Parents Just in time for competition season......elbow fracture!!!!

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Proud Parent
Dec 31, 2010
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Preface: She is seeing orthopedic elbow specialist tomorrow, so not looking for medical advice.

I really feel like the mother of the year right now! DD has had what she describes as "very mild elbow pain" over the last week or so. She didn't fall or have any kind of traumatic impact to the elbow, so I figured it was overuse, swelling was there but very mild, no bruising. She's done a lot of resting, icing and has worn a compression sleeve to gymnastics for a little support. With the compression sleeve she had NO pain while working out. I did have the coach modify her workouts to reduce repetitions that would be pounding on the elbow. With that being said, she has still been doing SOME tumbling and vaulting over the past week, just less. I called late last week when it was still bothering her some upon waking in the morning and made her an appointment for today.

Going into the appointment today, I figured we were dealing with some tendonitis, or tennis elbow type thing, something overuse related. The main thing I was worried about was elbow OCD since it's common in gymnasts. But nope.....she has a displaced fracture of the olecranon process (according to the radiology report.) I was shocked! How could she fracture her elbow without realizing it, let alone do gymnastics on it for a week? She still cannot remember any fall or trauma to the elbow. I feel so awful for not taking her in sooner and letting her work out on it. Ugh! :(:(:eek:

Has anyone had any experience with this kind of fracture that might want to give me a heads up about what we are walking into at the ortho tomorrow? I know they will probably cast her, but wondering how long and if surgery will be necessary?

DD is supposed to start competing in January, now it looks like she might be out this season. She's really upset and to top it all off she's sick (cold causing major asthma flare up.)

What a day! :(:oops::oops::(
Oh man, so sorry. Never had an elbow fracture. Tons of injuries but not that one. Just sending good vibes.
Good luck.
I looked at some x-rays of this injury, I hope she recovers quickly and surgery is not needed.
So sorry to hear about this :( Great job for being proactive and getting it checked out!

My dd had a supracondylar humerus fracture so I can't help too much. I would guess that it's a good thing that she is in so little pain (and still has strength and flexibility) that she/you didn't even realize it was fractured. So I would guess no surgery, hopefully no cast and a quick recovery (hopefully just a sling). I'm sure your doctor will tell you that elbows atrophy quickly so if it's not needed she probably won't be put in a cast. (Did I mention I'm not a doctor ;))

Sending healing vibes your way for a quick recovery.
My DD had an elbow fracture, not the type you are describing though. The doc knowing she was a gymnast, did not cast her but put her into a sling that she had to wear when she was awake. She also started her immediately in PT to make sure that she didn't lose any mobility. My DD ended up wearing the sling for about 8 weeks and was gradually allowed to start using the elbow. So she may not end up with a cast though she may be disappointed if she doesn't. Turns out my DD wanted one because no one believed that she had actually broken her elbow.
Oh no, so sorry! Don't be hard on yourself about waiting to take her in. I have done that before as I am sure many have. Crossing my fingers for a speedy recovery.
Omgoodness! I am so sorry. :( I completely understand why you didnt take her in right away though, and why she thought it wasnt a big deal. Our girls have such a high tolerance for pain that they put up with and bear stuff we dont even realize in terms of how bad it really is. Just so sounded like she would have a great season...please let us know what the projection is...good thoughts, good thoughts.
Oh no!!! So sorry to hear this! I am sending healing thoughts your way, and hoping for the best case scenario! (like the x-ray was wrong!)
oh-no! sorry to hear. don't beat yourself up. It happens to the best of us. I have no personal experience with elbows (thankfully). Just from various teammates of dds on the past, an elbow injury is highly variable in terms of recovery time. She still has a long time before state meet so get her to focus on that and not the beginning of the season. What level is she? It is quite possible to develop routines on beam and floor without arms. Obviously vt and fx are out.

My DD had an elbow fracture, not the type you are describing though. The doc knowing she was a gymnast, did not cast her but put her into a sling that she had to wear when she was awake. She also started her immediately in PT to make sure that she didn't lose any mobility. My DD ended up wearing the sling for about 8 weeks and was gradually allowed to start using the elbow. So she may not end up with a cast though she may be disappointed if she doesn't. Turns out my DD wanted one because no one believed that she had actually broken her elbow.
Hoping the OP has this as an option. DD wasn't casted for her knee fracture either because the dr and PT wanted her moving it as soon as possible, even though she was non weightbearing for 2 months. I can't imagine what her ROM would have been if she had been casted for that long. But just like your dd, mine was afraid people wouldn't believe here. She didn't even have a brace past the first 2 weeks. Just crutches. She was also worried about hurting it more without having a cast.

ETA - I just looked at some x-rays pics. Whether she needs surgery will depend on whether it is fully displaced how far displaced it is. Also whether they can keep it from moving around. Ortho will likely order a CT or MRI, unless the xray clearly shows the displacement (in terms of completeness and extent). Please keep us updated.
oh-no! sorry to hear. don't beat yourself up. It happens to the best of us. I have no personal experience with elbows (thankfully). Just from various teammates of dds on the past, an elbow injury is highly variable in terms of recovery time. She still has a long time before state meet so get her to focus on that and not the beginning of the season. What level is she? It is quite possible to develop routines on beam and floor without arms. Obviously vt and fx are out.

Hoping the OP has this as an option. DD wasn't casted for her knee fracture either because the dr and PT wanted her moving it as soon as possible, even though she was non weightbearing for 2 months. I can't imagine what her ROM would have been if she had been casted for that long. But just like your dd, mine was afraid people wouldn't believe here. She didn't even have a brace past the first 2 weeks. Just crutches. She was also worried about hurting it more without having a cast.

ETA - I just looked at some x-rays pics. Whether she needs surgery will depend on whether it is fully displaced how far displaced it is. Also whether they can keep it from moving around. Ortho will likely order a CT or MRI, unless the xray clearly shows the displacement (in terms of completeness and extent). Please keep us updated.

Thank you! She is repeating L6 this year and was looking the best I've seen her look (of course lol). I'm hoping this orthopedist is open minded, I definitely want her to take the time to heal but you're right about the range of motion thing.

I would be happy to post her X-ray pics but not sure if it's allowed bc it might be seen as looking for medical advice, even though I really wouldn't be, Im just nosey and like hearing different opinions from all you awesome internet people lol.
I am don't see why you can't post the pics for our interest. You have been clear that you are not soliciting medical advice. I too hope you get the best possible news from the doctor tomorrow and that her doctor understands gymnastics.
IMG_2912.JPG IMG_2911.JPG IMG_2910.JPG Here we go then! If not allowed, mods feel free to delete. These are cell phone pics so obviously not the best lol.
Thanks, it is crazy to think that she did gymnastics like that. Tough kid.

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