Montages of Real Gymnasts: Anyone wanna star in it?

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hey, i'm doing a montage of real, everyday, non "famous" gymnasts. so if you wanna be in it you can send your videos to

[email protected] by email
or message me on youtube []
you do not have to be on a team to be a gymnast!
anyone who loves gymnastics and attempts some stuff can be in it!

i could careless if you are a level 1 [or lower] or a level 10 [or higher]
all gymnasts deserve to be recognized and applauded for their hard work.
i am not on a team myself, but i still think i'm a gymnast! lol

so send them in! the deadline is April 10th!
That's such a great idea! I don't want to be in it though-I'm too technologically innept to get videos on the computer.
yay! gymnasticsbabie! yeah i got yours thanks a bunch! and gracefulone thats too bad because you'd be so much fun to put in a montage, gymnasticsbabie, have you checked out my latest post on my blog? its kinda bout you... well not really but your name is mentioned lol
Hey cccam
It's me again haha. I didn't know you were on here. I know I was in the last one but if I send you my videos can I be in this one too? Thanks!!

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