Is anybody else really disappointed by the lack of gymnastics literature?

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Aug 31, 2010
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I've been thinking about this for a while. I thought it might be good to compile a list of gymnastics literature, TV shows, films, and stuff like that that people might enjoy!! I wish there was more media attention on gymnastics, but unfortunately I guess we've got to work with what we've got :/

Here are some things that I've found enjoyable. Hopefully some of you will enjoy them as well. Please add to the list if you have any more!

"Nadia" - This is a somewhat corny but really informational and interesting portrayal of Nadia Comaneci's life as a gymnast. I really enjoy this one.
"Little Girls in Pretty Boxes" - A Lifetime movie about a gymnast who switches to an elite gym.
"Stick It" - I think we all know and love this one. Especially Wei-Wei's beam routine!!

"Gymnastics: The Trials, The Triumphs, The Truth" by Dan Gutman. This has been a favorite of mine since I was a little girl competing. I think I read through it about 100 times. It's got biographies of some famous gymnasts, a "gymtalk" section for gymnastics vocabulary, stuff like that.

TV Shows
I can only think of "Make it or Break it" for this one.

Does anyone have anything to add?

I have also started a gymnastics writing contest on my blog for the month of November. I hope some of you can participate! I thought it would be a lot of fun to get some short stories, poems, or songs written about gymnastics :) The winner is going to get their piece posted on my blog and a personal review. It's open to anyone! If you want to participate in it, please follow the link:
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i have seen "The gymnast" this lady is a former gymnast and starts to do the thing were you hang around a blanket from the roof lol i forgot what its called lol!! this would be more for adults its like m rated

books: "shawn johnson the story behind the smile": ive heard its good and contains lots of pictures for kids :)
"the gymnast" ive seen this around on ebay and stuff it looks like a little kids picture book :)
" galax arena" i think its by lady labrinth or something that name just came to me when writing the title lol this story was about these kids who are not gymnasts and get taken up to space and have to do gymnastics or the will be killed.

"push" used to be a show about olympics hopefulls
actually, there are several books on gymnastics although they are technical and for coaches.

this does not include several hundred published papers on various aspects of our sport.
Gymnastjess - I had totally forgotten about "The Gymnast." I remember seeing that a few years ago! It's not really about gymnastics, unfortunately, despite the title. Thanks for all your additions to the book list!

Dunno - You're right. I should have specified that I meant mostly fictional stuff or things young gymnasts would be interested in. Gymnasts might be interested in reading some of the technical stuff, but I would assume that that's mostly published for the use of coaches. Thanks!
There is a movie called "Perfect body" about eating disorders and gymnastics although it is fiction and I like to watch it just for the gymnastics aspect.
Another movie is called "American Anthem"
Its older (1986), and has Janet Jones (Wayne Gretzky's wife)

Oh and i forgot: There is a gymnastics book series called "The Gymnasts" not sure how many there are but you can get them off amazon: this is one of them:
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I loved 'American Anthem' - haven't seen it for years! There's also 'Flying'.
Of course, there is the movie Stick It which my kids love (and so do I)! Get the disk, because the extras at the end are great!
A great movie that has men's gymnastics is called "Peaceful Warrior". It is one of my all-time favorite movies! It is very philosophical and really transcends into all aspects of life, not just gymnastics. VERY inspiring movie if you ever feel like giving up or just feel "lost" in life at times.

Peaceful Warrior - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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