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Proud Parent
Jun 19, 2008
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Ok. So I've recently developed this freaking out thing. Totally calm and collected on the outside (so dd and coaches don't know), but pretty nervous on the inside.

Lately, my kid (6.5 year old L4 and intermediate power tumbler) keeps crashing at gym. Over the last 4 weeks, (in no specific order) I have seen her:

1. Peel off the bar doing a bhc. She did her cast above horizontal, went for the bhc and when she got upside down, she peeled and went flying. Landed on her head. Cried for about 3 minutes, wasn't hurt, just VERY scared, went back to class.

2. Straddle the beam. And it wasn't just a slip and fall, it was a leap. Step, step, step BIG LEAP, missed foot, straddled beam. Beam burn, ugly bruise. She cried again for like 3 minutes, iced her leg for a few minutes, was scared and it hurt, but went back to class.

3. Knock the wind out of herself. Over-rotated a full into the "pit" on the back of the rodfloor. Not a foam pit, not a resi pit, more like a 10 incher...she went for the full, i don't know what happened, but she completed the twist and her feet went out from under her and she went to her back. Knocked the wind out of herself - which is scary (especially when your're a six year old)

4. Miss the springboard and plow into the vault. Not the level 4 vault, but the actual vault. Yes, there was a spotter, but she still plowed into the vault. It all happened very quickly - I do not fault the coach at all.

5. Knee herself in the nose. Completely lost air and body awareness on a punch front on rodfloor. Landed on her butt, slammed her face into her knee. Bloody nose, but not broken, thank you GOD.

6. Fall head first off of the beam - doing straddle presses - landed on her head.

She is a very brave little thing. She always has been. So far, she hasn't mentioned anything to me about being scared or having reservations about trying any of these things again. She, in fact, acts like they never happened.

I, on the other hand, don't like it. I have seen falls before, no big deal. I'm just suddenly getting afraid that she's really going to get hurt. Whether or not I stay and watch practice is about 50/, though, after all of this I am afraid to leave her there. I trust the staff. I know that she is in a safe, progressive learning environment, but these falls/accidents that she has been having lately are freaking me out a little...and I'm not sure how to feel like she isn't going to get hurt....??? :confused:
Holy smokes!!!!! Every single one of those are scary mishaps. I would be nervous too. I am sure I annoy people in the lobby because anytime any of our girls have a hard slip or fall, I always gasp really loud. I know they aren't "mine" but I care about every single one of our gymmies and I don't want to see any of them hurt.

I'm glad you have a tough little girl who wasn't seriously injured! Hugs to brave little gymmie
Love your "she plays in chalk" siggie. I like to tease Bella by telling her that the first time she got to use chalk at the gym she came out looking like a french aristocrat. Her face and hair was totally powdered and she looked ready for a ball!
Unfortunately, these "falls and mishaps" are going to happen--it is just part of the learning process of gymnastics. However, you do need to be very careful and try to limit the risk of these things happening by having her always be in control when she is tumbling and trying new skills. It is fun to play around and "go for things" but that is also when accidents like the things you mentioned happen.

As the skills get a little more challenging, there will be instances where there is more room for error. The important thing is making sure it is safe for when they do crash and they do know how to fall correctly.

Your little one sounds like a little dare devil and I am sure she will bounce right back!!
Is this new and unusual for your DD? Sometimes these episodes are triggered by a growth spurt or even a medical problem. My DD goes through little spurts of injuries and I'm not sure whether they are related to growth or whether sometimes one injury will cause her to alter the way she does things, compensate, or whatever and lead to other injuries. At least I know our coach is very focused on safety and will slow her down and straighten her out every now and then.
Is this new and unusual for your DD? Sometimes these episodes are triggered by a growth spurt or even a medical problem.

Yep. Totally new - she has crashed before, but never this often, and not typically this scary.

Now that you mention it, in the last 12 months, she has grown about 5 inches and gained 10 pounds...she's a BRICK HOUSE, like with to-die-for abs and pipes, and you can see her quads from across the gym - no kidding. People comment to me all of the time "what are you feeding her?" "if I eat like her will I look like that?"...anyway, the growth spurt seemed to stop, like, july-ish. I didn't really think about it, but maybe she's still getting used to her "bigger" little self?

Still, though, I'm afrad that she's going to really hurt herself.
Yeah, it sounds like she might still be adjusting to her growth spurt! The falls are certainly scary to watch though (why I don't typically watch at the gym ;-) ). If you trust the coaches and the gym (and it sounds like you do), then breath deep and try to relax.
It sure sounds like she is still adjusting to a new center of gravity from growing 5" over the last year. And she may be on the verge of another little spurt again.
Wow, I'd be scared too. Typically when I see dd fall and I can tell it's not a too bad of a one, I'm pretty "shake it off" type of a mom (some say that's bad, but they have to get that if they're a gymnast). But holy cow, I don't know what I would have done if some of those things would have happened to dd.

I bet she is adjusting to her growth spurt and like pp's said, maybe she's getting ready to have another one, or maybe going through one right now. Knock on wood that everything goes okay, and maybe just sit her down and have a talk with her and the coach to tell her about the importance of being careful if you don't make the skill, and how to properly "fall"?

Good luck!
I know how you feel! I live in fear of a call from the gym saying that something bad has happened. It's only gotten worse now that my dd is doing more difficult skills on beam and bars. I am not looking forward at all to flipping vaults. In the past year, at least three kids have broken something at gym practice - just freaky accidents. Knock on wood everyone!

Hopefully your dd is just getting through her growth spurt and will regain her body awareness. Seems you are at least due a nice period without any major falls!
Every time my DD grew it was a week or two of falls and minor injuries. Unfortunatly it is part of the sport. Last Fri she straddled the beam for the 2nd time that week and she has a bruise on her inner thigh the size of a small pizza with a scrap to boot. But she says she's fine.

I always think someone is going to look at her and think we are beating the crap out of her as she is always covered in bruises from one thing or another at the gym.

I had to limit my watching as I too am a gasper LOL.
I don't have any advice to give, but I do remember watching some scary falls. I am not quiet about it either. Sometimes I just have a loud gasp, but a lot of times it is a full out scream. It is just a natural reaction I have.

well, we had another bar peel last night - again on the bhc...

last night I dropped her off and left her there. when I came back to watch the last half hour I wasn't there 10 minutes and she peeled. It was the same thing - huge cast, went upside down, peeled and went flying.:eek:

I'm thinking either she needs a break from gym, or I shouldn't be allowed to watch - ever. I just don't know how many more times I can stand to watch her do this.
If you trust the coach then don't watch for awhile. If you don't trust the coach...well, you have bigger problems.

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