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Mar 29, 2009
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okay, so my knees have been hurting lately. Well, i don't know if it is HURTING, but they just like, cramp up or feel weird when i walk up the stairs or when i have been sitting on the floor "criss cross apple sauce:)" then when i straighten them it feels funny.
but they don't hurt to bad at gym at all unless we are doing lunges or something.
has anyone gone through this or know what i should, or what is wrong with my knees?
my mom was are only 14! you shouldn't be having problems with your knees already!
If it isn't seriously sore and doesn't last much longer I don't think you'll have any serious problems, you might just have pulled or strained something. But if it keeps up, go to the doctors and have it checked out.

PS. Criss cross apple sauce? Haha thats awesome.
well, it is has just been feeling like that for a while...i was just wondering if it was normal or something...thanks
I have the same problem!! I have osgoods. ICE ICE ICE!!! It helps so much!!!! osgoods is something that happens when you grow. best of luck :-)
okay...i wonder if i have iceing them helps? thanks (:
It depends where the pain is. If the pain is around the patella in the front, you may have Osgood Shlatters. Osgood Shlatters is very common among gymnasts, and tends to occur between the ages of 10-15, so you are in the target age range. It is when there is inflammation where the tibia meets the patella. If the pain is more in the back or to the side, you may have Iliotibial Band Syndrome. It's a very common injury among athletes in general, and is more common in women than men. The ratio of strength from quadriceps to hamstrings in girls is about 4:1, while boys have 3:2. This difference in strength puts a strain on a tendon in the back of the knee, causing a sharp pain. You are more prone to getting ITBS if you hyper-extend your knees, something gymnasts have a tendency to do. (I have Osgood Shlatters in one knee and ITBS in the other)

Definitely make an appointment with your doctor. These issues don't have to be serious, and can be healed with a brace and physical therapy, but if you continue working out on injured knees, you could worsen the problem.

Good luck and I hope you feel better!
okay...but do osgoods hurt all the time? because sometimes it feels..weird..and sometimes i don't feel a thing...???
I have Osgoods too, and that might be it, but I also have patella tendinidous. My patella shifts, hurts during lounges, and when I kneel [which also hurts from my Osgoods] my patella will sometimes pop into the floor. Osgoods MIGHT hurt all the time, depending on how bad you have it. Bend your knee like a lunge, under your kneecap do you feel a bump? If so, it might be osgoods. Osgoods mainly hurts when you are running and jumping, and it occurs when you grow too fast. I would see a doctor, and check out patella tendinidous and things like that. In between now and seeing a doctor, definetly ice before and after practice. Good luck and tell us if you figure it out!
they also hurt when i do splits...hmmm...and what do you mean by pop into the floor? and thank you (:
no problem! my knee cap literally pops in, like i kneel and it feels like my knee cap just goes up. it makes a hugeee POP noise, but it doesn't really hurt. hmm if it hurst when you do splits it seems to be more near the back and more stress. i don't think it's osgoods
well, not the top knee, the knee in the back. Again, it doesn't really hurt, it just feels like it will like, pop to the side of my knee!! its weird ):
i asked a doctor who i see a lot over the summer if i have osgoods if i had it and he said he didn't think so.
hmmm.... I know I have Osgoods. And it just hurts after working out but not normally during the practice anymore. But I found that if you buy a Mueler knee band it black and like a inch tall it eally helps for all you Osgood sufferers..
hmm that's weird. it might have to do with more of the muscles. if it feels like it's going to the side, maybe your mcl and acl are involved?
I have no idea, haha.
It hasn't hurt all week, except when i walk up the stairs...and only sometimes doing that so i guess that is good (:
Yeah! Hmm just continue on icing i'd say, and keep an eye on it, after icing and the pain is still there i'd see a doctor to be on the safe side!
I went to the doctor (just the pediatrition for a well check) and asked him about my knees and he told me it is osgood shlatters. Is there anything that can help that? I ice them everyday. They funny thing is that they only hurt sometimes...
I went to the doctor (just the pediatrition for a well check) and asked him about my knees and he told me it is osgood shlatters. Is there anything that can help that? I ice them everyday. They funny thing is that they only hurt sometimes...

I have done a bit of research a while back. There are many good legit articles online about OS and other growing knee pains. Just Google for them. As you already may know, these conditions ordinarily go away eventually. Depending on the athelete, it could get very intensely painful and it may last up to a year or more. So, be patient with it.

The following seemed to help when my two girls (much more severe with the older) was going through her OS/tendonistis.
- instead of ice only. go through ice/heat cycles. put an ice pack over the area until it gets cold then put a heating pad over it until it's warm. Repeat several times
- quad stretch similar to this Link Removed. You can up that a notch by having someone lifting up your knee while someone pushing down on your buttock. This may hurt your thighs a lot at first so go easy and let your muscles stretch. Do this for 5-10 minutes at least a couple times a day.
- cut down on the knee pound during practice. so, if your favorite events are beams and bars, now you have an excuse to favor them more.
I went to the doctor (just the pediatrition for a well check) and asked him about my knees and he told me it is osgood shlatters. Is there anything that can help that? I ice them everyday. They funny thing is that they only hurt sometimes...

You should consult your doctor before you "do" anything to help them. Ice is good with some type of over the counter pain med, but he/she could suggest alot of stretching expercises that would target the exact areas affected or you may even need some professional physical therapy. They have the training and experience to put together the right exercises that will help.

I know if it were my daughter I wouldn't just pick some exercises of the internet and hope I chose the right ones to help.

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