WAG Mental blocking over an old skill

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Jan 1, 2024
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I have my round off back handspring and I competed it last season. So, it’s an old skill to me. We recently started summer practice and I moved up a level. This year I’m required to compete a round off back handspring and possible a double bhs which I would have to get my the end of summer. I guess I’m just afraid of not being able to do skills and moving down or getting stuck on a level. This is because I’m really behind age wise in gymnastics and practically need to move up. Because of this I’ve been mental blocking on a round off bhs on floor and tumble track. We also have a new coach and I need time to build up enough trust with her that I would throw it if she was standing there like I did with my other coach. I just need some advice on how I could get over this weird fear because my worst fear is happening, I’ve got a mental block. There is nothing to be afraid of, I should just go for it. But I can’t.
Okay imma start of the bat by saying the best way and I mean the BEST way is to break the skill down into smaller easier skills you can do for example, start by doing a cartwheel leading into a backbend, then eventually move on to cartwheel back walkover, then round-off back walkover, or round off back limber jump at the end if you have one, if not stick to the roundoff back walkover but bring your legs together mid-walkover and block of your hands onto your feet. Next thing you can do is have a block or a rolling octagon with a spot and do your back handspring move on to doing it on the floor with a heavy and then light spot, then do it on your on. After that do a roundoff stop for 3 seconds then throw a backhandspring over a block, then connect the two. Then do it on trampoline, to air track, to floor. Don’t stress about being behind the skill will come with trust in yourself, and encouragement, nobody but you can help with self-trust. You might even be able to do a roundoff back handspring better. Hope this helps let me know if it does 😉
Something I've been hearing alot is that a mental block isn't a thing. You're scared of a skill which is ok. I'm not sure if I like that thought process but maybe it will help you. Something other than going back to drills and basics is improving your mental. Picture the skill in your mind going right. Also make sure you are thinking positively. What you think before and after is super important. Lastly, don't get worked up. If you don't make the connection think of what you did right
Thank you for the advice! I recently got my round off bhs back. I realized I was putting an expectation on myself to move forward and never have set backs because I am already behind for my age. I accepted that I’m doing this sport because it’s fun, not to be a college or elite gymnast. Then I broke down the skill by doing round off back limbers and round off pause standing bhs. Then I started doing it on different surfaces until I was fully confident on floor. I now feel a lot better and confident about this skill and my other skills than before my mental block 🙂
Thank you for the advice! I recently got my round off bhs back. I realized I was putting an expectation on myself to move forward and never have set backs because I am already behind for my age. I accepted that I’m doing this sport because it’s fun, not to be a college or elite gymnast. Then I broke down the skill by doing round off back limbers and round off pause standing bhs. Then I started doing it on different surfaces until I was fully confident on floor. I now feel a lot better and confident about this skill and my other skills than before my mental block 🙂
Great I’m glad to hear you got your skills back🙂

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