Parents Levels

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Proud Parent
I'm not that familiar with gymnastics but it's a sport my daughter has fallen in love with. She recently switched to a more competitive gym and they put her in their level 2 group. She had all the level 2 skills starting out since she competed Xcel bronze last year. Over the summer she has improved significantly and is now doing all the level 3 skills and most of the level 4 skills.

Oue competitions won't start until January so I'm a bit concerned level 2 will feel too easy and she won't be that motivated. I've tried broaching the topic lightly with her coach to see if a move in levels may be possible but was quickly told she's in the level 2 group and that's where the group competes. Has anyone been in a similar situation where they don't want to challenge the coach but also question their child's level? Did it work out ok in the long run staying at the lower level for competitions but training harder elements?
Go with the coaches on this. Especially in the early levels, it isn't just about the skills, it's about form, technique, strength and laying a solid foundation for the exponentially more difficult skills that lay ahead. To my un-trained eye, it "looked" like my daughter was being moved too slowly. Once she got to optionals, the extra time she spent on shapes and form and details have allowed her to fly through skills like crazy... and I realized how little I knew.

Trust the coaches, is my advice. Just sit back and enjoy!
If she can do level 3 and 4 skills I would assume they are training them? In the next year your daughter will spend about 15-20 hours competing and likely 300-400 hours training. Being challenged in training is much more important when it comes to keeping kids engaged and not bored.
Some gyms like to train-up and compete down. If she is in level 2 and learning level 4 skills, then they are up-training. This approach leads to a lot of medals. As long as the training is challenging the only problem with competing down is that it’s unfair to your competitors!

They might be planning to skip her to level 4 next year. Unfortunately, you won’t know their plans until the spring or whenever they do levels) and it’s generally taboo to ask. As long as your child is enjoying what she is doing, just roll with it.
Often parents see their kid doing higher level skills than their level, and think, "She's more advanced that her level, why isn't she skipping up?" Often a gymnast can throw lots of higher skills, but they have to learn to perfect the skills in their routines. She may be able to do a back tuck, but her form may not be great. Meanwhile, they are working on perfecting her very important round-off or back handspring, which are skills that lead to better and higher tumbling for higher levels.

I have seen so many gymnasts ruined by over-exuberant parents who think their kid should be on a higher level than they are. They take them to a gym that will put them where mom or dad wants them to be, and then they finish last at every competition they enter. I'm not saying that is you, I promise. I'm just going from my experience and what I have observed and experienced over the past couple decades. Be patient. They may want to see how she does in competition this year, and then based on her skills and abilities, let her skip to level 4 or higher next season.
Go with the coaches on this. Especially in the early levels, it isn't just about the skills, it's about form, technique, strength and laying a solid foundation for the exponentially more difficult skills that lay ahead. To my un-trained eye, it "looked" like my daughter was being moved too slowly. Once she got to optionals, the extra time she spent on shapes and form and details have allowed her to fly through skills like crazy... and I realized how little I knew.

Trust the coaches, is my advice. Just sit back and enjoy!
This was my daughter's experience too. Going slowly works!!

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