Parents leotard organization

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DD has a large medal rack, which has 6 hooks on it. She hangs her leos on it.
Presently they are all hung in her closet, and the shorts are hung tiered skirt hangers.
Getting ready to re-do her room soon, including closet, and hoping to move the leos into a basket on a shelf. They easily take up about 18" of hanging space...
Pinks are shoved in drawers, under drawers, behind drawers, under her bed, under her brothers bed, in get the idea. They are regularly rounded up but they still manage to escape.

:p:p:p Yes! In all of those places. And in my glove box/center console in my car. LOL. And we even once found one in her school's lost and found.

Recently, my DD was beside herself as she couldn't find her favorite leotard. I finally found it in her backpack. Which she hasn't used since early June.

I've recently attempted to organize everything into the drawers in her bedside table... Over a week goes by of DD wearing the same two leos (mind you... I do wash them every day). I ask DD: What is going on - why are you only wearing the two leos?! She says: Oh! I had no idea where all the rest went.:confused: But hooray! Now DD wears them all, and we've managed to keep up with the organizing for a solid two weeks! ;)
I like the idea of not washing until she goes through them all. That would definitely get DD to get rid of ones she doesn't like to wear, but can't part with!
Multiple competition scrunchie/bun kits, one always in her bag.

Competition stuff hung up in closet

Her other 8, stuffed in her dresser draw.
Practice leos and shorts are folded in a drawer. After Tink puts her clothes away, I will sometimes go in and flip the piles so the same three leos don't always end up on the top and get worn over and over without the others ever getting worn. Comp leo and warm-up will hang in the closet with the scrunchie around the hanger hook.

I have been tossing the scrunchies that come with the practice leos in the "keep for consignment or Goodwill" box because Tink's hair is currently too short for scrunchies (she is growing it out) and they do not seem to be in fashion for practice at her gym anyway.

Tink has kept an emergency leo in her gym bag ever since the time she came home wearing a leo borrowed out of the lost and found because she spilled water all over herself and couldn't stand to let her leo air-dry. I never thought of keeping one in the car, but that sounds like a very good idea once she starts going straight from school to practice.
Ha! I wish I didn't have to spend money on scrunchies!! Guess our gym girls love them since they have to have them in all the time. I have bought them at the gym too many times when my DD has forgotten her matching one at home!

I have been tossing the scrunchies that come with the practice leos in the "keep for consignment or Goodwill" box because Tink's hair is currently too short for scrunchies (she is growing it out) and they do not seem to be in fashion for practice at her gym anyway.
I use one hanger per gymmie with the clean leos looped on it. Dirty leos and shorts go in a specific basket so I can find them to wash :)
Organization?? HA. Actually, we just did DD's closet and there's a shelf with a fabric bin that we put her leos and shorts in. That's about as organized as it gets, other than comp leos. Those are always hung up in my closet because they get handwashed and hung to dry. We don't really have the "rotate them so dd will wear them all" issue because she just digs through the bin to find the one she wants. I'd never hold off on washing because that just creates more drama when the one she wants isn't there and since I'm not the one who has to be around to get her ready I try and make it as easy as possible.
I bought a shoe holder that hangs on the back of the door. The shoe compartments are clear plastic. After the leos dry, she takes each one, bundles it with a pair of GK underpants, and puts it in a shoe compartment.

I also don't do the laundry until she's down to the last one, so that they wear evenly.
Leo's at our house seem to have a life of their glad to hear other families Leo's keep escaping their confinement! I've found them in some very odd places including a little brothers hockey bag....( DH is great at helping tidy - but really into a hockey bag???:))

As Dd spends so much of her life in the gym I'm really happy for her to just choose whichever she wants as they are her main casual outfit :)

In saying that she gives them turns as she thinks they all need to have fun at gym LOL

Comp Leo's are carefully laundered after use then when dried packed with scrunchie into a ziplock plastic bag then the relevant comp bag.
I've found them in some very odd places including a little brothers hockey bag....
That would have been interesting if he pulled that out at practice!
Competitive leos hung with scrunches on hanger. Practice suits in two drawer in her closet.
Extra two suits in locker at gym. Scrunchies are in a clean bin above her suits.
She has a million suits and we just moved to a club that has training leos :(
She can only wear her own choice on two days - so in future it will eliminate having too many
Dd has about 5 practice leos-all are folded in one of her dresser drawers. The scrunchies go in there as well so it's easy to match up. Her comp leo is hung along w/ the warm up.

Leos just go in the laundry w/ her reg clothes. I do flat dry them and fluff for just a few min before putting away. They look as good as new!
Organization? What is this madness you speak of? Which translates into leos and shorts all crammed in a drawer. Except competition leo, warmups and scrunchy which are on a hanger in her closet after she was told that ruining or loosing them would come out of her allowance, with an illustration of just how many years that would take! She doesn't wear scrunchy for practice, just a regular ponytail holder. And those are everywhere except in her bathroom where they should be.
Organization? What is this madness you speak of? Which translates into leos and shorts all crammed in a drawer. Except competition leo, warmups and scrunchy which are on a hanger in her closet after she was told that ruining or loosing them would come out of her allowance, with an illustration of just how many years that would take! She doesn't wear scrunchy for practice, just a regular ponytail holder. And those are everywhere except in her bathroom where they should be.
Ponytail holders... in the office, in the kitchen, in MY bedroom, on baggy t-shirts, in the glove box, by the sound system at the gym (still on the little board they came on, labeled, for just in case she forgets or one breaks ... I am considering moving them to the drawer that HC lets her keep her tylenol in so they don't disappear as quickly). Having to buy new ones every other month when she only goes to gym 8-9 times a month (and usually remembers) is kinda ridiculous, even if they are only $2 for 50.
I refuse to buy pony holders any where but the dollar store, that pretty much makes them disposable.

I even keep them on the turn signal of my car.
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I refuse to buy pony holders any where but the dollar store, that pretty much makes them disposable.

I even keep them on the turn signal of my car.
I do buy mine from the dollar store, but she needs the stronger, slightly thicker ones without metal. Not so bad if she is the one using them, but one day she still had 48 in her pack at the gym and less than two weeks later (5 practices), she didnt have any when the cheap one she wore there snapped during stretching. So I basically paid $1 each! :(

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