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Just wanted to keep you all in the loop of our crazy life!

We did find a house and are in contract on it (N Dallas/Ft Worth area, near Lake Grapevine)!

If all goes according to plan, we will move in around Jan 27 or so. I know, REALLY soon! Time to start packing boxes, ugh!

DD will most likely try out a couple of gyms when we get there, and she'll settle on the one that fits best after trying out. So we'll let you know on that one.

She has been complaining on & off of a sore wrist for about one month now. It seems to begin to be sore w/ certain events at gym, mostly vault, bars & floor.

I am taking her to see an ortho next Wed. If all is well, she will compete in her second (and final, boo-hoo!) Prep-Op meet in Orlando on Jan. 23rd. Then we will probably go right from there, on to TX.

She is continuing to train. I told her to back off of using it at practice if it gets too sore. She seems to make it thru most practices without probs, just some soreness afterwards. Not sure what is up!

We could use some packing fairies, wrist healing fairies, and be in good shape for her new gym try-out fairies!

Thanks and hope you are all well!

I'll keep you posted as we plod along...:)
Wow MSL it is all moving along quickly. I am sending you a box of assorted fairies, I am sure they will be helpful, plus you can recycle the box for packing.

THat wrist thing seems to be common at this age, I hope it feels okay soon. My 12 year old has just started complaining about her wrist too.

COngrats on finding your next new home.
Wow MSL it is all moving along quickly. I am sending you a box of assorted fairies, I am sure they will be helpful, plus you can recycle the box for packing.

THat wrist thing seems to be common at this age, I hope it feels okay soon. My 12 year old has just started complaining about her wrist too.

COngrats on finding your next new home.
Thanks! Hope your dd's wrist is ok also! Keep us posted!
WHOAH! Welcome to Texas, land of huge houses for not lots of $$$ (compared to Cali and probably Florida too I'm guessing!) I don't know what Florida schools are like, but all the schools here look so very new compared to the ones I lived near in California! When I comment on that my neighbors look at me like I'm crazy. Maybe I'm easily impressed, but I sure am grateful.

Best of luck with the try outs, and here's hoping DD's wrist feels better soon! Gymnastics is super popular here, I'm sure you and your family will make great friends very soon :)
MSL529 - sending you the extra faries along with a bottle of wine and a box of chocolates to help out with the stressful times.

Congrats on finding the right house - I hope you find a great gym for DD!
MSL529 - sending you the extra faries along with a bottle of wine and a box of chocolates to help out with the stressful times.

Congrats on finding the right house - I hope you find a great gym for DD!
Thanks so much! I will definitely take you up on those treats you suggested!

Here's a cool twist--One of the gyms that dd wants to try (and one that is thus far sounding like a really nice place, according to all my e-mails w/ the HC) will be at her last Prep-Op meet here in FL in 2 weeks! So we are going to try to meet up & have her meet their coaches and they will try to see her compete. Pretty funny, eh?
Oh that sounds perfect, they will se what a lovely performer she is, any coach would love to have a vaulter with her power.

How's the packing coming along?
Oh that sounds perfect, they will se what a lovely performer she is, any coach would love to have a vaulter with her power.

How's the packing coming along?
Thank you! Now she is nervous about the!

Packing...well...hmmm...I bought packing tape today!

We were actually going to wait to get serious w/ packing until the home inspection was done. Just in case there was something hugely wrong w/ the house & we needed to back- out! No official paperwork yet, but per our realtor, it went well today.

So, packing will probably commence this evening, beginning w/ a glass of wine from the virtual bottle Kristilyn sent! Luckily, we kept all our boxes from when we moved here, and we left about 1/4 of the stuff packed! So that should help....


I'll keep you posted.
I still have stuff in boxes from when I moved to this house in 1996. I also have things in boxes in the UK from 1989 when I moved to Canada!!!
I still have stuff in boxes from when I moved to this house in 1996. I also have things in boxes in the UK from 1989 when I moved to Canada!!!
I LOVE IT! I don't even miss the stuff we never unpacked. Amazing how much junk we accumulate that we really don't need. We will have a nice big garage when we move, so the idea of just leaving most of it in boxes in the garage sounds delicious at this point.

Now I don't feel so bad! I just cannot wrap my head around this issue of packing boxes again! I feel like just throwing plates in w/ books, etc. I really just don't care!

You should really go thru your 1989 box, Bog! You would have such a laugh, who KNOWS what you'll find in there?! Judging from the pic you posted in the CB Gallery from your 'younger' days, your 80's were pretty happening. Might be fun....
My friend just posted pics of us on her facebook account, OMG the 80's were a riot. I made my mum burn my diaries at some point in the 90's as I couldn't bear the thought of them getting out!!! I still have lots of LP's, my alternative days were fun. I think I'll leave them to my kids they'll finally know the truth about Mum.

Packing is really a challenge as we accumulate stuff so quick, sometimes I wish I was a nomad, you know tent, clothes that's it! Yearning for my backpacking student type days I guess.

I"ll be thinking of you packing,here we are going to drop into the -30's deep freeze for the next week or so, I may not leave the house for a while, except for the gym that is! Finally feels like meet season, frikkin freezin.
Our 'office' is actually a bunch of boxes from when we moved here. Those boxes are filled with junk that was probably in them from the apartment moving days! I really can't stand packing. maybe if we move and my kids are old enough to be put to work it won't be so bad? I kid! would be nice if they were old enough to pack their own stuff!

Bog, I don't know you can function in -30!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Super human or something for being able to cope. Sometimes I go outside when it's barely freezing here, and the very act of breathing makes me want to cry. My throat closes up, or it makes my nose burn. I've discovered that ears are also a conduit to cold, sometimes it feels like the ice is going to my brain through them!
Bog, I don't know you can function in -30!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Super human or something for being able to cope. Sometimes I go outside when it's barely freezing here, and the very act of breathing makes me want to cry. My throat closes up, or it makes my nose burn. I've discovered that ears are also a conduit to cold, sometimes it feels like the ice is going to my brain through them!

Here is the link to todays weather, it makes me want to hide for the next few days. We just cover everything up and don't linger too long outside.

Link Removed

Summer here is divine though.
Sorry to move the subject from the 80's-which is always good fodder for silly conversations!

I have had a few moment to visit CB, and regret I can't post more. There are so many threads I'd like to reply to & congratulate people, wish them luck, etc.!

We are about 1/3 packed, the movers are coming Thursday, and we feel like we are on schedule.

Dh is leaving before the movers come, so he can get some work done in TX before we close escrow on the house (lots of crazy work-related stuff, I can't even go into it-he's been a real trooper).

I get to supervise the movers, meet the landlord (& try to get as much of the deposit back as possible!), then leave (w/ my girls & the cat), & get to dd's Prep-Op meet. I then have to haul butt up to TX from the meet in Orlando & hopefully get there 2 days later in order to sign escrow papers! EEEEK! :eek:

We had a scare the other day when dd came home from gym w/ a fever. I thought, 'oh dear, that is just what we need, for the rest of us to get sick in the middle of all this moving & time-crunch stuff!' But she was fine by the next day, so I hope we all stay well. I am just glad we have been pretty healthy so far and have gotten so much done. Her wrist is ok as well (it has been hurting her). The MD said to take it as easy as possible on the wrist, but she can still compete, yay!

Anyway, prayers & good wishes for a smooth & healthy next 5 (or so) days would be greatly appreciated! :cool:

Thanks for listening to my boring update.....
Hey - I have not been around much lately - but wanted to say Good Luck w/ the new house, the move, the meet, the drive to TX, the new gym choices....... Well, with all of it !!!
MSL, sorry for the hijcking.

SOunds like the moving is going as well as can be expected, I'll be thinking of you this week. I can only imagine how stressful this is. I hope DD is in great shape for her last prep op meet.

msl - your moving update is not boring at all!!

I hope the moving is going to go well, but I am sure you are very well organised with everything!
And I sure also hope for your dd to stay healthy. Glad to hear her wrist is OK now as well!!
Thank you!

Dd ended up w/ a cold after her fever last week, and she is recovering. Hopefully, she will be well for her meet this weekend, if she doesn't overdo it at practice. Several of her gym-mates are down w/ the same thing. Plus, a family friend apparently had Influenza 'A' this past weekend!! I feel so bad for them, and I hope it doesn't spread too much. Influenza is one NASTY bug to have. I know, I had it once when my kids were little. I literally could not move for several days. And I normally just take a bunch of sudafed/tylenol and slog through my colds. Influenza is different. WAAAYY!

I have to admit, I am a bit nervous (selfishly) about getting really sick in the next 6 days! Hubby is on his way to TX already, and I have the movers coming Thurs. I am mostly packed (Dh did most of it, he's such a machine), but I still have to touch-up paint, etc. Then, I'll be on my own driving my girls to dd's meet, & then on to TX. If I end up flat on my back somewhere w/ the flu, it is not going to be pretty! Lots of prayers are most cherished from you all at this point! But I know we'll get through, come what may! We always do!

I'll be w/out my computer after Thurs for a while, so, all the best to my fellow CB-ers! Can't wait to check in from our new digs and see how everyone is!

Take Care! Have a great rest-of-the-week, and best of luck to all those competing this weekend! :)
Just saw this thread, I never check the Off Topic area.

Good luck to your DD this weekend and good luck to you all with the move!!
I hope your dd is feeling better by the weekand so she can enjoy her fairwell meet and you stay well .Have a safe drive to Texas.

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