WAG Making up for lost time!!

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The problem is, when you share something online, people WILL comment and share their opinions, ask clarifying questions, etc. If you don't want feedback, then posting online is not for you (general you).
I honestly hope that your daughter's coaches can get her where she wants to go. I guess to me it just seems like what she has already accomplished is quite special and anyone who knows gymnastics would be impressed by her being a L8 at her young age and doing clean routines at that level. I think some folks are genuinely puzzled by the decision for her not to compete, but as you've said, your coaches seem to have a rationale for that. If it works for her and doesn't cause issues with her teammates, it's all good.

Maybe it's almost a superstition on my part, but I would be nervous about saying my kid was a particular level before the kid was registered in a meet at that level and was within spitting distance time-wise of competing at that meet. So much can happen -- injuries, fears, coaching disruptions, etc. I very much hope that your daughter has a great period of uptraining in the coming months and is fully ready to compete L9 and do well at that level next season. But I hope that if something happens to derail her a bit (and of course I hope it doesn't!) that you will remain just as proud of her and just as invested in what she has achieved with all of her hard work and dedication as you are now.

Maybe if you really just want support and congratulations, consider posting in Brag Alert? I always think of that area as having different norms than this area, where I presume posters are open to hearing more than just "that's awesome." And to be clear, your daughter is awesome! Good luck to her in her training for the camp she's planning to attend.
I'm sorry you felt attacked, too.

I would have loved to see more videos, not to snark on her, but because she is so darn cute. She reminds me of a (very) young Kim Zmeskal.

I would try to prepare myself for future criticism. Only because, if she goes all they way and becomes a strong Level 10, NCAA gymnast, or certainly a JR. elite, she WILL be talked about online, in public, everywhere. It's because they are so talented that the become public interest. Also, try to realize that if people critique her as a gymnast, they're not critiquing her as a PERSON.

That said, I have a ten year old Xcel silver that can't point her toes to save her life. She knows that, I know that, we all know that, but I imagine I'd take it personally if there was a thread about it, even if logically I understood.

Thanks for sharing the videos!
Amazing! So polished and yet so adorable, and such fun to watch because she is clearly giving it her all and having fun at the same time.
Thanks for sharing!! She is so fun to watch, and she makes it look effortless. She is a natural!
I don't feel attacked. I really don't. And I don't expect all sunshine and rainbows, nor am I looking for a pat on the back for my DD. I'm not a competitive person, not at all. I could see some backlash if I was sitting over here saying.....meet the next Mary Lou......or......mine's better than yours......but that's simply not the case bc long before gymnastics, I learned a very valuable lesson: There's always someone BETTER!
The point I'm trying to make here is that many people are scared away bc of the constant negativity! We are well on our way to becoming a disgruntled association as opposed to a supportive community! Respectful disagreements and critiques are one thing, but downright rudeness is another. This post does not just pertain to this thread (this thread is actually kinda soft compared to some of the others), but more the trend of posts, in general. I'm not gonna sit in a corner and sulk, or be banished to a social group, or runaway with my tail tucked. I just feel that EVERYONE has something valuable to offer here and we should ALL be more supportive of one another!
Thanks ladies and gentlemen, but that's quite enough of the snarky/snide comments about her and her journey. Quite frankly, and with all due respect, I didn't ask for your opinions on the video, her training regime, or anything else for that matter. The purpose was just to share for the sake of sharing. I won't be posting videos of bars or vault or beam or of anything else to satisfy the innate needs of a few members to bash on a 9 year old or her coaches. She has NOTHING to prove & neither do I or her coaches. This is HER journey! I very much value this COMMUNITY, but a few need a reminder of what it means to be NEIGHBORLY! Now, that being said, I acknowledge that some things are out of the ordinary, but she has very seasoned, qualified, conscientious coaches, who believe in her and I trust completely, to guide her down this long road, WHEREVER it may lead. Special thanks to those who have commented with support. I'm also not saying that the other comments have not been welcomed or interesting, just unwarranted.
Assuredly, many, if not most, of you have years, possibly decades, more experience than me, but the one thing I know MORE about is MY daughter, and I promise you and anyone else that SHE is my greatest concern.
Looking through here, I just don't see a lot of negative criticism. I do see questions, because we don't understand the path, curiosity regarding her other events, as her floor is nice so we'd like to see more, comments on the variance of approaches gym to gym etc. All these things are exactly what happens in a community like this: we discuss the sport, ask questions and try to learn.

Your hostility seems a bit unwarranted. Your daughter is clearly talented, and is training a high level at a very young age. Your sharing this does open lots of curiosity for us. As well, I am hearing concerns that her skills may not be equal on all events, this can cause her problems if she is pushed up levels too quickly. This does not seem to be said in a bashing way, but more in a desire to understand and want for the best for her.

I wish her all the best to her in this gymnastics journey.
You've had this before here though? You've posted videos and information which makes you and your dd easily identifiable.

It's an open forum, and people can post their opinions, positive or negative. I find it far more interesting and educational to read a thread with responses like this than one that just says "she's great" in every post.

If you don't want comment and discussion on your posts, don't post!
I must admit that some of the threads on this site make me cringe because of the sarcasm and bitterness, but I really didn't get that sense on this thread. You've been very open with your comments and videos on this site, and people simply asked to see more. I think you should take that as a great compliment -- not as an attack. Our gymmies (and us) really appreciate great routines (at least mine does). Your daughter is absolutely adorable and I said in my earlier post has a great performance quality to her. As crotchety as some folks here might seem, I am quite certain the last thing that folks are doing are criticizing your daughter in any shape or form.
Special thanks to those who have commented with support. I'm also not saying that the other comments have not been welcomed or interesting, just unwarranted.

This sort of comment makes people believe that you are only seeking high fives, not engaged discussion, as it reads as if you are dismissing every single person who posted to say something other than "she is fantastic!" But perhaps I am misunderstanding you.

Just to be clear, I don't have any problem with people posting videos on the main boards, but I think it is a mistake to do so and not expect any discussion or questions. If I just want someone to congratulate me on my DS's or DD's having done something that I think is great, I'd post in brag alert. I've done it before. It's a tough sport for kids AND parents, and there's nothing wrong with seeking a little simple validation once in a while. :)
I'm one that did see a few of the comments as a little questionable and actually was impressed with how the OP didn't call them out on it right off the bat. She shared her DD's floor routines and I think commenting on/discussing those are just fine (and I don't just mean spouting rainbows and flowers) but the rest seemed a little off-topic given that she didn't post asking what everyone thought about the path she and her DD's coaches decided was best for her DD. Maybe some asking to see vault and bars were really sincere in just wanting to see an amazing girl doing her thing, but it did seem like some wanted to just be able to critique and see where she might be lacking. If that's not the case, great... but it definitely could have been taken either way.

Maybe this is the wrong forum to post in if you aren't wanting to be scrutinized. I'm definitely taking note for if I ever decide to share.
I'm one that did see a few of the comments as a little questionable and actually was impressed with how the OP didn't call them out on it right off the bat. She shared her DD's floor routines and I think commenting on/discussing those are just fine (and I don't just mean spouting rainbows and flowers) but the rest seemed a little off-topic given that she didn't post asking what everyone thought about the path she and her DD's coaches decided was best for her DD. Maybe some asking to see vault and bars were really sincere in just wanting to see an amazing girl doing her thing, but it did seem like some wanted to just be able to critique and see where she might be lacking. If that's not the case, great... but it definitely could have been taken either way.

Maybe this is the wrong forum to post in if you aren't wanting to be scrutinized. I'm definitely taking note for if I ever decide to share.
I agree %100, if you study this thread closely this is clearly a 2 sided thread some on one side some on the other. It's a jungle out there in the main boards. That's why I only read them, I share with social groups, Brag Alert, Dunno, and Bog they've got no BS and could care less about digging someone's info. I think it's safe to say this is less about the videos and skills than it is the people not knowing how she's going to level 9 so fast. Looks like the same routine, with level 8 requirements added, probably to get a score.
But GYMOM, your daughter IS the next Mary Lou!

and you are an amazing, supportive mom who always encourages and shows pride in all our gymnasts. Oh, and dad too! Your DD is lucky to have 2 amazingly supportive parents. Thanks for sharing those gorgeous videos. I'm proud of your DD!
I admit to being skeptical. GYM0M has not answered any questions regarding her DD's vault and her bars for a reason. But she is sure to tell us all in every post that her DD is a "9 year old level 9," - usually others' posts that don't warrant such a comment. So, GYM0M, while you don't need to "prove" anything to anyone, when you present yourself that way, I think more parents are going to say, "oh, let's see that 9 year old level 9 - she must be awesome!" And yes, she's talented. But, you have to take the good comments with the more critical ones.

As someone mentioned, your DD and her gym are easily identifiable by your posts and those of Dadderob03.

I question not because I don't think you have a talented little girl, but because I am confused as to why there is a rush through levels when her ability is not apparently equal across all events. I know your DD is apparently not planning to compete level 9 anytime soon, as she is concentrating on training, but I don't know a coach anywhere who will let a girl compete a FHS on vault in level 9.

I'm sorry if I appear snarky, but I really am just trying to understand. I get that you trust the coaches 100%, but sometimes it is good to consider points others are making without being led blindly.
I really find this unbelievable that everytime something like skipping levels, elite dreams, etc comes up, there are a select few who seem to always want to stir the pot. The op just wanted to post a couple videos. She didn't even talk about the above topics. You all brought them in from previous conversations, apparently. Comment on the videos or don't. Your business. but why bring in her training and the path she is taking when it has nothing to do with the posted topic? Obviously her coaches have a plan for her and the parent is comfortable with the plan. Just because it doesn't follow what your gym would do, or even what most gyms would do doesn't make it wrong for her. There are coaches out there who don't feel the need to spend so much time perfecting routines and competing in the JO system and would rather work skills for a high goals. Seriously - level 8 regionals may mean a lot to a girl who may not make it to L10 but for a girl with eyes focused higher, like elite (not saying this about op b/c I don't know), it is just another meet. Especially if you come from a gym who doesn't live and die by the medals and banners. Yes, competition experience is important but it doesn't seem that much problem in these competition videos.

Op - she really is a little spitfire. She seems to have excellent control in her tumbling. Does she do any t&t? Oh, and from being around cb long enough to know the posters, *most* of the people initially asking for the videos were truly interested in seeing such a little one perform the routines, not to critique. but I don't blame you for not wanting to post them now.
I really find this unbelievable that everytime something like skipping levels, elite dreams, etc comes up, there are a select few who seem to always want to stir the pot. The op just wanted to post a couple videos. She didn't even talk about the above topics. You all brought them in from previous conversations, apparently. Comment on the videos or don't. Your business. but why bring in her training and the path she is taking when it has nothing to do with the posted topic? Obviously her coaches have a plan for her and the parent is comfortable with the plan. Just because it doesn't follow what your gym would do, or even what most gyms would do doesn't make it wrong for her. There are coaches out there who don't feel the need to spend so much time perfecting routines and competing in the JO system and would rather work skills for a high goals. Seriously - level 8 regionals may mean a lot to a girl who may not make it to L10 but for a girl with eyes focused higher, like elite (not saying this about op b/c I don't know), it is just another meet. Especially if you come from a gym who doesn't live and die by the medals and banners. Yes, competition experience is important but it doesn't seem that much problem in these competition videos.

Op - she really is a little spitfire. She seems to have excellent control in her tumbling. Does she do any t&t? Oh, and from being around cb long enough to know the posters, *most* of the people initially asking for the videos were truly interested in seeing such a little one perform the routines, not to critique. but I don't blame you for not wanting to post them now.
Thank you! You really nailed it in that first sentence. I don't mind the inquisitions, but what gets me is the bitterness. Inquire away, tactfully! Rationalize with new comers, tactfully! I don't think it's too much to ask for people to just be polite and respectful and courteous. It's just the way we are down here.
But no, she doesn't compete t&t.
I've got no horses in this race, but I have seen some snarky comments towards another mom with a fast tracked kiddo so maybe there's something to it.

If this child is still vaulting a handspring, so what? Her size would be a great disadvantage to her on vault and I think it's better to compete a handspring and work technique than to chuck a Tsuk or Yurchenko too early.

If this kid can't put it together for l9 next year and has to repeat 8---that's fine too. Even if you think Mom counted her chickens before they hatched---that doesn't hurt us. If the mom's worst fault is to squeeze into conversations her daughter's age and level, that's not so bad. I've never seen the mom be anything but supportive to others, so even if she toots her kid's own horn, I don't care.

The little gymnast is talented----level 8,9, whatever.

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