Parents "My back hurts"

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Proud Parent
Dec 22, 2010
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My dd is 6, trains 9 hours a week and is training L5 (for a yr from now, gym won't compete her L4). My dd says that her back hurts. Her gym was on vacation last week and prior to the week off, she did tell me on the last day, that her back was hurting. During the week off she was fine. She went back to gym yesterday and now this morning told me that her back was hurting again. I emailed one of her coaches this morning, just to get her thoughts and to see if they have been working something new. I haven't heard back yet, but thought I'd post a quick question here to see what CB thoughts are. I'm not looking for medical advice. Can skills like fly springs, ROBHS and the vault cause them to have the back pain? Is it normal? I don't want her to be in pain. :(

Thanks for reading/responding. :)
hmmm....not sure what a fly spring is,'s really hard to say, since everyone's body is different and different training methods, skills, etc., affect everyone differently. I would try to get more info from your DD and wait to hear back from the coach about any new drills, conditioning, etc., that they may have been doing. Try to get DD to be more specific about the pain as well. And, if it continues, I would take her to an orthopedic doc just to get checked out.
Back walkovers, front walkovers, bridges and limbers can be brutal on the lower back. Even more so in girls with poor shoulder flexibility. My DD just had surgery for stress fractures in her lower spine, and let me tell you this is NOT FUN. So take her to see a doctor, preferably an orthopedic one with experience in sports injuries.

Discuss this back pain with her coaches, ask them if her shoulders are flexible enough for her to be doing all the skills. Explain about the back pain. I would also let them know that any skills that cause pain should be skipped until you have consulted a doctor.

But frankly if she is having back pain with any skill, she probably shouldn't be doing that skill.

I am coming from a different place than many people, but backs are for life and you only get one. SO treat it right and maybe your DD will not end up like mine.
Back walkovers, front walkovers, bridges and limbers can be brutal on the lower back. Even more so in girls with poor shoulder flexibility. My DD just had surgery for stress fractures in her lower spine, and let me tell you this is NOT FUN. So take her to see a doctor, preferably an orthopedic one with experience in sports injuries.

Discuss this back pain with her coaches, ask them if her shoulders are flexible enough for her to be doing all the skills. Explain about the back pain. I would also let them know that any skills that cause pain should be skipped until you have consulted a doctor.

But frankly if she is having back pain with any skill, she probably shouldn't be doing that skill.

I am coming from a different place than many people, but backs are for life and you only get one. SO treat it right and maybe your DD will not end up like mine.

Aww Bog. ;) Thank you for your response. How is she doing?
She is doing remarkably well. But recovery is a long road. She has been unable to do any sports for nine months since the diagnosis, and that took two years to get. She did pyshio for 7 months to see if that would heal the issue, only at the point that the doc realised there was no imprvement did her decided that surgery was the answer for her pain.

After the surgery she can do nothing at all for three months, not even lift anything bigger than five pounds or twist her spine at all. After that she will be gradually allowed to return to some activities, depending on the bone growth. In a years time she may be released for full activities, but that will never include gymnastics or tramp.

She can walk up and down stairs and is sleeping a lot better than last week. She does have a seroma on her incision that is bothering her, but that will resolve it self. She is missing all the end of year activities at school, but things were planned this way so that by summer she would be able to go in a swimming pool, even though she will not be able to swim at all.

It is hard to imagine that my full of energy, always flipping little one could end up dealing with this, but it is a reality and gymnastics did cause it. I do love gym, but really pain is a signal to investigate, not to push through. My DD was misdiagnosed along the way, this of course contributed to the severity of the issue.

Oh she is also BORED!
Bogs advice is excellent. Please see a doctor if the pain continues. Back pain or injuries are potentially very serious and should not be ignored. I hope it is not serious. Good luck!
Take her to an ortho, preferably one who gets sports and children. Don't wait. As Bog said, back walkovers, back handsprings, backbend all hard on lower back. I def would not wait. They know their body and know if they are in pain.
You've already gotten a lot of good advice, so I just wanted to say that I hope her back feels better soon!
Absolutely have her seen. It may be simple muscle soreness or strain due to some skill/s she is doing, but she may need to back off, do some stretches or strengthening---better safe than sorry.
hmmm....not sure what a fly spring is,'s really hard to say, since everyone's body is different and different training methods, skills, etc., affect everyone differently. I would try to get more info from your DD and wait to hear back from the coach about any new drills, conditioning, etc., that they may have been doing. Try to get DD to be more specific about the pain as well. And, if it continues, I would take her to an orthopedic doc just to get checked out.

a flyspring is a front flip flop.
My dd is 6, trains 9 hours a week and is training L5 (for a yr from now, gym won't compete her L4). My dd says that her back hurts. Her gym was on vacation last week and prior to the week off, she did tell me on the last day, that her back was hurting. During the week off she was fine. She went back to gym yesterday and now this morning told me that her back was hurting again. I emailed one of her coaches this morning, just to get her thoughts and to see if they have been working something new. I haven't heard back yet, but thought I'd post a quick question here to see what CB thoughts are. I'm not looking for medical advice. Can skills like fly springs, ROBHS and the vault cause them to have the back pain? Is it normal? I don't want her to be in pain. :(

Thanks for reading/responding. :)

Bog is right. and i will add that if it has been 2 weeks you need to get to the Doc. in the meantime, the coaches need to indentify what is hurting it the most and then modify accordingly.:)
As others have said, definately get it checked. I would imagine there are some conditioning exercises she can do on her core which will help though, especially exercises on a ball. However, I'd wait to get the all clear from the dr first then talk to her coaches. I generally find that the gymnasts who have flexible backs or stiff shoulders are the worst off for back pain!
Bog is right. and i will add that if it has been 2 weeks you need to get to the Doc. in the meantime, the coaches need to indentify what is hurting it the most and then modify accordingly.:)

Thanks to everyone for your thoughts, concern and well wishes; very nice and very much appreciated. ;) Dunno, just to clarify, she told me that her back hurt about a week and a half ago, the day after her last day of gym before the week off and it never hurt during the week off. She went to gym yesterday for the first time since her week off and told me this morning that her back AND stomach hurt. This morning in the car, she listed off a lot of conditioning things (captain hooks and leg lifts, etc.) that she did yesterday and I'm sure that is why her stomach is sore, but the back just scares me. When we first started, the coach did talk to me about her shoulder flexibility and how she was tight, but they haven't said anything since. I plan on asking. My dd, told me that among the fly springs and vaulting yesterday, they did bridge walks...which she doesn't particularly like.

Bog, I feel so bad for you and your daughter...really makes me think twice about letting my dd do gymnastics. Hugs to you and your daughter. ;)

I'm going to make an appt with the Ped. and get a referral. Thanks again.
Bridge walk+inflexible shoulders=very sore back

Tell the coach she cannot do lower back stuff until her shoulders become more flexible. They can be worked, but it has to be often and focussed.

Let us know what the ped says.
If my DD is complaining she knows a DR visit is coming. The back is nothing to fool with so go and have her check out. With that said alot of the repetitive drills learing tumbling especially can and will eventually cause some type of back pain whether its from over use, brusing etc.

you have alot of great advice here hope your DD will be ok.
My dd got back pain last year. As soon as she told me she went straight to a physio. They told me because my dd has a very flexible back she wasn't using her arms to go back in bwo but using her back. So now she has exercise that she does to make her use her arms first. Since that happens she hasn't really had any problems.
My dd got back pain last year. As soon as she told me she went straight to a physio. They told me because my dd has a very flexible back she wasn't using her arms to go back in bwo but using her back. So now she has exercise that she does to make her use her arms first. Since that happens she hasn't really had any problems.

My good friend's dd has the very same issue. SUPER flexible back (I mean, to the point of being "eeww!!!") and she is having a ton of back problems now. She was told the same thing-she was using her flexiblity instead of her arm strength to do BWO, etc. They are readjusting the whole way she practices now.

My advice with any gymmie that has pain-can't hurt to get it checked out-and checked out early. Could save them a lot of future pain and trouble, like Bog said. BTW, Bog, still thinking and hoping that your dd's recovery goes very smoothly!!!
I can't add anything new, but to echo what the others have said. Hope it heals quickly and she's able to adapt her training to not hurt!

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