knee pain

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Jul 22, 2011
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my knee has been bothering me for a few months. my coach keeps telling me to try to ignore it but it hurts me so much that i can't even do things. my coach wont let me wear a brace and thinks that it's nothing. i hyper extended it like 2 weeks ago and it made it worse. it now hurts to walk and i think it could be messed up. please help
I would see a DR. or Phyiscal Therapy asap. My dd had knee pain (which started with a fall at school on he knee) but lasted for awhile.. she woudl complain here or there so we finally took her to PT.. Right away they noticed several things going on with her knee(hyper extension weak musles, etc) and she has been in PT for about 6 weeks and is doing so much better! I would NEVER ignore pain. Like her pT said if they didn't get a handle on it she could end up needing surgury down the road!!
Pain is your body's way of saying something is wrong...never just ignore it. If your pain is minor you need to REST, ice, and elevate. If you parent approves, you might also try an anti-inflammatory. Rest is the most important thing to let a small injury heal. Now if the pain is bad, or your mobility is impaired (walking with a limp, can't walk normal, etc.) or the pain does not get better or keeps getting worse then get to a DOCTOR. Coaches are experienced with injuries, but they are not doctors and far too many coaches think is perfectly fine to work through pain without knowing the cause. So at this point, you really, really need to see a DOCTOR. Good luck and I hope you feel better soon.
I am horrified that your coach is telling you to ignore pain! You should go and see your doctor as soon as you can.
no one on this site can help you, you should see a doctor asap, I hope your knee feels better!
Yes, go to an orthopedic. The orthopedic will then prescribe pt for you if necessary, but they will do tests/xrays etc to figure out what is going on. Good luck, I have knee issues and they are not fun at all. If ignored they can escalate further and further.
"ignore it" the coach said. yep...that'll solve the problem (rolls eyes in disgust).

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