Parents Kip Frustration

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Proud Parent
Apr 15, 2019
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Hi my little girl has been trying to get her Kip for the longest time and I am at a loss as to what to tell her that will help... she just can’t get on top of the bar at the end and her hips push away from the bar...any suggestions?
For you - patience and a Margharita.

For her - Just the patience.

This is a gateway skill and it is all about timing. Oh so many years ago, my dd (and most of her team at the time) fought with this skill. It eventually came. Fast forward to her level 10 season and it was as natural as walking (oh wait, gymnasts have issues with walking). Now as a coach she is teaching her littles (and their parents) that it takes patience.

Good Luck.
As a parent if you time your lean and jerk up with the gymnasts movements your parental telekinetic abilities will certainly help propel the little one over the bar. If that doesn't work, than positive encouragement, patience, and not focusing in on that single element are the best thing for both your mental states. Hang in there, let the coaches take her through the process, we've all been through it, it will happen.
As a parent if you time your lean and jerk up with the gymnasts movements your parental telekinetic abilities will certainly help propel the little one over the bar.

As a parent I can confirm this works. However it took me eight months to perfect my leaning technique enough for her to get a muscle up, and another six months to get the jerk perfect enough so she could do a consistent straight armed kip.

In hindsight, I probably could have saved myself some neck strain and just allowed time, patience, the coach and my kid to do their thing!

Although possibly not? Is it even possible not to lean and jerk a little bit if you arrive for pick up early enough to see your kid yet again being so near yet so far from that elusive kip?
And always remember, see will lose it as soon as she gets it for a week-month or whatever but it will happen
Not necessarily.

Maybe because it took my kid so long to get it. She was 2nd to last of the group. And it was nearly a year it never went away when she finally got it.
As a parent I can confirm this works. However it took me eight months to perfect my leaning technique enough for her to get a muscle up, and another six months to get the jerk perfect enough so she could do a consistent straight armed kip.

In hindsight, I probably could have saved myself some neck strain and just allowed time, patience, the coach and my kid to do their thing!

Although possibly not? Is it even possible not to lean and jerk a little bit if you arrive for pick up early enough to see your kid yet again being so near yet so far from that elusive kip?
I had been practicing the lean and jerk for months. It didn’t seem to help. I haven’t seen a bar practice in weeks and have no idea how things are going!
I know that it's very difficult to watch your child struggle but the best thing is just to be supportive. I feel that the more we talk about skills that they're struggling with, the worse it is. Let the coaches handle it.
My kid, who was nearly last to get her kip. And has been working giants for nearly three years. And is the only one in her group not doing them.

Stepped out for those DFGs last night. I have never actually seen one. Or see her step out. I’m told they exist. Coach actually came out and told me how awesome they are. Actually called me over and that nearly never happens. She finally took them off the practice bar and onto the regular bar spotted. Allegedly did more than half a dozen.

Maybe this coming season..... I’ll see one.

Really the skills come when they come.

Time, they take time. And it’s never on our time.
The "lean and jerk" :D:D It's a real skill people! :p I almost threw my knee out trying to will my kid to get her dumb mill circle.

OP, rest easy knowing you are not alone!
The "lean and jerk" :D:D It's a real skill people! :p I almost threw my knee out trying to will my kid to get her dumb mill circle.

OP, rest easy knowing you are not alone!

My little one got her kip at the beginning of December BEFORE the stride circle! She is a level 3 and has still not gotten both the shoot through and stride circle in competition. Maybe at states, maybe not. I think I'll try that lean and jerk technique and see if that helps!

Moral of the story - they get the skills when they get the skills. If it's not the kip they struggle with it will surely be something else.
Haha I thought I was the only one doing the lean and jerk - go figure the first time I don’t watch bars rotation is the time she got it...

I’m convinced she only gets new skills when I’m not watching, just like her ROBHS, front handspring on floor, front tuck on floor, backwalkover on beam, etc. Us team moms now have a system going trying to catch each other’s DD’s “firsts” on video and then texting each other the video when it happens.
I call my kid the trinity of gymnastics. She gets a skill, loses it. Gets it again, loses it. Third time is when it's a charm and a keeper. With the kip there were two months between each time. Two. MONTHS.
Don't even get me started on the d*mn giants.
And now we are on to other fun things. Thank goodness I don't watch practice. I actually got confused on the end time today and showed up half hour early....once I figured that out I bolted to my car.....:p
The kip will come! But when you least expect it. Mine got it on a day we were running late, she was pounding snacks in the car, forgot a leo....would have bet serious cash no kip would come that day. So, just don't expect it, and it will happen! :D

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