Hi All!
I have JUST gotten my computer hooked up to the internet. It's a temporary 'jerry-rig' until we get our home office up and running, so I may be on & off the internet still, for a while.
I wanted to say thanks for the well wishes, and let you all know we are here in TX, and doing just fine!
DD was healthy for her meet---thank you so much---, did ok, that report is to come later. The girls & I drove for two days to from FL to TX, and it went great. NO problems, and we arrived safely, yay!
The movers came Monday, and as of today, I would say we are about 85% unpacked. We had ice all over the ground our 2nd morning, and took a bunch of pics, I'll post them later. It was a fun change of weather/scenery for us!
DD had her 1st gym try-out tonite. I thought it went great. It's right here in our town, 10 mintues away! However, SHE is not sure about it yet. I don't know what bug is up her butt, but she just won't be satisified until she tries the other two gyms I mentioned to her. I would LOVE it if the one here in town turned out to be her fave. The other two will be 10-15 minutes longer as the driving goes.
We love our new digs. So much more space and very pretty---we have a forest in or back yard! However, we had a coyote running along our back fence yesterday, so we think we'd better not let the cat out, lest he become a coyote snack!
Hope you are all well. I look forward to when I have more time to get on CB and read all your posts and see how you all are!!
Take Care