Is TOPS necessary?!?

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TOPS is a program to teach gyms how to produce elites. My oldest daughter went to TOPS camp at 11 yo but didn't even make testing the year before when she went to Level 10 Nationals! TOPS is merely a tool. What they will tell you at the Ranch is that "50% of the kids on the National Team did TOPS" (which also means 50% of them did not). It can become all consuming in a gym when they do too much TOPS strength and conditioning.
Hi, first off I'd say don't sweat it at all:) but I agree with you and find it weird that they would turn her away any extra tops training I find is good but 10 yrs old is a little late to start but it sound like the other girls are also ten so it just makes no sense??? My daughter is also 10 and it sounds like she's built a lot like your daughter and involved in tops and nothing but good has come out of it (and she is lucky to get 5 presses and quified to TOPS nationals last year and tested at the ranch and missed making the B team by 1/2 a point) so its not all about presses you can have something your not great at but need to score very high on the rest of the tops phy. abilites. I'd say for more current tops vidoes to check out either Nica Hults Tops testing from last year she is amazing and made the national tops A team and just finished her lv 7 season from CA or Allison Cary has a tops testing video from this year in TX both up on YOUTUBE and it really shows well what they test. but most important it doesn't matter if your great at tops my daughter says its just fun to go with your team and test:) Good luck she sounds like she's already an amazing gymnast!

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