Is anyone watching now?

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I tried to watch, but it came up with a message of "unavailable in my area"
Only online right now, but the coverage is awesome. Slaon is on now. It is on in the whole world on the link I gave, try refreshing.
Thangs Bog, for the reminder! I'm watching. At work, but hey, it's Friday!! ;)
Ive been watching.

It's... different. Routines seem structured differently..
I'm trying to sneak peeks here at work... unfortunately, my volume isn't working at ALL!!! I went to the Universal sports channel this a.m. to set my DVR... but it said it was showing at 3:00 p.m. ET. The website said 1:30 E.T. So I guess I'm missing taping it for Katy!
The New FIG rules are different to those used at the Olympics, top 8 elements that count and connection bonuses changes. Falls are now a whole point. Learning all the time here.
Lynn the meet will be available very soon after it is finished showing live, so you and Katy can watch it later as many times as you want.
Boy, did Bross ATTACK that beam routine. Fearless, solid. That girl has some great gifts.
Bridget looked like she wanted to throw up, stress is not good for gymmies. Bross will win, I'll bet my dog on it!
I also think that Deng Linlin has got fake boobs on under that leo. She is nowhere near puberty.
Those padded bras have a lot to answer for, I see some ridiculous sights in the gym because some Mom thinks it's fine for her 10 year old to wear one, how trashy.
Bridget just nailed that floor routine!! Awesome! :D

I think her score was way too low, though.
Lovely to see her smile, it must be a relief for it to be over, I am sure she'll medal too.
I didn't realize there was a little watch party happening. :)

My big disappointment has been Ksenia Semenova. I had much higher hopes for her.
Yes, such a shame about Ksenia, she is so talented, but that bar fall was back breaking to watch.

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