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Proud Parent
Jan 31, 2012
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My family has run out of Tom Hanks movies to watch. Does anyone have other suggestions for uplifting, character-driven movies that would be fun for both adults and a young teen?
Fighting with My Family - yes, it’s about wrestling, but’s it funny, about a tight-knit family and uplifting

Sing Street - about a group of kids in Dublin in the 80’s who start their own band

The Farewell - so good, some sad/moving parts but ultimately very uplifting

A few older ones that have a Tom Hanks movie vibe - Life of Pi, Curios Case of Benjamin Buttons, Babe, The Truman Show, Field of Dreams, Rain Man(this one might be too adult for your teen but we watched it again recently and man did it hold up)
We are going to watch The Walk (2015 - Joseph Gordon-Levitt stars in it). It's about the french tight rope walker who walks between the Twin Towers in 1974. I had never heard of it before, but it was recommended and the reviews look pretty good!
The Last Mimzy

I loved Parasite and ... Bohemian Rhapsody, Rocketman and Yesterday ....some of the stuff in BR and Rocketman can be a little dicey, but good flicks about music in the 70s
Thanks for all the suggestions, and please keep them coming! Last night we watched Clueless, and tonight we’re planning to watch Sing Street.
The Golden Compass, Stick It (of course), The Tooth Fairy, The Never Ending Story, and Spirited Away and My Neighbor Totoro, or any movie from Hayao Miyazaki/Studio Ghibli.
We watched so many 80s and 90s movies and binge watching Friends now. Friends is so good still! If you have a girl, Rom coms like My Best Friend's Wedding, Pretty Woman, 13 going on 30 are classics. What about teen movies like Brain Games, Back to the Future, Outsiders? We like light-hearted feel good films (not Outsiders though. NO, definitely no. But it is really good.)
Breaking Away (1979)
Alpha (2018)
Blinded By The Light (2019)

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