I admit to being skeptical. GYM0M has not answered any questions regarding her DD's vault and her bars for a reason. But she is sure to tell us all in every post that her DD is a "9 year old level 9," - usually others' posts that don't warrant such a comment. So, GYM0M, while you don't need to "prove" anything to anyone, when you present yourself that way, I think more parents are going to say, "oh, let's see that 9 year old level 9 - she must be awesome!" And yes, she's talented. But, you have to take the good comments with the more critical ones.
As someone mentioned, your DD and her gym are easily identifiable by your posts and those of Dadderob03.
I question not because I don't think you have a talented little girl, but because I am confused as to why there is a rush through levels when her ability is not apparently equal across all events. I know your DD is apparently not planning to compete level 9 anytime soon, as she is concentrating on training, but I don't know a coach anywhere who will let a girl compete a FHS on vault in level 9.
I'm sorry if I appear snarky, but I really am just trying to understand. I get that you trust the coaches 100%, but sometimes it is good to consider points others are making without being led blindly.