Off Topic Makeup at meets?

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never seen makeup on girls, but glitter spray seems compulsory
I used glitter hairspray once when DD was 10. I accidentally sprayed her in the eye. She could barely see and had a horrible vault. The HC yelled at her for what he thought was crying. She still reminds me of this three years later. LOL Bad gym mom. Haven't used it since. I hate the messy buns on the older girls though. I have been through the hair stages. Pineapple hair braids with the little bands. She used to sleep in curlers. Terrible rest, if her tossing and turning in hotel beds is any indicator. This year she plans to just wear a simple braided bun.
I put foundation or concealer on my daughters leg bruises. And she has some hair glitter. But no face makeup. She's only 8.
My DD's gym says no makeup for the younger girls and no nail polish at all. The younger girls do the glitter hair spray but it seems like once they move to optionals, they stop using it. DD definitely was glad to leave the glitter hair spray behind. The high school age girls are allowed to wear makeup at meets but few of them do.
My daughter wears make up EVERYWHERE. Once she got old enough to wear make up, she never leaves the house without it.
My daughter wears make up EVERYWHERE. Once she got old enough to wear make up, she never leaves the house without it.
Mine refuses to wear it for anything besides Halloween- and she's not a tomboy either. I wonder when (if) that will kick in? I mean, she's 14, so I thought she'd be at least asking by now, but she still actively refuses when offered.
Mine refuses to wear it for anything besides Halloween- and she's not a tomboy either. I wonder when (if) that will kick in? I mean, she's 14, so I thought she'd be at least asking by now, but she still actively refuses when offered.

Hold onto that as long as you can ! Pink doesn't wear any, she is allergic to most things so hasn't tried, but at 12 she is one of the few in school who don't
We haven't done glitter spray since my oldest was small. We discovered that the spray, didn't matter what kind, irritated their scalps. The couple of hours of sparkle wasn't worth the days of scratching and complaining. As to makeup, my 15 year old is allowed to wear make up now but has no interest except for mascara on some days. She'll put makeup on at meets if she's with her teammates getting ready. If she gets ready at home, then generally no. My 12 year old, who isn't allowed to wear makeup outside the house, LOVES it and has a full makeup case that she loves to experiment with. She can't wait for the day when she'll be allowed to wear it out and to meets.
Love this thread! Kipper's desire to be on team was driven by two things: Grandparents coming to see her tricks, and wearing glitter in her hair! So, I can't imagine little ones not being allowed the glitter! Of course, around age 9 or 10, she was done with the glitter. I usually apply a tiny bit of blush and clear lip gloss. It's very natural-looking but creates the feeling of "special occasion". She isn't interested in makeup yet, so I haven't even asked what the gym policy is.
No desire for glitter/makeup here yet. Don't see it happening soon in any form. She is however dying to shave her legs (no need for that yet, told her when she can show me a hair fine)

Either way no chance till middle school at the earliest and then very limited, until HS.
Our teens wear makeup - it's not mandatory, but most do. About the same amount of makeup that an adult would wear in every day life. Neutral eye shadow, light eyeliner and, blush, maybe a lighter shade of lipstick or gloss (nothing bright or stage makeup like). Many at least need the foundation to cover acne or even skin tone - I'm wondering how the older girls feel about that for those of you at gyms w/ a no makeup rule?

Most of the younger girls don't wear any makeup but many do the glitter spray.
Glitter hairspray is a must. Other than that no. She doesn't even touch nail polish during the season.
I'm wondering how the older girls feel about that for those of you at gyms w/ a no makeup rule?

I don't even know if we have a no makeup rule. I know we have a no nail polish no earrings beyond one small pair of studs.

Our teens just don't wear make up, not even much at our parties.
They did rebel about the bun, so L5 and up its a high pony.
I have taught my daughter the Litany Against Makeup: it's expensive, it's time consuming, and it's bad for your skin. So far, zero interest in makeup on her part.

I can understand people wanting to use makeup, but it is not a need. Most boys seem to be able to survive without it.
I rarely wear makeup: banquets and important events (ex. class night and halloween) are typically the only times I do. I hate it.
Our team handbook TECHNICALLY says no glitter, nail polish, or makeup. Nobody, including compulsories, wear glitter or nail polish. On makeup, some girls wear it, I'm one of them, ;) but I like makeup and I generally don't leave the house without it. To each her own, I suppose...
Our gym doesn't allow nail polish or any earrings but studs. I've never seen glitter mentioned but never seen anyone on our team use it either. Makeup seems to be fine. I almost always let her wear a little makeup for meets, nothing major, powder, clear mascara and lip gloss. She loves it and asks for it and it's not noticeable. We got in the habit of doing makeup for dance recitals when she did dance, so I've always let her do a little for meets too.
We tell our compulsory girls and new compulsory parents "no makeup, no nail polish, small stud earrings okay, hair pulled back snuggly and neatly." It they put in glitter hair spray, that's fine. No rule against it but we also don't encourage it (try vacuuming that up!). Our justification is that they should be focusing on their athletic performance, not getting all "dressed up" or "dolled up." Athletes, not beauty pageant contestants.

As gymnasts get to be teens, many wear "natural" makeup to school and then practice or at meets. That's fine.
My daughter doesn't wear makeup and her gym has a NO GLITTER rule for their gymnasts. :)

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