Off Topic Life is so special

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I just wanted to post something that might make some people do a 360 and remember what the season is all about. Early this morning in Chicago, a three alarm fire broke out in an abandoned building. Authorities are certain that it was started by homeless people trying to stay warm in the bitter cold. Thank goodness for my family my DH was not on shift today. It happened in his area. Reports indicated that two FF died and 14 others have been injured. This tradgedy places 16 families plus those of the many homeless involved in a totally different tragic situation presently. At a time when families all over are counting their many blessings, these families are probably questioning what is right, etc.. In an attempt to seek what our gymmies need, we all tend to loose sight of what is important in life. Life and living with those we love around us is important. So rather than worry what gym to switch our gymmies to, how well our gymmies will do at their next meet, let's give thanks and seriously count our blessings daily. Because in an instant everything we hold dear can be taken away. I truly believe this is God's way of telling us to "Wake UP!"
One of the casualties in the fire had just crossed over from the police force to be a firefighter. What a lose to society and most importantly to his many loved ones. Life should never be taken for granted. I thank God my DH was not at work.:(
How awful :/ My prayers go out to all those families, especially during the holidays. Those fire fighters are heroes. But thank you for posting. I do think we all need a reminder to wake up every now and then and appreciate all we have. We need to stop worrying about the silly things and just appreciate that our friends, our family members, and our gymmie daughters and sons or our gymmie students are safe and healthy. I have recently had a reminder of my own... a very tragic and incredibly untimely accident occurred, and I have been careful not to take anything for granted since. I wish everybody a very happy holidays with their loved ones! Appreciate their presence while you still can!!
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Taking your gods out of the equation, as we DO NOT do religion here.

It is a terrible tragedy, and what a terrible time of year to have this happen, not that any time is good. I know we have many FF families here, lets all send some communal good karma their way. If you find a link for a support fund feel free to post it here.

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