Journalist opinion of NBC comentators

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Holy ancient thread Batman! I am always amused when really old threads get dredged up!
I dislike the commentators sooo much! they get on my nerves from all the "she just fell that is a disater" or "watch this realse it is huge!" and the "she just took a step" I think they need to bring in some new commentators. Does anyone know how long they have been commentators?
For instance, have you ever listened to the BBC or any other commentators that cover the sport, its athletes and coaches anywhere near as well as Tim and Elfie on gymnastics?


The BBC commentators are VERY knowledgable! I really appreciate that. NBC tends to create a lot of drama when there isnt one and a lot of unnecessary hype which just results in an insane amount of pressure on the gymnasts. It just gets annoying (and also very repetitive).

I have to say, Tim and his comment on Komova at Worlds showed some actual knowledge, so they're probably dumbing down a bit (which is sad,.. and I really appreciate that the BBC doesn do that). It's Al, who is the worst though.
I know this is an old thread but I'll be honest, when I'm watching NBC gymnastic coverage I actually turn my TV's subtitles off. The commentators are annoying to read! Problem solved!

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