Parents last minute skills

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So with exactly 2 weeks to go my dd is picking up skills left and right. My dd's coach was confident that this would happen, I was not. It is funny but the skill my dd struggles with most is a pullover. Her coach says that she is barely spotting her and therefore she could do it herself. We may be amazed at the first meet.
It is funny bc some skills she struggles with others dont, like her backwards roll, she finally got it today. She was thrilled. BTW we picked up the poster board for her sign today..Go Amber Go...
So with exactly 2 weeks to go my dd is picking up skills left and right. My dd's coach was confident that this would happen, I was not. It is funny but the skill my dd struggles with most is a pullover. Her coach says that she is barely spotting her and therefore she could do it herself. We may be amazed at the first meet.
It is funny bc some skills she struggles with others dont, like her backwards roll, she finally got it today. She was thrilled. BTW we picked up the poster board for her sign today..Go Amber Go...

how exciting for her. go Amber go!
That is fantastic. Make sure you let us know how it goes. My dd has her first meet of 2008 next weekend. I am a little frustrated that we still do not know if she is going Sat or Sun or what time !!!!! But that seems to be the norm.

I think the kids go through a phase when stuff clicks. my dd has gotten her press handstand and BHS in the last couple weeks. She is very excited because the L4 & L5 girls do a BWO into BHS during warm ups and she started doing it by herself @ home yesterday. She cannot wait to get to the gym on Monday to show her coach and the L4 & 5 team girls - dd is L3.
Hope Amber has a lot of fun at her first meet. Hope you don't go crazy listening to that music over and over again.

My youngest has her first real meet next Saturday, she has to be there at 7am and it is over an hour away, so we'll have to be up at 5am:eek:. Our club is also hoting the meet (in a rented facility) so I will be staying until the last group is over at 10pm. I'll be selling suits, refreshments and the girls will be helping the judges and handing out medals. It will be a lot of fun, but exhausting.

I haven't seen my DD's routines for months, so it will be a total surprise how she looks.

Oldest DD has an away meet in two weeks, We are going to stay in Ottawa (canada) for two nights as it is during the city's huge winter festival. We have adloining rooms with the coach and her two girls, we will be have way too much fun. Sadly little DD can't come with as she has a comp the very next week, sometimes it is all too crazy.

Both girls can't wait for meet season to be over so they can work new skills and ones they are not competing. They don't train many hours, so the time in the gym has to be all spent getting routines perfect. When April comes it is all about the new stuff, their favourite time of year.
That's great that she's getting those skills!!

Good luck :)
So with exactly 2 weeks to go my dd is picking up skills left and right. My dd's coach was confident that this would happen, I was not. It is funny but the skill my dd struggles with most is a pullover. Her coach says that she is barely spotting her and therefore she could do it herself. We may be amazed at the first meet.
It is funny bc some skills she struggles with others dont, like her backwards roll, she finally got it today. She was thrilled. BTW we picked up the poster board for her sign today..Go Amber Go...

those skills will continue to come like crazy now I am sure.... my A had a hard time w/her bkwd roll too... she could not figure it out for the longest time, and then one day she just did and did it and did it and did it LOL! Don't forget to do lots of glitter for the sign. :D can't wait for 1st meet details!

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