Parents Luv to the bar fairy

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Sep 8, 2007
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The bar fairy once again made that trip to fl .My dd got her kip tonight 4 in a row and in front of the hc.I did not get to see it yet I had to run some errand but when i got there everyone told me about .her poor hands defintly show she was working hard she has about 5 blisters on each .
Tell your DD "Way to go, girl!" Ouch on those blisters. I am sure you are both very proud!
Congrates to your daughter.Way to go.Even though she got blisters she must be very proud of herself.
Gotta love that bar fairy - the kip is a biggie - congrats to her :)
Ooh I really love the kip fairy. Congrats to your DD for all her hard work.
Congrats to your dd on getting her kip - that is such exciting news! :D
Great job! The kip is a huge skill to accomplish. Hope those blisters feel better!:)
Thanks for all of the replies she was very excited and bragging on herself since she is the 2nd girl on her team to get it .She was not able to do bars last night ,she would not let me come near her with a needle so last night when she was a sleep I popped them when she woke up this morning she was like wow they do no hurt anymore.she does not have practice tonight ,so her hand she be in pretty good shape by thurs.

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