WAG minor injury question...

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Did you get a specific diagnosis for the injury? My DD has had an ankle injury that has some similarities to what you describe, and another girl in her group also had a foot injury - both were able to continue to train for some time without major pain, both could have been described as brought on by 'overuse', but that doesn't tell the whole story. In DD's case, the injury was caused by overpronation on landings. She now has to wear orthotics with built up arches in her everyday shoes, and does exercises to strengthen the arch in her foot. The other girl had a different injury but is also wearing orthotics in her everyday shoes. DD has her foot taped for training to support the arch to prevent over-pronation. We are investigating the possibility of a brace as an aternative to taping. So I think a lot depends on the specific nature of the injury. Is your DD seeing a physiotherapist for the injury?
We actually just got ao overuse diagnosis. Interesting thought on the overpronation on landings. My husband actually had a tough time with that after moving from swimming to running post college. He wore a orthotic for years when doing any kind of walking.

Her Coach suspects poor landings on ROBHS and is working with DD on cleaning up her form. DD had her first untaped full practice yesterday and did not have any pain. Hopefully we will not be dealing with this again anytime soon, but if I do, I will check into the overpronation.

Thank you everyone for all your input!

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