united team girl
I am really mad because at the begining of the season my coach told me that we had to get a 34 to move up. It sounded easy and i couldnt wait. Well it was my second year of level 6 so i was really eager!!! It turned out that i fell on beam twice at state and i didnt get a 34 at alll that season. I was so sad. But my coach ended up telling the parents that even though they got a 34 they would only move up if they had their skills. So i got happy.
I have all of my moves for seven exept my bh on high beam and my giants.
So i was ready to go.. But a few days later my coach told me that he was so happy in how i had advanced but i should still be working 6 for my meet later. I asked my mom what he meant and now i still have to do ANOTHER 6 meet!!!
I am sad becuase the floor routine hurts my ciatic nerve and it mmaes my legs go numb before my back tuck.