My 5 yo is having a rough time in kindergarten. This is our first kid in school so we are new to the whole thing, but I'm honestly pretty shocked so far! She has recess everyday, and pe some days, but no center time to where they can just play. Evidentally the new approach is that they have stations where they are still working on math or writing skills instead of imaginary and creative play. Also, homework every night 30+ minutes. Yall, she is beyond exhausted mentally when I pick her up from school, and she tenses up when I mention homework. She walked to kindergarten this morning with her head down about to cry. She hits her wall with homework every night.
So, add gymnastics. School lets out at 3:45 so we get there at 4:20-4:30, 20-30 min late(30 min commute). Last night was her first rough night since school started. Lots of frog jumps for not listening, tears, etc. when I talked to her after, she said "I tried putting my thinking cap on but I couldn't bc I used my thinking cap so long at kindergarten. My brain wouldn't work" and she broke down. Later, we asked if she still likes her gymnastics and she said "yes, I love it"
Yes, I know school is more important than gymnastics. And I know it takes time to adjust. But I feel like this is too much, and something may have to change after comp season is over in October. She would be devastated quitting. Every time I mention trying out dance or soccer, she looks sad and says, no, I only want to do gymnastics. It's my favorite!
So help!!!!! I am trying to encourage her and talk about all the wonderful things in kindergarten, make homework fun, etc...please tell me this is normal and gets better?!?