, but she made sure it was developmentally appropriate once they switched. You could do a year at a private Kindergarten and then switch back for first grade. My brother who is now a radiologist and I (law degree) have managed to get by without an intense year of Kindergarten. We started in 1st grade. I would keep an eye on the gym program too. Sounds pretty harsh.

Unfortunately, from what I know so far, there really aren't any private schools nearby..we live in a small town 30-40 min out of any city...there is a small private school in the town over, but not great reviews. I feel like our only other options are to move or homeschool (which if this trend continues, I am considering). I'm also going to research to see if I am missing any other options for learning that are closer/feasible.

I messaged the teacher to talk, and I'm deciding how to talk to the coach(or if I should address it with an owner?) something has to give. Quitting gymnastics is the last thing she wants to do, and she has always loved learning...she was did amazing in her daycare and was always complimented on how good of a kid she, she's beat down, and I know shes trying her best. Last night after gym, she went through her beam and floor routines on her own for fun! She wants to do good.
I think unfortunately the problem is the school model. The importance of FREE play for brain development and optimal learning capacity for the young child has been proven over and over. Play is HOW young children learn. But still they insist on putting tiny kids at desks learning academics all day, and even giving homework! It is nuts. Before we started homeschooling, my kids were at a public charter school that used a play model for (half day only) Kindergarten and only eased children into academics slooooly starting in first grade. No homework, at all, until third grade, and then it was only the occasional at home project. That school is so popular now they had to open another campus. I knew families that not only moved from all over our state and even from out of state to get their kids into that school. That is how desperate people are to give their children a rational education model.
I think the main problem is homework- there is research that it is harmful in elementary! There should be no homework:( I think if you can if find a more chill school or homeschool

My girl's school seems to be on board with this. They are in 3rd and 5th grades and the only homework they have is anything they don't get done in school. I am also mean and make them read 20 minutes most days a week.

Unfortunately, they are only in Rec gym and they still have too much time for screens.
It's not unusual at all for kids to need several weeks to adjust to the school year (older kids too, but especially Kinders). My DD was a wreck when she started K. Nightly meltdowns for several weeks. DH and I were considering pulling her out all together and waiting another year but the teacher assured us that she was doing great in class (there were other factors too being the youngest in the grade and extremely introverted). I would let the teacher know that your DD is simply exhausted at the end of the day and that you need take a slower timeline for introducing homework into her routine. Personally, I wouldn't feel the need at this point to do it all on the weekend either. Let her have her weekends and adjust on her terms. Getting a full nights sleep is also really important too. Along those lines, I would not hesitate to skip a day of gym here and there over the next few weeks if you feel she needs a break. Also, don't mention anything about quitting gymnastics or suggest that she try something else. You don't want that to create anxiety as she is adjusting to school.
30 minutes of homework in Kindergarten, no way! Research shows that homework in the early grades of school actually has a negative affect din their learning, because it teaches them learning is a chore and something to hate. If this keeps up your child is going to hate school and have negative feelings about learning and this can last for a life time.

As a parent I would be stopping the homework immediately. I would have w word with the teacher and let her know the negative impact the homework is having and that she won't be doing it. Whether or not she does her homework in kindergarten isn't going to keep her out of college.
I would tell the teacher you're not going to do the hw. Seriously, it's kindergarten.

It is an adjustment for full day K, regardless of gymnastics.

Is a private school or homeschool an option? Sometimes you can find private preschools that also offer kindergarten.
This is our first kid in school so we are new to the whole thing
It's so hard when you're starting in the school system b/c your instinct is likely to want your kid to "succeed," and having her do all of the assignments, homework, etc. feels like what you're "supposed to do." But this is a great time for you to set a healthy tone with your daughter about finding balance. Most gymnasts are naturally driven and pleasers, so it may behoove you to make sure your dd understands that you value her mental health, her sleep, and her happiness, even if it means not doing everything school is asking of her. You sound like you totally get that, but I know that it's hard when it means going against the grain, especially just a few weeks into school!

My guess is that your daughter is not at much risk of turning into a slacker or a poor reader, so take the opportunity to minimize her risk of dealing with a lot of anxiety in the years ahead. It (the pressure, the workload) just gets worse as they get older, sadly.

Also, as unintuitive as it may feel, it's absolutely okay to just tell the teacher you're not doing the homework. You're the parent. She's not going to fail kindergarten :-)
I have to chime in to agree that 30 mins of homework for kindergarten is ridiculous. At our school, depending on the teacher, there is either no homework or a 2 page packet given on Monday and due on Friday for kindergarteners. If it's causing so much stress for your daughter, I just wouldn't have her do it and I'd tell the teacher why. Your child's mental health is much more important than pointless homework.
First, 30 minutes of homework for K?! Ridiculous. If it were me, I would be having a chat with her teacher explaining the situation and see what can be worked out. Reading your response makes me very thankful of the primary school that my kids went to. There was no homework in K, homework in the higher grades only if the teacher felt something needed to be reinforced. And never more than 30 minutes, even in 5th grade. Did not damage them or make them any less prepared for middle school (one is 7th grade, other just started high school). Hugs to your tired little gymmie!!
Sorry she is having such a rough time. I think the important thing to remember is there is nothing wrong with her for not adjusting to this schedule right away. The concerning part to me is that she does not seem to be enjoying school anymore. I would make a change now- talk to the teacher about homework. I would probably just put a time limit on it - 5-10 min before bath and 5-10 min after. Then write a note to the teacher saying she tried her best but could not complete the assignment. Also if some of it can be done on non-gymnastics days (reading) try that. There is nothing wrong with homeschooling her this year if it means she won't hate school. If the gymnastics problem ( conditioning for not listening ) is not a regular occurrence, leave it alone for now. If it continues talk with the coach. You can always let the coach know she is having a little trouble adjusting to school and she might not be as good of a listener right now. That way the coach knows there is something bigger going on. I agree with your daughter, don't pull her out of gymnastics. Gymnastics is not the problem. Big hugs, no fun when something so happy as Kindergarten is causing stress.
and just out of curiosity, here I'm sure that homework cannot be made compulsory. What would happen if you said she just isn't doing it ? Even at year 8 now I have told Pink's teachers when they have set useless project work ( really, build a 3D model of a settlement near a river, nope, she will draw a diagram but that is it) that we don't have the time.

Well duh! All 3D models can be made out of cake dontcha know! And cake models always get top marks obvs. And can be shared with the class making you miss popular. Win win , I can't believe you of all people missed this!
and just out of curiosity, here I'm sure that homework cannot be made compulsory. What would happen if you said she just isn't doing it ? Even at year 8 now I have told Pink's teachers when they have set useless project work ( really, build a 3D model of a settlement near a river, nope, she will draw a diagram but that is it) that we don't have the time.
Based on our experience, the child would record a zero for that assignment (or a very low grade for not following instructions). Homework has always been required by any teacher that assigned it to my daughter. Even in K, it was required.
Yep, but our grades are judged solely on end of year tests, therefore you can do nothing all year, and apart from being dragged in and told off by the teacher, as long as they pass the end of year exam its all good. If you follow a continuous assessment model obviously not so good. But hey, we are talking 5 years old here.

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