Yes I have!! My husband is on the project and I can't tell you how many long hours he has put into this amazing instrument. He did go to French Guiana for testing in October but was not there for the launch so we watched on youtube just like everyone else. We are all so proud of his and the whole teams' accomplishments. He worked on a camera that will take pictures in infer-red in about a month, so he will be travelling a lot to Baltimore in January to ensure everything is working right. But it was so very exciting to watch the launch and know my husband was part of it. Amazing technology and it is exciting to see what we will learn. There is a lot of work, testing, and monitoring to go. The big excitement for the team was not so much the launch but the point at which to solar array started working because then they knew JWST was powering on its own. Without the solar panels raised and working the whole project would have been scraped! Thanks for following, this story has not gotten a lot of attention until the last month, but my husband has been working on this for 18 years!