Parents Might need the fairy here!

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Nov 5, 2007
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DD is really working hard to move to Level 9.Floor,beam and vault are already comming along good.Bars looks to me like she is going backwards.Had a hard time just doing the half piroutte.They did not do them for awhile and they also just got grips(after the competition season).They are workink on overshoots(mostly to a mat)and she only done her doublebacks a couple of times into the pit.I don't want to sound negative but she might need the bar fairy.On the other hand I would not mind her competing another season of Level 8.She is only 10 years old by the wayLevel 9 is scary to watch(as the parent).like i mentione she does fine on the other events.Finally does her BHS BHS on beam.Was afraid last year,Also does backtuck straddlejump.On floor she would like to do fronthandspring frontwhip pike(already did last season),fronthandspring frontfull tuck(made it one time so far)and bhs 1 1/2 punchfront(very close to making it).On vault they are working on front front and yurchenkos.She already competed piked tsuk last season.
Sounds like she is doing GREAT !!

I will wish the Bar Fairy your way - she was w/ DD at our gym last night (Front Hip Circle :D )
Wow, 10 years old working those skill, I think she's doing just fine, after all it only goes up 3 more levels and then what, the Olympics:D?
Wow! She is awesome. Sending bar fairy wishes her way.

She is only 10 and doing all that. I am always thankful that DD has no aspirations to go that far. I couldn't watch. LOL. She saw the Olympic trials, loved them, but said she never wanted to that hard of gymnastics. And that she never wants to do aerial anything on beam. :) Thank goodness for that!
Thank you all so much.She is young and nobody can predict what will happen.Although I had to smile the other day when somebody asked her if she wanted to go to the Olympics and she said yes.She never said that before.I also thought she might have this phase again like she did last summer about wanting to quit because she wants to play with her friends and sisters.I'm just really surprised how hard she is trying.No complains about goint to the gym everyday or getting up in the morning.She goes five days a week right now but we will go on vacation for 3 weeks will design a conditioning program for her while she is gone.
For those aeriels.She is working on wolfhop side aeriel on the 6 inch floor beam.
Yeah - I agree - she is doing remarkably well for her age. I wouldn't worry about the few things she needs to sharpen before competition. When does her season start? Our optional season starts in January - which gives my dd time to fix what she needs to fix (which is quite a few things - I'm still considering some velcro on her feet for beam). And if your dd makes it to the olympics some day - we can all say we cyber-chatted with her mom back when :D
If we see the fairy we will send her your way. It seems like she likes the element of surprise though since you never know when she'll show up. ;)

Your dd sounds like she'll have it soon with all her talent and hard work going for her
Competition season here starts in January also.So she still has time.
Sending the skills fairy to your dd:)
Wow 10 years old and maybe a level 9:) She is awesome
That is amazing she could do such hard skills at such a young age!:applause: Also sending the fairy up her way. I wish her best of luck and I bet those skills will show up just when she needs them.;)

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