My daughter's elbow hurts

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Apr 3, 2008
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My 10 yr old daughter has recently (this week) complained of some elbow pain when doing her bhs and sometimes her kip.. On a scale of 1-10, the other day she said 3 and today at practice 1.. She said it's not terrible, just hurts a little.. I'm icing it and motrin, but it doesn't hurt all the time and not when she's not doing gymnastics. I had a mom tell me horror stories about how it could be something really bad and she might never do gymnastics again.. I think it's just over use.. she comes home doing all kinds of gymnastics.. handstand, bwo, bhs.. etc.. I'm making her stop the stuff at home.. Any suggestions/comments would be appreciated..
If this is a regular occurance I would get it looked at. Nagging little pains do need checking out.

If it only happened once and it went away after icing and motrin then she probably just tweaked it the wrong way.
I usually will see if it goes away on its own in the next few DD not tumble this week either and let coach know of complaint. if not then I will make a trip to the DR just to make sure it isn't something really serious. Can't hurt to check things out. I figure if it hurts enouogh to complain then it hurts enough to get it checked.
I totally agree with Cher. Let her coaches know and see if she can back off on vault and tumbling especially---actually anything that causes it to hurt. See how she's doing in a few days of just resting it. If the pain comes back then get it checked out. There are some serious conditions related to the elbow and kids and some that just may need a little exercise to work out.
I made an appt with a pediatric orthopedic dr. I guess she was a former gymnast and is very well known in her field and is good at diagnosing. We go on 8/25. I wouldn't let her do any gymnastics at home and we went swimming today..Her coaches know and she's to let them know if it hurts at all. She goes tomorrow and friday. I will be icing it tonight and motrin, even though there's no pain. I want a Dr. to look at it, just for my piece of mind. Plus reg. season starts back up and I know they will be really working hard, come Sept. Thanks so much for the replies.

Jean :)
I made an appt with a pediatric orthopedic dr. I guess she was a former gymnast and is very well known in her field and is good at diagnosing.
Well, don't we all wish we have one of those at our disposal. Good move making such an appointment.
Hello, i am a gymnast and had elbow pain, after i threw my roundoff backhandspring on floor. the pain might be occuring in the backhandspring, is she doing it correct? if your arms are bent, going into the BH, the pressure from your wrists, contribute to the elbows, putting too much pressure. Ice the elbow 15min, several times a day, she probably, strained it, which needs rest.
Yes, her arms bend some doing the bhs.. She does ice it.....The pain seems to have gone away.....I'm still taking her to the Dr. just for my piece of mind...We got on Wed. will update.. thanks everyone!!!
Hello, i am a gymnast and had elbow pain, after i threw my roundoff backhandspring on floor. the pain might be occuring in the backhandspring, is she doing it correct? if your arms are bent, going into the BH, the pressure from your wrists, contribute to the elbows, putting too much pressure. Ice the elbow 15min, several times a day, she probably, strained it, which needs rest.
Thanks for the advice i sometimesalso get the pain for a little bit and then it goes away but it comes to me on bars :) i dont know why?!?!?!
My daughter had intermittent elbow pain (< once a month) for over a year...every once in a while she would say" my elbow hurts" but nothing major...until I finally had it checked out and found out that she had osteochondritis dessicans and needed elbow surgery!!! So if your daughter consistently complains of the same elbow and the same area hurting , i would go to a Sports Medicine doc and have it checked out. My daughter's diagnosis was confirmed by an MRI.
Just to add, with this particular injury, her elbow hurt the most when she did vault and FX.

i had elbow pain and my coach just brushed it off as "tennis elbow" but my mom wanted to see the orthopedist and it turned out i had a fracture on my radial.
Well i find that during practice sometimes if i don't have enough power behind the handspring it puts more pressure on my arms and it gets sore try telling her to have a longer hurdle and more powerful round - off, i also find that it is only on tumble track (1 strip of sprung floor so you can't go diagonal) it hurts because i have slightly less than a run up so don't have as much power. another thing is is she tumbling onto scatter mats?? they make a world of a difference of pressure like i seriously can't do a RO - BHS if there is no scatter mats due to lack of arm strength. Make sure she does them on scatter mats and builds up to floor.
My dd was diagnosed with panners disease. It is an over-use injury to the growth plate in the elbow. Untreated it could end her gymnastics. Treatment consisted of not using it and letting it heal for about 6 weeks.

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