Coaches Kips and casting.

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Mar 6, 2013
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I've been drilling, spotting almost everything I can think to do to help my l4's connecting their cast out of their kip. They look amazing when I spot over and over and over. Once they are on their....ew! Help! Maybe it's fear but we've done handstands and had them bail over the bar.
Work the kips. They need to be finishing their kips correctly in order to get a good cast out. In addition to working the correct shapes on kips I ask my kids to always connect a cast out of every kip. No matter how ugly the casts start, if they're working the connection, it will get easier.
+1 to Bar Coach. Work the kip. Work the casting strength. Cast in straight shapes. Easy to say, the art is doing it and applying the coach magic.

One of the best compilation Youtube vid on kip casting, IMO, is imbedded below (from JAO Videos):

Best, Short Balding Dude -
Thank you both. Their kips are pretty weak most are bent arm. I am a huge fan of JAO videos!

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